OldNavi Guitar ML AMP/CAB simulator project - Khadas’ 1st Community Competition

Hello @OldNavi

Have you tried nowadays? We have a system upgrade some days ago so the payment maybe abnormal, but it is OK now. Can you try again?

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Hi @numbqq

yes. I was aware about upgrade - before it was an issue with you site and PayPal integration. But in anycase it doesn’t work for me now too… I’ve tried just now - it still says that message “In accordance with the requirements of international law, this operation was rejected.” - perhaps it is an issue not on your side.

@OldNavi You can contact the email address of the colleague who contacted you about this sample before, explain the situation to her, and she will solve it for you through other methods

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Привет ,я так понимаю ты из России.Скажу так,на своём личном опыте ,у меня не было проблем с Khadas через PayPal.
Возможно тебе так же будет удобно воспользоваться купоном через AliExpress.

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Small interlude between chapters.

Whilst waiting for VIM3 Pro and for replacement all of sudden broken Atmega128 (which I was planning to use as HW controller) - I’ve decided to go with case design for my DAW/AMP/CAB/Whatever.
As I really love old style boxes - I bought some old fashioned switches from 80’s, rectangular leds, encoders and etc… And decided somehow combine them together…

After tons of attempts, sketches and other design work - I ended up with this one… That’s process is really hard - a lot of things needs to be considered, like case wouldn’t fit into the 3D printing area, so it has to be split into the smaller details… Some printing forms should be better avoid and so on.

So I expect my case will be the following

Arraging VIM3 + New M2X board

To be continued…

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nice and look like same as motu products

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Chapter IV - «Microcontrollers are everywhere»

My VIM3Pro is on the way to myself, many thanks to Khadas team, and specially to @sunny - did a really great job to send me a free sample, as PayPal (sic!) isn’t working for me, even it was in use since 2013…

I’ve done with body design and started a print process…

That’s gonna be long process, but I’ll devote separate chapter to it.

When we have to deal with Hardware stuff - I can’t imagine any piece of it without use of microcontrollers, almost any SBC have it on board. They are everywhere In my project - I’m using them too.

As my SBC is using mainline kernel, I’ve not output from TS050 screen (but it is added into project config) yet, due to the not-yet ready drivers from MIPI-DSI and so on, but I really hope that Neil @narmstrong will again do the brilliant job and will make them soon.

In any case I had a VU meters in initial design of a DAW/CAB project - but was thinking that it will do only dumb thing of controlling input signal. But due to the silent TS050 display - I’ve decided to make it more functional.

At the beginning I was planning to use just one Amtel Atmega128 chip clocked with 12Mhz, but after counting pin budget and amount of sensor I need to handle realtime - I made a decision to have an extra controller to deal with VU meters (based on NeoPixel leds ) and I’m using STM32F0x. Chip for that purpose.

At overall with 2 MCUs I need to control the following list:

1/ 12 Buttons - have to use them through ADC keyboard scan.
2/ 12 Single color leds
3/ 6 2-way Encoders with built-in button
4/ 6 2-color Leds
5/ 64 Neopixel leds stripe

All of them require 1 + 12 + 12 + 12 = 25 pins at least, so smaller Atmel chips doesn’t fit into the pins budget… + I need communication pins and so on… Firmware for Atmega is in develop mode now - but it won’t take much time… more time will go for soldering and assembling all together.

As for VU meter (64 neopixel leds total divided into 2 strips of 32 leds) - STM32 is better choice because of performance, even that small chip (4K RAM and 16K Flash) is running at 48Mhz, 4 times faster than AVR chips, and I’ve requirement to reach at least 30FPS of led refresh rate.
But (there is always but) - it is really memory limited - so I had no luck to use modern HAL frameworks from STM32Cube… as it by default eats half of the RAM for it’s own needs…
I had to write with pure CMSIS using register configuring, ISR designing and so on.

So, despite of very limited number of pins on STM32 chip, I had a luck to fit all I need:

1/ 4 ADC channels to control stereo input and output
2/ 1 pin to control NeoPixel leds chained
3/ 2 pins for I2C bus - yep, I prefer this bus, over UART, cause in I can run it in Fast Mode on 400Khz.

