RE: NPU Demo and source code

@RKroells Which one firmware you use ?

Ubuntu V20200530 + full-upgrade … did manage to get and other the other newer images to run stable :frowning:

I don’t understand the meaning of this …

I’d rather get the NPU to work , but your 2 guides dont work.

So please provide more informations. What image you used??

Upgrade guidance:

Based on image V0.9-20200530 9.

khadas@Khadas:~$ sudo apt update
khadas@Khadas:~$ sudo apt full-upgrade
khadas@Khadas:~$ sync
khadas@Khadas:~$ sudo reboot

After upgrade please provide cat /etc/fenix-release & uname -a output.

[16:42:39] root@Khadas:/# cat /etc/fenix-release & uname -a
[1] 42024
cat: /etc/fenix-release: No such file or directory
Linux Khadas 4.9.241 #6 SMP PREEMPT Tue Jan 19 10:16:23 CST 2021 aarch64 aarch64 aarch64 GNU/Linux
[1]+ Exit 1 cat /etc/fenix-release

there is not fenix-release

So please point me to an update WORKING Ubuntu guide to test the npu demo

Can you please help me?

@RKroells khadas team is on vacation, they will come back in about 1 week or so…

oh thats why!! i have made purchase on Khadas store, and it still saying awaiting shipment ! lol

Well Khadas team Enjoy your vacaY !!!

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@RKroells If you use offical firmware , this file /etc/fenix-release must exist, this is one of the files we use to judge whether the version and update are successful

@ Frank,
Im extremely sorry, but this is simple not true in my case.

Ubuntu V20200530 + full-upgrade -

Ive now flashed your only stable working image multipletimes and it has no /etc/fenix- release folder. Either the download images i got is bad or something is wrong with the hardware… Basically I’m out of ideas.

It is /etc/fenix-release NOT /etc/fenix- release.

It has nothing to do with the hardware. You must did something not correct.


all i do is download your the Ubuntu V20200530 image fron your official website.

This gets flashed via your usb tool.

Then i boot device and do

apt update && apt full-upgrade

Then i reboot and then check for this nonexistent folder


@RKroells It’s a text file , not a folder

-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 360 Feb 20 11:31 /etc/fenix-release



root@Khadas:/etc# ls
adduser.conf                   hosts.deny           protocols
alternatives                   ifplugd              pulse
apparmor                       init.d               python2.7
apparmor.d                     initramfs            python3
apt                            initramfs-tools      python3.8
asound.conf                    inputrc              rc0.d
avahi                          iproute2             rc1.d
bash.bashrc                    issue                rc2.d
bash_completion                  rc3.d
bash_completion.d              kernel               rc4.d
bindresvport.blacklist         ldap                 rc5.d
binfmt.d                       rc6.d
bluetooth                       rc.local
ca-certificates               rcS.d
ca-certificates.conf           libao.conf           resolv.conf
ca-certificates.conf.dpkg-old  libaudit.conf        resolvconf
calendar                       libnl-3              rmt
chatscripts                    lirc                 rpc
chrony                         locale.alias         rsyslog.conf
console-setup                  locale.gen           rsyslog.d
cracklib                       localtime            screenrc
cron.d                         logcheck             securetty
cron.daily                     login.defs           security
cron.hourly                    logrotate.conf       selinux
cron.monthly                   logrotate.d          sensors3.conf
crontab                        lsb-release          sensors.d
cron.weekly                    machine-id           services
dbus-1                         magic                shadow
dconf                          magic.mime           shadow-
debconf.conf                   mailcap              shairplay
debian_version                 mailcap.order        shells
default                        manpath.config       skel
deluser.conf                   mc                   ssh
depmod.d                       mime.types           ssl
dhcp                           mke2fs.conf          subgid
dpkg                           modprobe.conf        subgid-
e2scrub.conf                   modprobe.d           subuid
emacs                          modules              subuid-
environment                    modules-load.d       sudoers
ethertypes                     modules.mainline     sudoers.d              mpv                  sysctl.conf
fb.modes                       mtab                 sysctl.d
fenix-build-time               mysql                sysfs.conf
fenix-release                  nanorc               sysfs.d
firmware                       network              sysstat
fonts                          networkd-dispatcher  systemd
fstab                          NetworkManager       terminfo
fuse.conf                      networks             timezone
fw_env.config                  newt                 timidity
gai.conf                       nsswitch.conf        tmpfiles.d
GNUstep                        openal               ucf.conf
groff                          OpenCL               udev
group                          opt                  ufw
group-                         os-release           update-motd.d
gshadow                        PackageKit           vdpau_wrapper.cfg
gshadow-                       pam.conf             vim
gss                            pam.d                vtrgb
gtk-3.0                        passwd               vulkan
hddtemp.db                     passwd-              watchdog.conf
hdparm.conf                    perl                 wgetrc
hostapd                        pm                   wpa_supplicant
host.conf                      polkit-1             X11
hostname                       ppp                  xattr.conf
hosts                          profile              xdg
hosts.allow                    profile.d

I don’t know why , I can found it everytime after I reburn the firmware

Maybe you can reburn a firwamre ? I see you have installed a lot of other software, maybe these software deleted this file

I managed to finally get a newer Fenix image to run STABLE
I always got bootloop once i did apt-full-upgrade

This bootloop stopped once i disabled UBUNTU Watchdog which I find extremely worrying.

This image has the /etc/fenix-release