I solved this problem with a user script, the panels appear when you hover only, I previously laid out
in the branch Superceleron , the standard version
I understand this is an amlogic error?
along the way…
-pq.AllPQMoudle.en = enable
can the word “MODULE” be correct ?!
in my case , in this SDK,
WiFi everything works quite well!
router: keenetic ultra
the nominal speed of my internet is Dow.200- Up.20.
By the way, now I’m watching a torrent movie online, 4K, weighing 110 gigabytes, about 10 minutes, WiFi-5ggz, no brakes.
modem at a distance of 3 meters, and here I am writing from the phone.
in the end, after 30 minutes of testing the movie, WiFi was very stable, no brakes.
screenshot during the movie:
Not sure if there are issues on wifi, I am using netgear R8000 router, it has 2 5G wifi and 1 2.4G wifi running at the same time. for VIM3 with V200103 ROM, I can find the 2.4G and one of the 5G channel for my router. One of the 5G channel cannot be found.