Tone2Pro 1.41 update, no bitrate indication

I was very excited to see that the v1.41 firmware update would enable HID volume control. This will be great with my Volume streamer! I updated the firmware on my Mac, and tested some tracks from the Tidal app, and noticed that the LED indicator doesn’t appear to show the bitrate information anymore. In the previous firmware, when playing a new track the LED would briefly change to a different color to indicate the type of source file, and would indicate the bitrate by the LED position. Now, the LED appears to just continue showing the preamp volume level at all times. Did this change in the firmware update, or am I missing a setting somewhere?

Hi Swarm.Jon,
We will confirm it ASAP, feedback later.
Could you help to prived the SN for us to check the batch?

Hi Kenny,

I don’t have the original box, and there is no marking on the unit itself. In the firmware update utility it lists the SN as 13A20078. Hopefully that is helpful.

Hi Swarm.Jon,
That’s info we need, thanks. we have already check some device today, but not found this issue, and we will check it again and feedback later.

Hi Swarm.Jon,
There’s somethine worng at the default setting, it can upgrade this special version vff.ff firmware to reset the default setting. and then upgrade v1.41 firmware again.

Hi Kenny,
I tried upgrading to the special version, then reset the power, then upgraded to the 1.41 HID firmware. The sound works properly, and the unit appears to show proper bitrates now, but unfortunately my knob has become unresponsive. I’m unable to get any response from any combination of clicks or rotations. Is this a byproduct of the 1.41 firmware?

Hi Swarm.Jon,
It looks like the whole upgrade process was not completed, confirm again, have you reset the power after upgrading the v1.41 HID firmware? (every upgrade operation need to reset the power again to complete the whole upgrade process)
The v1.41 will not case the knob unresponsive, if you already reset the power, could you help to record a video to show what you have meet?

I definitely reset the power after each firmware programming, and had no response. The thing that finally worked was to downgrade to an earlier firmware, then install the file you provided, then upgrade to 1.41. Doing this fixed the knob.

Hi Swarm.Jon,
Noticed that you are now upgrading to the general version v1.41. Before that, you had a problem with the HID version v1.41. coudld you upgrade to the HID version of v1.41 again to see if the problem still exists? Thanks

Sorry I wasn’t clear, I updated to the HID version again, and the knob appears to be working.

ok, enjoy this, please contact me if have any questions, thanks. :smile: