DIY Case tuned Housing VIM2 + VTV + TONE-BOARD

Hello all, …

Want to have a VIM2 + VTV + TONE-BOARD all-in-one assembly ?
Look down here ! :wink:

Since I have my KHADAS VIM2 PRO, I alwars wanted to buid something looking nice, so I bought a red DIY-CASE…That was fine for the VIM2 itself, but when I wanted to add VTV board That wasn’t good looking anymore… After a while, I bought also TONE-BOARD to have the possibility to connect to my DSP … Khadas VIM2 + VTV + TONE-BOARD was less and less good looking and Khadas team don’t proposes in DIY-CASE parts, any VTV or TONE-BOARD module to have a perfect enclosure…

I’ve asked for modular assembly like a DIY-CASE with optional VTV board and TONE-BOARd modules in “DIY Case/Housing for VIMs” topic…
fred21 answed me with this link : Aluminum case for Khadas Tone-board (
Tsangyoujun from Khadas Staff answered to fred21 :
“Oo that’s smart! Okay we shall take note of that for future casing designs.”
But I’m affaid that Tsangyoujun was talking about new generation Khadas boards, not old existing VIM2…

So, inspired by the works of RDFTKV and Robert I decided to mount everything whith brass standoff to have a good old-clock looking module again, and I show you how to do so down below :wink:

First I thought to do it with parts that comes with the VIM2, VTV, TONE-BOARD and DIY-CASE, but before that I have to do mesurements to find out what should be needed to mount all boards togather.

Let’s go !!!

Lets separate this action un three parts …

Part one :

VIM2 + VTV mount need 4mm spacers (see picture).
VTV + BOTTOM DIY-CASE COVER need 12mm spacers (no picture - mesurement).

Part two :

VIM2 + TONE-BOARD need 7mm spacers (see picture).
TONE-BOARD + TOP DIY-CASE COVER need 14mm spacers (no picture - mesurement).

Part three :
TOP DIY-CASE COVER + (TONE-BOARd + VIM2 + VTV) + BOTTOM DIY-CASE COVER need 48mm spacers (no picture - mesurement).

In fact, as we can see, only some parts of VIM2, VTV, TONE-BOARD boards and DIY-CASE could be used, some others couldn’t …

In VIM2 and VTV boards parts I haven’t used anything.
In TONE-BOARD parts I only used M2x7+6 brass standoff parts.
In DIY-CASE parts I only used screws …

So I needed to order others parts to mount boards and case togather… (list at the end of this topic)

To fix VIM2 in DIY-CASE centralr module,
use TONE-BOARD M2x7+6 brass standoff parts and screw them through the VIM2 heat sink to the DIY-CASE center module.

To fix TONE-BOARD on VIM2, DIY-CASE bloc,
use ordered M2x4+3 brass standoff parts …

I’ve noticed that M2x4+3 standoff don’t fit exactly on DIY-CASE central module.
So I decided to file the threaded part of the TONE-BOARD M2x7+6 part…

Pay attention !!!
I’ve made a big mistake that made me lose time and needed extra work !!!

Don’t do that !!!
It’s an error !!!

TONE-BOARD M4x7+6 parts only screw 1.5mm in DIY-CASE center module !!!
Only the threaded part of the ordered M2x4+3 brass standoff MUST be filed to perfectly fit the DIY-CASE center module.

I repeat, ONLY ordered M2x4+3 standoff MUST have thier threaded part to be filed, NOT the TONE-BOARD M4x7+6 part !!!

Fortunatly, I’ve ordered M2x7 stanoff parts and found M2x20 screws in my garage !!!
So I cut 10mm threaded part of M2x20 screws, screwed them through the VIM2 heat sink to the DIY-CASE center module, then screwed the M2x7 standoff part on the 10mm threaded after putting some blocking varnish on it !!! The error has been corrected !

Next TONE-BOARD can be mounted on VIM2.

Use ordered M2x14+3 brass standoff and screw then into M2x7+6 TONE-BOARD parts screwed on VIM2 heat sink side.

Now it’s the VTV board to take place on VIM2.
Before doing this, cover of the DVB Sat & Terrestrial VTV plug module have to be removed.

Use ordered M2x12+3 brass standoff and screw them into ordered M2x4+3 parts on DIY-CASE center module side.

Trace a 11.8mm line from the side of the DVB Sat & Terrestrial VTV plug-in module cover and a 7.5mm line. at the cross-pont, drill a hole to let the M2x12+3 brass standoff to pass trough the cover

Note that the mesurements writen on the cover (11mm & 7mm) are wrong values !!!
==> Use 11.8mm and 7.5mm instead !

At this point, you have to do some cutting work…
Take DIY-CASE M2x10 screws and cut 3mm long…

Place bottom DIY-CASE cover on ordered M2x12+3 brass standoff parts and screw these cutted M2x7 screws into the ordered M2x12+3 brass standoff on VTV side

Khadas DIY-CASE optional metal plate :
If ordered, Place metal plate onto bottom DIY-CASE cover, screw two ordered M2x4 CHC from inner DIY-CASE cover side to the metal plate.

