Krescue, VIM2 v1.2, dump SD-Card > EMMC ==> BOOT ISSUE

Hello All,…

I think I need some help (@hyphop maybe)…

On my DIY Case tuned Housing VIM2(v1.2) + vTV Board + TONE1
I uses Android v7.1 Nougat + vTV APK.

To make a backup, I burned a Krescue SD-Card with image (15/11/2021).

Boot on VIM2 Krescue SD-Card by Mask Rom Mode…(yes,… sometimes it work !)
==> Krescue boot [OK]

In Krescue menu : (4) - Image DUMP. from < EMMC
On SD-Card, Krescue generated a 1.1MB file called VIM2…-bytes.emmc.img.zst
==> Dump of EMMC > SD-Card seems to be OK…

To be sure not to keep any corrupted blocks in EMMC…
In Krescue menu : (7) - Advanced - (8) - eMMC storage - (3) - Erase eMMC FULL
==> EMMC full erase seems to be OK…

Write back Android v7.1 Nougat + vTV APK
In Krescue menu : (3) - Image WRITE to… > EMMC
From Krescue SD-Card, selected VIM2…-bytes.emmc.img.zst previously dumped.

… ~ 10 minutes wait → Done …

==> Write from SD-Card > EMMC seems to be OK…

Power-off VIM2…
In Krescue menu : (b) -Reboot/PowerOff / Save**

==> Unplug VIM2 Krescue SD-Card…

==> Power-on VIM2…

=======> BOOT VIM2 … wait,… wait,… wait,… … … nothing,… nada,… nib’,… BLACK SCREEN :-\

@hyphop … any ideas, advices, have I missed something ?

Hello All,…

I’ve just recieved my brand new VIM2 v1.4 and thanks to her, I found out why I had a dump problem with my VIM2 v1.2 !!!

In fact, despite what we can read in this topic (unless I missed something given my level in English) :

… and more precisely in step 4 …

… which refers us to this file …

… and more precisely in this step …

triple press middle KEY_F only works with VIM2 v1.4 an not with VIM2 v1.2 !!!

To boot KRESCUE with a VIM2 v1.2 we have to put VIM2 V1.2 in UPDRADE MODE

VIM2 v1.2 POWERED-ON : Hold [POWER] + 1x clic [RESET] + Wait 3" then release [POWER]

All others buttons combinations I’ve tested ERASES EMMC !!!
That’s why my VIM2 v1.2 did not boot up anymore after dumping dumped image back to it’s EMMC :-\ …

… Thank to everyone for your participation in this topic :wink:

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1.1M too small for android backup image

i will check soon whats wrong bay be some regression with last versions

PS: please confirm if problem still exist ?

Hello @hyphop,…

Thank’s for replaying…

In fact the problem isn’t Krescue but VIM2 v1.2 itself !

The 1.1MB android image generated has the right size.
1.1MB is the compressed size of an empty EMMC image due to VIM2 v1.2 EMMC ERASE buttons combination !

I have to explain :
When I wanted to make a EMMC dump image from my VIM2 v1.2, I tried 3x [FUNCTION] as it is said in “Krescue boot” documentation file. But that buttons combination only work on VIM2 v1.4 (I experienced that) but NOT on VIM2 v1.2 !

Because my VIM2 v1.2 did not react to boot to Krescue by 3x [FUNCTION], I tried others buttons combinations as :
BOTH of these 2 combinations ===> ERASE EMMC !!!

What misled me is that afterwards, the VIM2 v1.2 was booting on Krescue !
So I thought it was good and I made my VIM2 v1.2 EMMC dump !
In fact an EMPTY EMMC dump ! (1.1MB size)…

If there is only one thing to remember from this mishap it is that :
To boot Krescue on a VIM2 v1.2 you have to use the [POWER] + 1x click [RESET] + release [POWER] combination key (upgrade mode).

@hyphop,… Maybe you should modify “Krescue boot” documentation file by adding a new line and modifying the other one as :


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Hi, thank you for your explanations! I’m new to khadas and I’m completely lost… While I understand some process, there is always something missing. How do you burn Krescue image to a pendrive or SD?
Then, as I’m not that fluent in english, what is the DUMP image? Do you need to put Android on the same SD as Krescue or will you have the possibility to get online and download Android from Krescue (like OOWO which is way simpler but doesn’t work with my VIM3L)?

oowow must works with vim3l

Hello @Chris_Swia

As @hyphop said :

but I haven’t any VIM3L, only VIM2 and VIM3, so I can only explain to you how I did on VIM2/3,
on VIM3L it should be the same method but with the appropriate VIM3L image file :wink:

Off we go !

I first tried to burn VIM3 image file with ImageUSB v1.5 (PassMark software, but “it didn’t work”.
In fact, it wasn’t ImageUSB v1.5 that was faulty, the archive of VIM3 image file I had downloaded has a bug !

So I downloaded another VIM3 image file and burned on an SD-card with Win32DiskImage.exe and didn’t tried to do it with ImageUSB v1.5 again,
but I’m sure that ImageUSB v1.5 is properly working.

My method of burning SD-Card, one between a lot of other ones I presume :wink:

DOWNLOAD board.VIM3…ver…, for you the VIM3L one :wink:
EXTRACT from archive board.VIM3…ver… the board.VIM.3.time…size…SIZE…date… file.
BURN board.VIM.3.time…size…SIZE…date… file with Win32DiskImage.exe on an SD-card.

Here you are,
You got a perfect working KRESCUE bootable SD-Card, enjoy ! :wink:

The dump image is an image file from the EMMC of your VIM3L.
If you want to try another OS on your VIM3L, simply dump the VIM3L EMMC using your brand new KRESCUE bootable SD-card.
You can dump the EMMC on the KRESCUE SD-Card if you haven’t enough place in it, configure KRESCUE to write your EMMC dump file on an SMB drive over you LAN :wink:
Now you can erase EMMC, install whatever you want on your VIM3L, test the brand new OS and if it isn’t suitable for your use,
simply plug your KRESCUE SD-Card, erase the EMMC and wirte your previously dumped EMMC back in it :wink:
Here you are again using your previous configuration :wink:

Android and all others archives used with KRESCUE are NOT the same format as the ones you download to do a classical installation.
So you have to download through KRESCUE the Android archives that are proposed by KRESCUE.
If you want a particular Android archive that KRESCUE can use, simply install the one you want by the classical way and the DUMP it onto your KRESCUE SD-Card :wink:

Hope that will be usefull to you,
Have lots of fun with your VIM3L and KRESCUE :wink:

If you want more details, you’re welcome.
I can give more details in french too but by MP only,
here I only write in english so that everyone can understand :wink:
