My Tone Board just stopped

have you try this and test again?

Not yet but I donā€™t know where to find it. Is it in foobar or is that located in Windows setting somewhere?

Hi charmerci

  • xTIMEcomposer-Community is a software. if you have installed, it will be in your windows
  • Thesycon-Stereo-USB-Audio-Driver-v224 is a driver of XMOS which in your windows. you said you have been into high end audio for a long time, maybe you have install another version. you can find our version from here

if you donā€™t know how to find them, you can use geek.exe software to check it. Itā€™s very convenient for me.

Yes, high end audio - but this is computer software! :slight_smile:

I keep plugging my old DAC in and it keeps working fine. Iā€™ve been busy so I havenā€™t really had much time for this and Iā€™ll be going on vacation tonight.

I may or may not get back to this in about 2 weeks.

So I played foobar2000 and after one minute the sound just cut out AGAIN!!!

I did the Geek Uninstaller and neither of those two above programs are there.

What next???

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@charmerci okay, it does not seem to be related to software. Could it be a power supply issue? See for alternative methods to power your tone board.

It may or may not be a power supply issue. If you want to send me something else, otherwise, Iā€™d just prefer to return this. I havenā€™t bothered using it again.

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