(The two other ordered M2x4 CHC screws can’t be screwed into the metal plate due to the VTV power socket and due to the VTV DVB Sat & Terrestrial VTV plugs module.)
Optional metal plate is not necessary needed, but the editing is much more stable with it…

Join bottom and top sides of DIY-Case :
We need now 48mm brass standoff … tried to find, but did’nt find in M2 size…
So I ordered four M2x18+3 and four M2x30+3 brass standoff…

… and now we have four M2x48+3 brass standoff !!!

Now take two ordered M2x18+3 brass standoff and screw them into M2x30+3 brass standoff…
Next take two ordered M2x30+3 brass standoff and screw them into M2x18+3 brass standoff…

Screw alternatively 18+30 and 30+18 brass standoff into the four threded holes of the bottom DIY-CASE cover.

At this point you have to do some cutting work again…
Take DIY-CASE M2x20 screws and cut 11mm long…

Place top DIY-CASE cover on the bottom screwed M2x48+3 brass standoff parts and screw these cutted M2x9 screws into these brass standoff on TONE-BOARD side.

Job done ! …
Here we have a nice old-clock looking VIM2 + VTV + TONE-BOARD into a tuned red DIY-CASE !!! …
Soft buffers can be sticked on the optional Khadas metal plate side to have more grip …

Rear side (notice that M2x48+3 brass standoff are slightly curved, this is due to that Khadas DIY-CASE central module is supposed to let pass only M2x20 screws at it’s corners, not a 3mm wide brass standoff…

Others sides (same curves)

List of what we needed to :


  • Khadas VIM2
  • SuperDVB VTV board
  • Khadas Tone-Board
  • Khadas red DIY-CASE (or other color you like)
  • Khadas DIY-CASE metal plate


  • 4x M2x7+6 (Khadas Tone-Board parts)
  • 4x M2x4+3 (ordered)
  • 4x M2x12+3 (ordered)
  • 4x M2x14+3 (ordered)
  • 4x M2x18+3 (ordered)
  • 4x M2x30+3 (ordered)


  • 4x M2x4 CHC (ordered)
  • 4x M2x10 (cut M2x7) (Khadas DIY-CASE parts)
  • 4x M2x20 (cut M2x9) (Khadas DIY-CASE parts)

without boards and case = $1.63
because of my mistake = $1.85

Now you can enjoy VTV DVB-T-S image on TV and TONE-BOARD sound on your DPS power amplifier with a nice old-clock looking Khadas modular assembly !!! :wink:
Have fun !



Very nice DIY example. Also nice and detailed post.

1 Like

Yes Excellent, DIY sample :+1:
Welcome to the Tall Standing Vimtastic:
Where the Top can be the Bottom and Visa Versa and you can even sit it sideways;


Look like a sandwich :wink:

We only Jam good things in our sandwiches, as seen
Or are you saying your Khadas Case looks like Bread ? :thinking::sweat_smile::rofl::joy:

As I see no sandwich just a fine piece of Vimtasticness, nothing inbread here to see :wink:

This is a sandwich

This is Vimtasticness



Hi all ! …

Thank’s all, except Gouwa ! :rofl:
I’m kidding of course !!! :wink:

We can certainly also say that it has sandwich look, but what a powerfull sandwich isn’t it ?
Personnaly I prefer to compare this editing as and old-clock like this one :

the images I’ve posted on the topic do not really give a true idea of what it actually gives …
It is also a beautiful object…

Other advantage as Robert said,
it can stand sideways, I’not sure that a sandwich can stant this way ! :rofl:

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Hehe, the only thing in common between these two, they are both very meaty. :grin:

This is Vimtasticness


Bravo! That looks great! :slight_smile:

Actually @DerFu part of the reason why we don’t build cases for everything is to allow creative people like yourself to design their own cases!

@Robert I’ve actually been thinking about a vertical-mount case for the Tone Board + VIM for a while now…provides better ventilation. However @Gouwa has been like “Nope. No. Nada. Aha. No.”. :rofl:


What would Gouwa know,
He can’t tell the difference between a sandwich and Vimtasticness :rofl::joy::rofl:
No matter which way you look at it.

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Tsangyoujun, after using this assembly for quite a week long, I’ve understood that is not really a problem not to build compatible DIY-Case VTV or Tone-board enclosures … my kind of assembly is very effective for heat dissipation ! :wink:

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@DerFu VIMTASTIC! :stuck_out_tongue:

Feel free to re-post or re-tweet your creation on Facebook and Twitter. :smiley:

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Thank’s Tsangyoujun from Khadas Staff … :wink: :ok_hand:

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да все хорошо только как переключатся между выходом звука на лету с звуковой карты на HDMI
Yes all well only as will switch between way out understanding sound on the fly with a sound maps on HDMI

Hello @andreu7530

Sorry to answer so lately,…

I did not try to switch the sound output of the audio card to HDMI and vice versa, I mainly use this assembly on my home theater which provides me with much better quality sound than my TV.

What I can tell you with certainty is that on rare occasions, at system boot, when something glitches, it’s the HDMI that delivers the sound. At this point, I reboot the system and the sound card is recognized.

I don’t know if it is possible that the Android distribution installed on my setup can do such TONE1/HDMI switching.
If I have time, I’ll take a look at the OS settings.