Very nice thing that STM32 chips have built-in DMA controller which is good for exact timing required to send data to neopixel leds as it very time exact bound protocol - no interrupts allowed whilst sending data to leds chain, 50 mS delay between transfers - do a reset…. It is possible to do that with Atmega - but then it won’t be capable to do anything else useful ( as it need good timings for encoders scan).

So just instead of using 2 by 32 stripes as initially thought - I wrote a firmware capable to do the following

1/. Use layout technique - ie - I can have 2 x 32 led stripes, or I can have I 32 led plus 2 16 leds stripes (either on top physical stripe or bottom). Or I can have 4 x 16leds stripes
2/ I can control a direction where VU meter show grow either left or right
3/ I can define starting color point, peak meter point
4/ I can control color and intensity of any cell for
5/ I can have a raw access (not attached to any ADC ) of any layout stripe - that is needed for DAW - for example I can use any stripe to show a pan/balance point, or use it as tuner, or show CPU usage — whatever I want
6/ I’ve control of over leds framwbuffer in direct mode - setting any led with their corresponding RGB value.
7/ every data is send through I2C line at 400khz fast mode
8/ leds have 30FPS refresh rate

As the next step - it will need to write a daemon or adopt sensei software to have a control over all of that…. And make it fully configurable for user needs.
As example, pushing one button will change sources and layout of VU meter, some LEDs can react to BPM pulse, encoders will control any plugins parameter and so on…

But that is for the next chapters….

PS: Whilst was writing this post - first detail finished it’s printing

PPS: Need to write some update to the first project… how could i forget about it


@OldNavi Great to see you sharing your creative process here. I can’t wait to see the final piece :grinning:

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Same here… :slight_smile: I also wanna see a final piece. Some design mix of modern LCD and buttons from 80-s.

Almost complete from panel look


Chapter V - " Life is like a box of chocolate"


Or won’t get at all. My VIM3 for the project won’t reach me, that’s sad news cause UPS is dead in my country. Thanks @sunny for helping me with that but seems there are things we can’t control at all.

Anyway, I’ll try to finish this project with a hardware I already have, despite it might not be powerful enough.

I’ve finished a design, and decided to give a name to the project - it is now
F.A.W.N² which stands for Flexible Audio Workstation with Neural Network. (so N x N = N²)
And I can use a fawn as a my own logo :slight_smile:

So now it is time for printing and assembling… this is kind of iteration process and half of the material goes to the trash because of some design or printing errors. Need to say that is a bit expensive cause I’m using engineering plastics which is based on ABS plastic armoured with 4% of glass and that required a set of modifications to my 3D printer. And of course that material has much higher price that ordinary ABS plastic. Needles to say - that printing at high quality takes a lot of time…

Anyway I’m progressing here…

Main body with partial electronics mounted.

Some side views of half assembly

Small update:

Body is almost ready.

To be continued…


Chapter VI - «Soldering, Assembly and that’s it»

Long time no see…. Well I have spend numerous hours assembling this all… and as I’m very unskilled in electronics - I did a lot of mistakes and had to redo things at minimum twice, including details 3D reprinting…

Most of issues came from noise feedback into analog chains due to the various reasons… eIther it was a ground loop from all of sudden happening when input jack is in or STM32 processor gave a lot of hiss when it turned their ADC (had to add buffering amplifier into the chain)… Or EMI is making SPDIF to go out of synchronisation…. Some of the problems were resolved or temporary avoided by disabling some functionality - at the modem VU-Meter is only working in «digital mode» showing values coming from sound processor.

Here are some pictures of assembly.

And finally all together

After assembly checked if TS050 works with android image…

And example when LEDs are blinking - I’m getting around -50db noise feedback into input amplifier because of some ground loop happens when I short down one of input channel to the ground via mono jack plugged in.

Anyway this gonna be resolved, at least I hope, by means of new and redesigned PSU (power supply unit) which I’m going to make «smart». It will be able to monitor state of the VIM board and initiate normal shutdown procedure on power button press, just like usual computers do with ACPI power button. Also it will receive galvanically isolated DC-DC convertors and that, I hope will eliminate any ground loops in analog domain.

