This is the old installation guide and is not necessary anymore. You no longer need a USB and the image is accessible on the device itself with OOWOW. See replies below for more info on the updated guide.
For other newbies like myself, here’s an updated version of @pappicio’s image with the language set to English and the “AppArmor” and “CGroup” issues fixed.
There are 2 images to choose from. The first image will keep the LED on the device at default (on). The second image will instead set the LED light to ‘off’ after every boot. Choose whichever one you prefer.
Note: Use a USB drive as using an SD card did not work for me, unless using a USB SD card reader.
Put .zst file (no need to extract) onto a USB drive and insert into the device
Open OOWOW by holding the ‘function’ (middle) and pressing the ‘reset’ (right) button
When OOWOW starts, select ‘Exit’ as we’ll connect ethernet/wi-fi later
Select ‘Write image to eMMC’
Hit ‘Enter’ to select ‘…/’
Select your USB drive
Select the image .zst
Hit ‘Enter’ to select ‘Write’
Once completed, reboot the system
There are two logins (make sure to change these):
root with password root and
pi with password pi
Once logged in, connect your ethernet cable or set up Wi-Fi by running:
nmcli dev wifi rescan
nmcli dev wifi list
nmcli dev wifi connect "your network name" password "your network password"
ip addr show
Take note of your host IP address under your network adapter (eg. wlan0) and open HOSTIP:8123 (eg. in your browser. It might take a few minutes to appear.
PLEASE NOTE: Make sure to update Home Assistant immediately after setup, enable 2FA on Home Assistant (for good measure) and change the default logins on the VIM1S.