Problem with nvme memory

I had no issue writing to the SSD on Android 9 Firmware version 20190912. Not sure what is causing your issue. Hopefully goenjoy can determine something from the log.

Regarding the method you are using to physically mount the SSD to the Edge-V. Without a way to secure the drive, I wonder if a possible misalignment between the SSD and the M.2 slot could be contributing to the issue.

Browser Brave correctly downloaded in this localisation. I send this in kernel log

This log kernel when I try copy files to m2 disk with total commanger

What you give me is not kernel log, but Android log.
I carefully looked at the pictures you sent. Nvme disk can read and write. Are you mistaken?

Ok. Todey after 5 Pm I try lern whot is Kernel Log. And I try send You. Sorry for problem

A kernel log can be gained using a serial to USB adapter and a program called Putty. See here. The adapters are usually very inexpensive.

I send e-mail to serwis for information where I bay this adapter. this computer is from this shop

@Unappu I found one that is applicable for you, same from :slight_smile:

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Ok. Thank You. I try this

I make order. Two days I must wait for this delivery. Thank You. this is this program?

@Unappu you need to use your host PC or laptop…

connect the serial debugger to your PC, and select the appropriate COM port and use 115200 baud rate,
more info here:

I have now this tool. Please for instructions how to connect this to Edge V. I have 4 pins no 3. Red, white, black and green

I don’t see picture VIM in Yours instruction

The VIM’s guide shows the connections, for clarity I changed VIM’s to Edge-V…
Tool Tool Pin GND: <—> Pin17 of Edge-V’s GPIO
Tool Tool Pin TXD: <—> Pin18 of Edge-V’s GPIO (Linux_Rx)
Tool Tool Pin RXD: <—> Pin19 of Edge-V’s GPIO (Linux_Tx)
Pay close attention to the TX and RX lines. The tool’s RX line connects to the GPIO’s TX pin. The tool’s TX line connects to the GPIO’s RX pin.
Colors shown in this example may not be the same colors as yours…

A look at the Edge-V’s GPIO, notice the numbers printed on the PCB at either end of the GPIO connector. 1&21 at one end, 20&40 at the other end. You will be concerned with the end and row with 20. Specifically pins 19, 18 and 17, as shown here…

Once the serial tool is connected to the Edge-V, install Putty on your PC. Connect your Serial tool to the PC’s USB port. Once installed and running, some settings/info in Putty will be needed to be changed.

Baud rate(Speed) set to 1500000

Once all is set, click on the Session and click save.

Are you using Windows, Linux or Apple? We need to know what COM port the USB serial tool is on.
Windows example using the Windows Device Manager to ID the COM port…

If you are successful to this stage let me know and we will move to getting the log. :slightly_smiling_face:

Otherwise, Once all is ready to go, click Open at the bottom of Putty. Boot the Edge-V. Once fully booted you can close Putty. The log will be in Putty’s program folder. goenjoy may want more than the boot log, but by now you are an old pro and will be able to produce additional logs. :slightly_smiling_face:


Thanks a lot for the instructions. Is there a risk of damaging my computer if the pin assignments in my tool are different? I am very happy with my Edge V max and would not want to lose it. It is no longer available in Poland …

If TX and RX lines get reversed it won’t work but should not cause damage at either end. I have done it before, more than once, never any damage. The GND pin(17) on the GPIO should be connected to the tools GND(Ground) wire.
Did your tool come with a legend telling what each wire is for?
If not, assume Black is Ground, White and Green wires are RX and TX. The Red wire is likely “+” voltage/VCC, it will not be used, do not connect it.

I didn’t get any instructions from the store … I don’t have any description …