Try using TST upgrade method,
plug in a live powered USB cable, and within 2 seconds press the middle function button 3 times… the blue LEDs should blink 2-3 times then subside for 5 seconds and SD boot should happen…
Ensure your SD card data is not corrupted…,
one last thing… while burning with USB-burning tool
try to enable “Erase all…”
exactly same happens when using the Krescue_boot from readme:
#### Android default firmware
+ unplug usb cable
*+ insert SD card with Krescue *
*+ press and hold POWER_KEY * + plug usb cable and wait LED blinking after u can unpress POWER_KEY + ok Krescye system bootup from SD
I guess something is really messed up with my SD-Boot/SD-Slot - functionality! **
** (tested 3 different SDcards, btw.)
Of course - all SDcard get recognized (aml_autoscript can be bootet, but after boot it screws up) - I can post a video of that if it helps ! – Thank you!!
Tested with an 2,5A and a 9V (using this power supply for 2 years now, on different boxes!)
also tested another power-cable.
As said: device runs perfectly and I can flash different OS via Amlogic Burning Tool without any probs! (note: I am using Amlogic tvboxes since s905, and me and many! friends have those from me, so this box is my 20th or so)
Never had any problems with the vim3L, it all started to happen after flashing latest Android: So I really think, this is whats causing the issue - but my knowledge isnt that deep into system/boot/OS partitions and stuff: CAN the latest Android alter (maybe some boot-sectors or sth like this) after starting up inside my Vim3L, which becomes permanent, even after flashing an OLD android with burning tool ?? (all official khadas vim3L release!)
OK, will try: but I really do not see the logics behind it - flashed my khadas around 10x without problems with exactly this setup - now not even Krescue boots - so: what can I do ?