Tone 2 for DIY (T2DIY) : What do we expect 😉

Any chance this board will have i2s in?

Any news on the Tone 2 for DIY? Q4 is about over.

Hello @nixem790,…

As you could read up there, DIY Tone2 project seems to be in standby mode or worse, abandoned !

No more informations from Khadas about this project here, on the forum, neither on Khadas Blog nor on Khadas website, for months !

my feeling is that as long as there are Tone1 “VIM Editions” left to sell, the Tone2 DIY project will remain in the pipeline…

Personally as this project is dragging on, I decided to do without a hypothetical TONE2 “VIM Edition”.

I already have a VIM2 v1.4 + TONE1 project which works very well (especially since I changed the VIM2 v1.2 against a VIM2 v1.4). Nevertheless, I wanted to upgrade it by modifying a TONE2 Pro to a VIM Edition one and connect it on a VIM3 v1.2.

Even if the installation of a 40-pins header on the TONE2 Pro did not pose any problems and the GPIO signals seem to be compatible, especially with the couple VIM3-TONE2 Pro (compatible power supplies), my project is also in standby mode because it seems that the driver used for the TONE1 is not compatible with the modified TONE2 Pro and given the skills in this area, I’m stuck !

For the release of the DIY TONE2 (“VIM Edition”) project, let’s keep our fingers crossed :wink: