Great work and good to see VIM1 still officially supported.
If I flash the eMMC version on vim1/vim3 will it still have the issue of kernel being loaded from the emmc instead of usb when I test the new builts? Or is this resolved in this release?
Also in 5.3rc kodi is there or kodi is just in 4.9 ?
So if you have ubuntu on eMMC, and also have ubuntu on SD card and is inserted in. Then the uboot is loaded from eMMC (we can’t change this) but the kernel and rootfs will be loaded from the SD card.
I just tested ubuntu on usb stick and it worked flawlessly on vim1 with kodi being the media centre I think normal. Home user can have a full desktop with this. I played 720p video on kodi and it worked smoothly.
Normal users can just flash ubuntu on eMMC and have a computer cum media center.
I would like to experiment with 4.9 kernel and build manjaro and kodi… Where can I find the kernel 4.9 and kodi source code used for this build?
Tried to install latest desktop version ( VIM1_Ubuntu-server-bionic_Linux-4.9_arm64_EMMC_V20190830 ) but i get exactly the same error message that showed up when I tried to install the former version time ago:
At a 99% of the process, when it’s about verifying the rootfs partition it ends up with the known error message. :S
after the installation some tailoring / modifications are usually needed. After that, what is the easy way to clone the modified and tested installation?
Is there a way to save the VIM1 eMMC content to SD-card so it can be used for cloning similar VIM1 installations?
Or is there a way to save the eMMC image so that it can be used with burning tool for the cloning purpose?
Yep, the most recent burning tool did the job.
Thanks for the hint !
Did not have enough time over the weekend to really try out this newly installed Ubuntu version. What I’ve noticed so far is BT sound works fine. On the other hand, 720p videos opened with the preinstalled Chromium Browser seem rather laggy (guess it does not make much sense to try out FHD within a Web Browser, then).
Haven’t tried Kodi yet.
What is the max. resolution supported by Kodi in this Ubuntu version ? FHD ?