Question on installing OS

Which system do you use? Android, Ubuntu, OOWOW or others?

Ubuntu, OOWOW, Armbian, emmc, and sd

Which version of system do you use? Please provide the version of the system here:

There is only one OS which I have found that works. All the rest is any install methods have failed. The one I found that worked was through the burn tool on windows pushing an Ubuntu24 with 5.15 kernal to the emmc. And RDP is broken on that so it’s hard to get into across the network.

Please describe your issue below:

OOWOW can’t find any of the mirrors in most menu paths. Specifically the wizard and the "write to emmc’ options end with network failures. Even if the wifi and the hard line are connected it says “network failure”. Other options in the scripts folders work but the copy of Armbian there was completely broken. There were other methods adn OSs in the OOWOW (latest) menus which all cause loop booting. I tried 3 of the OS there. The downloaded version of the Ubuntu 24 desktop gnome with kernal 6.9 downloads fine to my desktop, but the burn tool says the image is broken but doesn’t claim the server image is broken when I try the server version. Is there a definitive place for how to get an OS on this Vim3. Literally 95% of the builds and directions for getting this thing running don’t work on the official site.

Am I confused in thinking that there is a support gap when accounting for the price of these boards? They aren’t 30$ raspis. These boards rival the price of a laptop.

Does OOWOW work on a Vim3, or is it not supported anymore?

Post a console log of your issue below:

**Delete this line and post your log here.**

@Electr1 please help to check the RDP issue.

Can you check with this oowow image ? Network works on our side.

We will folllow up this issue here.

It is still supported.

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Hi @The_Texan just to confirm you used the 5.15 kernel image with the Gnome Desktop label right ?


I can try with that image of OOWOW, but I think I’m using the latest. I picked this one from the version list: vim3-oowow-240619.165-sd.img.gz I assume that is the latest, but I’ll use the one you just suggested which is labeled ‘latest’

latest image has verion 230308:

  • zip file: vim3-oowow-latest-sd.img.gz
  • unzipped file: board.VIM3.time.1678233600.size.17060261 .SIZE.67108864.ver.230308.000.oowow-sd.img

Most recent from list has version 240619:

  • zipped file: vim3-oowow-240619.165-sd.img.gz
  • unzipped file: board.VIM3.time.1718770121.size.17126045 .SIZE.67108864.ver.240619.165.oowow-sd.img

Seems like the most recent from the release list is actually newer than the release labeled

I think I need to stick to the Ubuntu 24 5.15 anyways because the 6.9 has bugs or something mentioned recently. Would be nice if RDP was fixed. I wanted these tools to work because I bought the m.2 expansion board and was going to put an OS on the m.2 ssd I bought, but I don’t see clear direction for that anywhere and with all the problems I’ve had with these OS installs, I’m going to just return all that stuff and the camera because I can’t waste weeks trying to get this going. I’m sure putting an OS onto the sdd through the NVMe is going to be another maze and I really just want to use the NPU. I’ll buy a Jetson to do my development since I don’t see a clear path here.