After updating to Pie., FAN stopped spinning
I tried in the Android settings different modes and automatic and 1,2,3…5 speeds! The fan is silent. At the same time, the console is wildly heated!
What should I do to make the fan work again in Pie?
Try doing a factory reset and check again.
I’ll try it now! STRANGE I just updated it!
Have you updated by sd or by cable?
I updated via cable! Via UBT! Do you think you should try SD?
Factory reset did not give a positive result!
No, everything is correct here. Was the previous version all right with you?
What to say! The fan was working on it! However, there were glitches with PlayMarket and Android Webview was constantly closed with errors. And so in General everything worked on 7 anroid
Obviously, a software error, I myself do not use active cooling, but I gave you some recommendations by eliminating errors.
The only thing I can offer is to point out the problem in the branch of this firmware, I think there will be more fixes.
I do not have the Khadas Pie installed. At the moment, I have superceleron’s custom Pie(Debug) ROM installed. Fan responds to all controls.
Update: @CoTech This appears to be a known issue for the current Khadas Pie.
My apologies for not checking first.
remember guys there are 2 versions of this board, guys with version 1 have no issues, the guys with version 2 have the fan issues.
When i got mine that was the first thing i wanted was a good version of pie but when the fan stopped i didnt want to risk it and went back to the stock firmware.
One of the versions of android has a text file with it and if you read the text file there is an update that says fixed WOL, Fan issue and something else i suspect it was the same issue the android is built and test on a gen one board and everything works fine, gen 2 has some changes and it needs patched.
In any case, thank you for not remaining indifferent to the problem)))
So I should go back to NUGA for now?
Good to hear from you @BowerR64. Thank you for clearing that up.
after reading a little, the neighboring branches , I came to the conclusion that for half a year no one has solved this problem! Then 7ka RULES)))
Thats what i decided to do, i couldnt figure out hot to patch the celeron firmware, i read a post he had a fix or something and you “patched it” but it was a bit over my head or something.
I figured out how to patch with TWRP on other boxes but couldnt figure out how to do it other ways. The youtube video is what helped me with the TWRP on the other boxes i dont think i could of figured it out on my own. It took hours of over and over trial and error before i got it down.
I didn’t quite get the point? Sorry! I can’t find the relationship between TWRP and the blowing system not working?
In any case, thank you all! My fan is spinning again! NUGA knows how to promote it)))
As the Pie is a preview firmware, I assume Khadas will get the bug out on next release. Stay tuned.
Where am I going? naturally I’ll stay here!