How I wish that Khadas will engineer some new and simple «Tone board with ADC/DAC - without any XMOS codec (it doesn’t needed actually) as a «hat» on top of SBC like Raspberry PI has… That could be very interesting…

And decided to write a small demo with my humble guitar mumbling - of how it is started to sound…

Next chapter will be about love and hate in C++ :slight_smile:

To be continued…


@OldNavi looks interesting this piece is amazing :crazy_face:

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I’m impressed - Big Respect !!!


Chapter VII - «Love and hate in C++»

I love and hate C++. That’s it.

After looking at the way how to control all buttons, leds, encoders, vu-meter and so on - I had to make a hard decision to write a controlling software from scratch. And as requirement were to have it work with lowest resources consumption a decision was made to write it in C++ and perhaps just to train myself in it…. Python or any other languages are good but - this is not the case in current scenario.

So, I wrote «Chief»

An idea was to use a concept of backends - where single backend is responsible to communicate with different subsystems. As for now I implemented the following backends inside Chief…

1/ I2c backend - to work over i2c line with vu-meter… which in its turn is an STM32 MCU running a code to work with neo-peixel leds…

2/ Arduino backend - it is a core board, which handles all 19-th buttons, 12 ordinary leds + 7 dual color leds and 6 encoders + PSU control pins + UART to communicate with Khadas SBC. That consumed all pins available on Atmega 128A chip.

3/ System backend - well it is kind of self explaining - a backend responsible to run any command or program on a Linux.

4/ Sushi backend - this one is doing a communication work with Sushi DAW main program and responsible to get and send information like parameter changes of audio plugins, set BPM and so on… It does work over GRPC protocol aka protobuf and can control almost every aspect of DAW program

5/ Variables backend - it controls all variables inside Chief

Also every backend provides a set of commands you can run against it in a common commands pool…. Like turn some led on/off, set encoder value and so on, send a parameter to DAW, turn off SBC…. There are plenty of commands available to fulfil almost every scenario.

What is a variable inside Chief ? Well it is a special type of data (bool, int, float, string or reference) type I build on top of std::variant class . General any backend entity can establish a variable and apply some transformation on it… As example a peak meter plugin sends an information from Sushi in decibels in float format… but vu-meter just needs a number of leds to turn on/off - so I have a transformation function which transforms a float value from 0…1 scale to number of leds to activate automatically - every time Sushu backend receive it from DAW (that happens 25 times per second)

Also I’ve implemented a «sensor» entity and have a 5 types of it… Generic, button, encoder and multi state button and multi state encoder…. Pretty simple beast which is just listen to variable value changes and act accordingly …. However they aren’t just simple as it could be :-)))
Generic sensor can listen to any variable and as many as you want and
1/ Check variable against a some condition like variable is equal to, less or greater than, or maybe in some range … and fire a command if condition met… or can also run a set of commands just on any variable change… like this …

  - encoder_1:
      type: encoder
      id: 5
      where: board # Identify backend
      enc_id: 0 # Must match encoder defined
      init: '{{master_gain}}'   # Can be encoded as variable name or {{variable name}}, in second case it is value resolved at call time
      pow:  0.7
            # .  Reserverd word are   '<', '>', '=', '<>', '>=', '<=', '<..>', '>..<'
            # .  With their synonyms 'less', 'greater', 'equal', 'not equal', 'greater or equal', 'less or equal', 'not in range', 'in range'
            # .  only number scalar allowed with type deduction... ie floats or int or char
              value: 0.7
                - setdualled: [0, 2]
              value: 0.7
                - setdualled: [0, 0]
              - sendparameter: [master_gain, '{{board_encoder_0}}']    

Button and encoders are just an extension of generic sensor but bound to specific button or encoder entity in some backend…. And also contains a specific code for that type of controls… Like button can have put to 4 event handlers (on press, on release, on hold and on hold release)… Encoders are bit more complicated where you can set up min, max values, normal and fast speed increment and also you can set up a logarithm or revers log response curve on a rotation.
Multi state buttons and encoders are the same like previous but - they can change it state … it means that you could assign single physical encoder or button to control any amount of parameters in DAW… for example you can use encoder to control eq gain parameter by default, but if you press an encoder button - it will start to control a frequency of eq, next press will control width «Q» of eq and so on…

Also I’ve added a Presets entity - which is a just set of backends command to execute on a preset change command.

