What is the latest version of Android TV rom?

What is the latest version of Android TV rom?

Should be here:

Have fun!

Thank you for your attention

So maybe it would be worth to update this image to keep it in sync with non-TV ROM?

Hello, ATV is generously provided by superceleron, who volunteers his time. Like most, his free time takes a second seat to his personal and professional life.

Updates to his ATV will be dependent on his available free time.


Don’t get me wrong. I’m fully aware that most of the development is done in “free time”.

Question only is: does TV card cannot be provided with regular image? and client software as regular google play package?
If not: does such image cannot be generated when regular vim2 image is created using only few additional bits and pieces added to new image?

Fact is that TV rom is now a bit behind regular image and I’m only gently trying to ask is it possibility to keep tse two types images (if TV ext part must be really provided as separated image) without allocation anyone additional time?

I saw nothing wrong with your question. I hope my reply did not come off that way. It was not my intention. :slight_smile:

Sorry, I do not have the TV card, so can’t help with that.

Gentleness not required.:grin:


To compile TV support you don’t need to have TV card :slight_smile:

Hehe, yes I assume that is true, but compiling is outside of my skill set.

Hopefully one of the more subject-knowledgeable people will chime in.

Hope you find the answer. :slight_smile:

What do you meant that TV card? I guess you meant vTV board, right?

Same with Android Compiling, to build the latest ROM to support vTV Board, what you need to do is just change a value below:

diff --git a/kvim2/kvim2.mk b/kvim2/kvim2.mk
index fd1d40a..a272843 100644
--- a/kvim2/kvim2.mk
+++ b/kvim2/kvim2.mk
@@ -306,7 +306,7 @@ endif
 ifeq ($(BUILD_WITH_DVB_APP),true)


Can you post a link with more details on how to do the above compiling?
Using Vim2 and support sucks, might be an amlogic problem. The latest working I can find is Nougat version of AndroidTV

The latest ROM VIM2_Nougat_V190518 support vTV board.

Is it necessary to update for security reasons? Android 7 vs 9

In any case, on vim2, there is no 9 android

Oh yes you are right. I thought it meant the version but I guess it’s the release date. I searched on this forum for any announcement or info on the changes but couldn’t find anything.

There is a changelog in the zip but is it still Android 7.1.2 ?

update list:

  1. add VIM2 V13 support
  2. fixup Fan issue
  3. fixup Wol issue
  4. update boot logo
  5. update default wallpaper

what would be the best start to build a lineage-OS rom for the VIM-2?
would it be possible would i be best starting with and android 9, 10 or 11 build ???
are there any obvious impossible limitations i am not aware of ???

i got to ask as RPI-4 has a lineageOS build which is good but it sucks on the PI-4 as it keeps crashing for several reasons as do all the android versions i have used on the Pi, but khadas seems to be one if not the best SBC for running Androis OS’s on.

Hi @void0naught
We will suggest the SCV3-ATV below that developed by @superceleron:

Have fun!