VIM3 I2C - Android

Read / Write on I2C


I am opening I2C like this on android:

int Init()
if ((mI2C = open("/dev/i2c-3", O_RDWR)) < 0)
printf(“Opening I2C Failed”);
return 0;

	if (ioctl(mI2C, I2C_SLAVE, MASTER_ADDR) < 0) 
		printf("Cannot communicate with Master");
		return 0;
	return 1;

it works fine.

I write with this :

int Write(unsigned char* aValue, int aLength)
if (mI2C != 0)
if (write(mI2C, aValue, aLength) != aLength)
printf(“Failed to write to the I2C bus.\n”);
return -1;

	return aLength;

Also works fine.

But the problem is with the Read.

int Read(unsigned char* aValue, int aLength)
if (mI2C != 0)
return read(mI2C, aValue, aLength);
return -1;

If there is nothing in the buffer, I expect it to return -1. But it don’t. It read the number of requested bytes and it’s all garbage or old data.

If I write data from a slave, the function Read is ok.

So, the problem is why Read doesn’t return -1 or blocks until data is available. Any idea ?

Thank you!


@SimonAmpleman The next version of vim3 firmware can support khadas API, which has I2C interface.