Pretty damn complicated ? Well yep…

All that can be configured via config file and I’m using YAML for that purposes, here is just few snippets from it…

  - encoder_6:
      type: state-encoder
      id: 10
      enc_id: 1
      where: board # Identify backend
        - first:
            init: '{{overdrive/HPF Freq}}'
                    - sendparameter: [overdrive/HPF Freq, '{{board_encoder_1}}']    
        - second:
            init: '{{overdrive/HPF Reso}}'
                    - sendparameter: [overdrive/HPF Reso, '{{board_encoder_1}}']    

or a preset

  - 'Grunge':
        - setled: [5,1]
        - setled: [9,0]
        - sendparameter: [overdrive/Drive, 0.2]    
        - sendparameter: [overdrive/Model, 0.4]    
        - sendparameter: [overdrive/HPF Freq, 0.2]    
        - sendparameter: [overdrive/HPF Reso, 0.1]    
        - sendparameter: [delay/Fb Mix, 0.15]    
        - sendparameter: [delay/L Delay, 0.8]    
        - sendparameter: [delay/L Delay, 0.35]    
        - sendparameter: [delay/Fb Tone, 0.1] 
        - sendparameter: [delay/Feedback, 0.07] 
        - sendparameter: [sdelay/sample_delay_ch1, 0.01] 
        - sendparameter: [sdelay/sample_delay_ch2, 0.03] 
        - sendparameter: [master_gain, 0.85]    
        - initAllSensors: []
  - 'Fire':
        - setled: [5,0]
        - setled: [9,1]
        - sendparameter: [overdrive/Drive, 0.95]    
        - sendparameter: [overdrive/Model, 0.7]    
        - sendparameter: [overdrive/HPF Freq, 0.11]    
        - sendparameter: [overdrive/HPF Reso, 0.1]    
        - sendparameter: [delay/Fb Mix, 0.15]    
        - sendparameter: [delay/L Delay, 0.8]    
        - sendparameter: [delay/R Delay, 0.4]    
        - sendparameter: [delay/Fb Tone, 0.1] 
        - sendparameter: [delay/Feedback, 0.1] 
        - sendparameter: [sdelay/sample_delay_ch1, 0.00455] 
        - sendparameter: [sdelay/sample_delay_ch2, 0.00183] 
        - sendparameter: [master_gain, 0.84]    
        - initAllSensors: []   

Well to wrote that and debug (it had to be done on SBC only) took a huge amount of work, but now it works like charm and takes no more than 1% of CPU usage. In further plans is add more backends - like a pedal board over USB.

Here is a short video with example

In any case next chapter will be final with some demos, as work for this competition is almost done…

Both my projs together…

PS: By the way - I had successfully ran a NeuralPI guitar plugin - which using neural network LTSM models to emulate sound of some guitar rigs. Taken from here GitHub - GuitarML/NeuralPi: Raspberry Pi guitar pedal using neural networks to emulate real amps and effects.. Unfortunately it runs on CPU as for now as I don’t have any clue how to use Amlogic NN for it at the moment…


Final Chapter - «This is not the end.»

Development phase is over - and it come a time to show what have been developed. Before doing that I decided to put together what have been made over this months.

1/. Dual Kernel (ordinary/realtime) from EVL project (aka Xenomai 4) - had been successfully ported to Amlogic SOCs
2/ Amlogic SOC Realtime Audio Driver developed
3/ Forward ported user land library RASPA to work with new realtime driver and new kernel
4/ Forward ported realtime multithreaded library TWINE to new kernel.
5/ Forward ported DAW Sushi - to new kernel
6/ Wrote several audio plugins for DAW
7/ Developed all electronics for this project, vu-meter, control board, PSU, ADC, DAC, amplifiers and so on
8/ Designed and 3D printed a body for this F.A.W.N project
9/ Soldered and build all that together :slight_smile:
10/ Wrote «Chief». Which controls every aspect of the project (buttons, leds, encoders)
11/ Wrote firmwares for both STM32 (vu-meter) and Atmega128A (mainboard)
12/ Ported rtpmidid (Midi over Ethernet) daemon
13/ Fixed almost all bugs :slight_smile:
14/ Many other small things and keeping you updated on the Khadas forum

Disclamer - I’m bit better engineer rather than guitar player - so please don’t judge too hard.

