Vim3L noob questions


You’ve got to stay with the nightlies. The Updates come down automatically via CE servers.
A lot has happened in one month. Over 25 Updates.

No idea about that.
If it’s a dubious copyright infringement service you won’t get help on the CE forum.

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Thanks, but this is android Pie (not android TV).

I understand that, but I just can’t upgrade (there’s no such simple procedure as on the Vim3 device).

I understand this and I am not counting on support CE forum :slight_smile:

As owner, I do not recommend, there are a lot of problems with device (even the way to install a new ROM, not the same as the previous one… every time, something changes and every time you have to look for an answer on the forum). On the contrary, I regret that I did not take vim3, well, or some H96 Max X3 at a price 2 times cheaper (but with 4/64).

you for what purpose use?

use device how android box.

for multimedia exclusively?

It’s exactly the same procedure on both boxes.
I run CoreELEC from SD Card and AppTV from Emmc .
The link you provided V2. (Sorry about my wrong link to normal Android)

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Unfortunately, in multimedia the Vim3l device is very weak (remember that I gave a link to the review and you did not play 4k content on YouTube?). However, I’m sorry, this does not apply to the topic of discussion.

I don’t like CoreElec downloading from sd, but I like CoreElec downloading from emmc!

Soon we’ll be happy with Dual Boot OS Emmc
I run the Vim2 CE Emmc and it’s super fast updating and doing thumbnails but that’s about it comparing to Vim3L and Vim3 running SD Card CE.
I’ve never tried SC ATV on SD card.
Is it possible ??

no, yes and this is not the best option, believe me, I am opposed to any, any kind of loading the OS with sd.

Yes, this is the best option !!

Can someone step by step (may be video instruction recommend) explain how to guarantee clear the EMMС device memory VIM3L device?
Unfortunately, I have a ROM that blocks the loading of any other boot image (by the way, if you don’t want to solve a similar problem, do not install superceleron`s ATV ROM), I was given advice here, but I don’t understand what cable is needed for flashing (any UART USB cable will do? sorry but i’m a noob :slight_smile:)?

use krescue for this

did you understand my problem? :slight_smile: Supercelerons ATV ROM blocks any other boot ROM (krescue) or installation over the network (no access to EMMC memory). I am now trapped :), I can’t install anything else, and Supercelerons ATV ROM have many bugs (it would be better if I didn’t install it at all) and has no auto-update (OTA update)… there is no desire to use this ATV ROM and can not delete/reinstall :frowning:

Yes, I understand you.
erase eMMC full

But, how? :thinking: krescue ROM do not start in boot (there would be no problem with my question).

rewrite krescue, maybe something happened to your micro-sd.

It seems understood, you need to flash with the USB Burning Tool and you can not?

I already tried this (tried 7 times :rofl:), also tried to install over the network (access to EMMS memory is denied. This problem arose only after installing ATV).

У вас сейчас какая версия андройд?
Просто Hyphop пишет о старых версиях андройд которые могут блокировать загрузку krescue

VIM3L.Android.TV_FINAL-v1.0-20191023.SC.emmc.kresq (old version # 1)

Yes, this is my problem :frowning: