VIM2 is dead? How to revive it?

The user confused the polarity of the power supply on the display, the display burned down and the VIM2 stopped loading.

I can see loop to receive the message in Linux uart:

    BL2 Built : 16:32:58, Nov  3 2017.
    gxl gb5491d8 -
    set vdd cpu_a to 1120 mv
    set vdd cpu_b to 1050 mv
    set vddee to 1000 mv
    Board ID = 10
    SYS PLL lock check 1
    SYS PLL lock check 2
    SYS PLL lock check 3
    SYS PLL lock check 4
    SYS PLL lock check 5
    SYS PLL lock check 6
    SYS PLL lock check 7
    SYS PLL lock check 8
    SYS PLL lock check 9
    SYS PLL lock check 10
    SYS PLL lock failed! reset...
    GXM:Fixed PLL lock failed
    TE: 309584

The update mode does not come even through MRegister Mode.
Is it possible to revive it?

Что происходит , если запускать прошивку через кабель USB , если замыкать М-регист ?

Тоже самое, никакой разницы.

Похоже это аппаратная проблема.

Видимо тоже в vim2 что-то сгорело, не только дисплей.

Confirm a few things one by one:

  • Above is all the printing log for a each booting, right?
  • You device now just reboot in a loop and print the log above, right?

The M-Register approach should aways work out in any case, can you kindly confirm again with this, sometimes a defective USB-C cable will have same problem :wink:

Good day!

I cann’t see booting, I can see this loop log only.

Vim2 just print this loop log.

M-Register does not work, I short two pads of M register and without release. And press Reset key. When I press Reset key, log does stop on 1 second, then I can see loop log again after. Cable is new.

Maybe it’s a defative device, does your VIM2 works fine at first? And can you take a picture and post here so we can get more details over the picture.

If the device is defative one, we will contact your for a return.


Yes, Vim2 worked perfect 1-2 month. Vim2 stopped working after confused the polarity of the power supply on the display…

What do you mean that on the display?

It is not my Vim2. It is customer’s Vim2. Customer connected HDMI display to VIM2 and confused display power polarity…

No idea does the wrong operation demage the hardware or not, as usually, the M-Registor way should always work out.


And accoarding the printing log, should be something relative with CPU.

Do you want to ship back to us to confirm and repair?

I think that CPU is dead…

Yes, I want to repair it.

PS: My VIM2 MAX work in my car every day. Thank you for the good device. And I want to try Edge-v on the future. :slight_smile:

@kenny will contact you for the details soon.

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Thank you!!!

hi davemf,
it seems like that the capacitor(location: C128) has been lost, and the tow pad is short circuit whit something. can you kindly confirm Is it related to this?(may be you have a soldering iron or something like that, just disconnect the short circuited and boot the system again. )


Ok, I’ll checking it in the evening.

Thank you, kenny!

I checked it.
It does not has short circuit.
I can see loop log only.

I think, the capacitor has been lost after removing the cooling system.

my khadas vim2 also died unexpectedly. When turned on, the white LED lights up. there is no power supply on ports. If you connect an HDMI cable and supply power, the white LED lights up immediately and stays on.
M-Register does not work.
Linux uart is silent.
Help. What should I do with him?

I sent vim2 to aftersaller service on China.