I have a kinda hobby - to make covers on some old and great songs. So I got a CD copy of 24-multitrack original recording of the famous Bohemian Rhapsody by Queen. I’m remixing it and replaced all Brian May guitar parts with ones performed by myself. Oh… and all that parts had been recorded by F.A.W.N powered by Khadas SBC :-). The set of plugins in F.A.W.N used to recreate sound were - Guitar AMP, CAB emulator using convolution impulse response, compressor, slight phaser, EQ, delay and room reverberator. Need to say - that absolutely not a problem for Khadas SBC to handle that in a realtime. For copyright reasons - I’m not able to put the full composition on YouTube (otherwise it will be banned) - so I’ve put first Brian May Solo Cover here…. Please be advised to use good acoustic or headphones for listening :slight_smile:

PS: This is not the end…


you like a superman ! amazing job ! and i’m already wanna get your guitar processor :wink:

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The last but not the least. I’ve decided to record yet another demo using this project. This time I took a free backing track on YouTube from Elevated Jam Tracks as a base of this composition and wrote a small melody/solo part on top of it for this demo in just a couple of hours - so don’t judge too hard. The signal processing in F.A.W.N - was the following AMP emulator, CAB emulator, slight chorus, compressor, delay and HAAS effect (just when one channel is delayed by a few milliseconds ) to have a kind of stereo-spread.

The End.



That was a very interesting road I went during this project implementation and I want to say a big thank you to Khadas team helping me with some questions - @Frank , @hyphop thank you for answers I had during this project. Special thanks goes to @sunny - it was mission impossible to have VIM3 shipped to me, and honestly I doubted it will reach me, but you went absolutely beyond all expectations to sort out all issues for the VIM3 shipping!

And of course, biggest credits goes to my family for their support and patience :slight_smile:


Almost forgotten part. :slight_smile:

Here is a list of repos I’ve created for this project.

Branch mainline-evl. -it contains forked Fenix build system with my changes to build realtime kernel in linux-mainline-evl package with patches added by myself for realtime capabilities including RT audio driver.

Branch next - user land library to communicate with RT driver

Branch next - forward port of Sushi DAW to work with new kernel and RT audio driver

Branch next - wrapper library for realtime threads needed for Sushi

there are also a set of other public repos used - but they are just forward compiling like

most of them are here Elk Audio OS · GitHub

Audio plugins here - some of them even run just in binary form.

Body design is also open sourced at:

Body design STL files for printing

Some things like firmwares for MCU’s and Chief aren’t yet open sourced - cause I’m still need to “buitify” a code for publish - need some for that, but I think I’ll publish it later… Anyway these isn’t critical part - as main components can be used directly and controlled via OSC

As brief summary what Khadas SBC is doing here - this board plays main role for this project - it is a core of everything. It runs a dual kernel normal/realtime and realtime audio driver. It runs headless digital audio workstation code (modified Sushi, RASPA, Twine) among with numerous audio plugins and synth inside it. DAW itself support most common audio plugins formats like Steinberg VST, Abelton Link 2, Faust and so on… As of current up to 400 audio plugins and synth supported.
Khadas SBC works with ADC and DAC I’ve used for this project as they attached directly to SBC and work over I2S lines with audio RT driver with additional features like audio share buffer (simultaneous output to DAC, HDMI and SPDIF)… Most important things that Khadas VIM3 board is truly capable realtime hardware with good audio codec inside with software I made - solid rock stable and capable to work under extreme conditions without any glitches. And there is a lot of power inside - for example Neural Guitar Amplifier/Cabinet emulator - eats up around 14% of single CPU… So in general the Khadas SBC poses a full power to handle a lot of audio effects, synths in a realtime with excellent quality - up to 24bit - 96000Hz sample rate (that is limitation of my ADC I’ve used) - so it can process analog signals from ADC and use several midi synths in a realtime very easily.


wow - i will check it soon because this area same interesting for me too :wink: