Tone Board error with Thesycon 4.11 drivers

It may take some time to deal with the problem,We have been testing these issues previously on volumio systems.

As far as I know, I have not seen relevant posts.

There are currently no plans to customize Thesycon drivers, and there are sure to be custom driver releases in the future.


many thanks for your availability and the quick reply.

I’m looking forward to see updates (to drivers or firmware) to further improve your TB (which is already an excellent DAC) and remove this noisy tone and use the TB to its best.

BTW, did you sort out this issue on Volumio?

VIM+Volumio+Tone,It’s working fine so far.

Having the same 1 second tone after a while in foobar, youtube, games, … seems there is something with the drivers. Are we gonna get some updates regarding that?

THank you


Simply put, if you are using a windows-based system and you installed the Thesycon drivers v4.11, roll back to v2.24. It’s not the same level of details (4.11 slightly better) and you will not access TB in KS more (if you use JPlay), but you will not hear this beep.

Didn’t try with other OSes (I will test Audiophile Linux soon). However, they look too driver-specific to appear elsewhere.

Let’s hope they will sort our the issue, also because I planned to buy another Thesycon-based DAC and I would like to use the last drivers…

I think this is somehow connected with the EVAL license stated at the end, however there should be drivers that work without those tone, even if there are some to pay for! If this is an error, even better, it means there will be another drivers with this excelent quality!

@Ben007, do you think that the sound is generated by the EVAL version? Or it may depend on the way you programmed the XMOS interface?
The fact the the tone was generated in a completely random way is not in conflict with the former hypothesis.

In that case, it could be worth trying with other customized 4.11 Thesycon drivers by other DAC producers that use the same XMOS inferface may work? (I found a few for other XMOS XU208 devices not sure about 128-QF as other specs are not as precise as yours). Or do you suggest us to refrain from doing that as it wouldn’t work?


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Great question!
As I know there were already V226 drivers available for some time.


I also found the driver v2.26 is in another folder in the Khadas TB repository (just cheked not there any longer).
I have found several v3.* and v4.11 drivers customized for other XMOS products on the web. But before investing time and risking the stability of my PC (you know Windows may react strangely when you play too much with drivers) I would like to have a feedback from Khadas people
(I know, we abuse their availability).


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Sure, please use V224 XMOS driver.

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Can we expect any new version of drivers? :wink:

[quote=“Urajmal, post:16, topic:3307, full:true”]
Can we expect any new version of drivers?
Windows10 and new MAC didn’t need install drivers V224 is stable.

This is true, you don’t need drivers. However, with more recent drivers the sound is better and even more refined. And also installing Thesycon drivers V2.24 the TB cannot be used via Kernel Streaming, which is the best way to use JPlay. And this is a pity, as you DAC is wonderful.

But I understand this is not your priority…

So, thanks for now, we look forward to see custom drivers.

I will be still waiting for the 4.xx version of drivers, this is so bad, that they don’t work as it should!

Will follow :wink:

There are new drivers available as of 19th of January. Who is willing to test it with me? :slight_smile:

I’ll do it later today on my work PC…
However, if they are even better than before and they still have that noisy 500Hz tone I’ll feel really sad… :slight_smile:

Then, If you use JPLAY, I was finally able to make it accepts the TB as a Kernel Streaming device. It is not deterministic, so I don’t know why that happen and if it repeatable (computer science is not a science in Newtonian sense…)

I installed the drivers Thesycon V4.11-EVAL, rolled back to the version V2.24, then I installed the drivers 4.11 of other products (the resonessance ones). When running again JPLAY I noticed that it was accepted as a “KS: Khadas Tone Board”… I was really surprised…

Then, I asked for an additional 2 weeks of license extension to test their new Femto Server+JPLAY7 now that I have the TB at its full power.
The sound is excellent, I really really love this DAC and in combination with FEMTO+JPLAY on a dedicated music server the level of details of the sound is amazing, body of the bass increased, trebles are maybe even too sparkling but I love this sound signature… (BTW I’m not affiliated to JPLAY in any sense, just when you really love something, you want to share, and I’m also pushing all the people I know to buy the Tone Board).

Well for me it generates beeps again, and as I manage to find out it is because:

XMOS designs only.
Locked to XMOS VID & PIDs.
Evaluation and prototyping.
Fully featured evaluation
version of Thesycon
production driver.
Beep tones every 5minutes
after 60minutes.

I found this on the page here:

The sound is remarkable the first hour!! I cannot even believe to my ears, when listening on my Mackies HR studio monitors. But sadly they are evaluation version which again generates those beep tone. Seems like you can get a paid licensed drivers, but not as a physical user, but as a company: USB Audio 2.0 Class Driver for Windows 10 and 11

Well, Thesycon business is selling optimized drivers to companies that sell XMOS based products.
Given the price of the TB we cannot really complain Khadas didn’t spend the money to buy the drivers… (yet).

Then, the last version of the Thesycon drivers on their site is v4.58. For instance, the SMSL SU-8 (the one I was considering as an alternative for the TB, well I’m still considering it together with TB for balanced setup) uses XMOS drivers v4.47…

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Completely understandable! The version that Khadas opted in for was 2.24, and I hope, they will buy one of the latest drivers for their boards.

I did get full version of Thesycon drivers, but they are not working as they are generated for other boards. Will keep my fingers crossed we get the drivers with never version one day :wink:

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