Tone, separate Data & Power Method 2 not working


I’m using this tutorial to separate data and Power

I’ve followed the solution 2. The board is On but no device on Windows. My Tone board is the generic version, and normal USB (from USB C connector) is working).

Any tip?
Thank you.

Hi Mr_Kholl,
Please check:

  • Is the GND of the data port and the GND of the power was connected together?

if that not work, @Eric68 will help you, thanks.

Hi Kenny,

Thank you for the quick reply.

No, it’s not. Only GND of the power line.

I didn’t see the GND of data plugged in the tutorial, maybe I’m missing something.

I’m using only 4 wires like the example. Pins 2 and 5 aren’t in use.

Hi Mr_Kholl,
Apologize for the above description caused you to misunderstand. We will correct the description on the blog later, thank you for your feedback. :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

GND needs to be connected to the data port and power port so that the USB data port can have a correct reference level. You can try connecting the GND of the data port and the power port together to see if that solves the problem.

Could you help to take a pitcture here to show the connection of the entire data cable and power cable?


Hi Kenny,

No problem at all!

Lets check:

Tone PIN 1 → 5V of linear PSU
Tone PIN 21 → GND of linear PSU
Tone Pin 3 → DM of USB cable
Tone PIN 4 → DP of USB cable

USB GND → GND of linear PSU
Tone PIN 5 → GND of linear PSU

you can try:

  • GND of linear PSU → GND of USB cable

Thank you Kenny,

Gonna try this, update you soon!

Hi Kenny,

Didn’t work. I made the exactly connections you said, windows don’t show the device.

Any other tip?

Anyway, I will try the Method 1 (USB C Splitter cable).

Please check this, thanks

I suggest you can follow my block diagram below.

There are some notices about this block diagram.

  1. Make sure that 40pin USB signal should not be reverse.

  2. Make sure that DM and DP should not be connected together.

  3. The connector of this cable which power and signal are separated should be better to use USB A plug to connect to USB host, USB C is not recommended.

  4. The connector of this cable which power and signal are separated should be better to use USB A plug to connect to LPS, USB C is not recommended.

  5. The copper wires of GND should be divided two kinds of wires, one is to USB host, another one is to LPS.

Hi Eric,

The connections you mentioned is exactly I’m doing here.

The only difference is that my 5V linear PSU is internal and has bornes + and - instead USB.

Anything else to check?


  1. Can you take a clear photo about the connection between Tone1 and USB Host?

  2. I see the picture you show, the color of the GND is white, normally, it should be black. You can check it. And can you take a clear photo about the DIY cable which the power and USB signals are separated?

  3. Do you have a multimeter to test the voltage of R28(any sides)? The postion of R28 is shown below.

Hi Eric,


1 - Ok I will provide you.

2 - Don’t worry about the color, it’s a custom 2pin cable, in this case gnd was white not related to DM wire of USB.

3 - Ok will test it.

Update you soon.

PS: I’m considering using Tone 2 Maker in the project too, is it the same pinout on gpio?

The pinout of tone2 maker’s 40PIN header is the same with tone1 about the USB signals and power.There are also some differences about them.You can find the schematic of tone2 from here.
The definition of 40PIN header is at page 9.

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