Since the previous thread on this is closed but there was no answer –

When can we see a Volumio Release with MyVolumio cloud support for the VIM2 or VIM3 boards?

@hyphop any inputs on this?

The volumio team will tie up the loose ends with the latest kernel and internal review, then with @hyphop’s inputs for the final boot scripts a release date can be agreed. We’re close, release to be expected in 2 weeks, unless something really unexpected happens.
It will include all current Volumio and myVolumio functionality.


Ок we are continue for make release


Hi, link for the build please. Much thanks!:grinning:

Please update volumio krescue image to last version.

Hello, Krescue has been updated, did you check that ?
good day!

Hello! Do you have the latest version of Krescue?

I download new krescue image.
volumio version volumio-2.748
Latest volumio version for vim volumio-2.774.
Please update this image.


I hope Hyphop sees your request

ok i will check and update volumio images !
BUT: volumio same have standard update features

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volumio-2.748 cant update to 2.774
2 748 the test version.

did u try http://volumio.local/dev

And try to update … but after reboot version still 2.748
I download volumio-2.774 and burn it to sd card.
It work fine but i cant copy it to emmc.
Try dd if …
But after khadas dont boot.
And i flash it from krescue ver 2.748 and it boot again normal.

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OK! plz wait some days - i will check all :wink:


Hi, how can Volumio be manually updated on the emmc? What are the steps, kept poking it but no luck.
Via OTA it does not find updates and in Test mode after reboot it reverts to previous version.

Also what Volumio Image should be used if following these instructions to boot it from SD:

One last thing, any workaround for the reboot command not to shut it down and actually restart it?

Many thanks

Edit: found some answers here: https://community.volumio.org/t/volumio-2-on-khadas-boards/11509
So OTA not supported on emmc and the current version is too old and missing a few important fixes

As far as I understand, Volumio OTA is possible via sd, via eMMC to install via Krescue, and the third option - you need to come up with something yourself

as the manufacturer says, OTA via sd is in test mode, I don’t know how things are now

2.774 (2.779 launched in the last 24h) can be downloaded from the Volumio link I’ve posted, works fine burnt on SD, just tested. Updates will be slightly behind but newer than the emmc version which requires Khadas to update.

They also state this which does not work in my case if using the emmc Krescue build, reading through comments it might require a newer build than currently available on Khadas downloads site, where the OTA was possibly fixed:

“Restriction: Krescue images will not always reflect the actual Volumio versions as Khadas will not build a Krescue image for each Volumio version we produce.
After using a current Krescue image, the user can perform an OTA update to obtain the latest Volumio published version.”

please clarify, did you use Krescue initially or installed it on eMMC yourself?