VIM1/VIM2 Ubuntu 18.04 Linux 4.9 V1.0-210112 OTA Release

Here we release new Ubuntu OTA update V1.0-210112 for VIM1/VIM2.

Change logs:

Vendor u-boot(2015.01) & linux (4.9)

  • Linux

    • Linux 4.9.241
    • add vfm grabber driver for hardware decoding
    • update ge2d drivers
  • Ubuntu

    • update ge2d libraries & headers
    • update ion libraries & headers

Upgrade guidance:

Based on image V191231.

khadas@Khadas:~$ sudo apt update
khadas@Khadas:~$ sudo apt full-upgrade
khadas@Khadas:~$ sync
khadas@Khadas:~$ sudo reboot

Fully Installation

You can refer to GitHub Actions to download the fully images for all Khadas boards (VIM1/VIM2/VIM3/VIM3L/Edge).

About Hardware Decoding

Here is a demo about how to use the hardware decoding driver.

In this demo, uses hardware decoding, hardware color space conversion with ge2d and hardware H264 encoding with a UVC.

Please check the README about the usage.

By the way

Ths images are built using Fenix scripts, you can use it to build your own image!

Have fun!