Which version of system do you use? Khadas official images, self built images, or others?
Fenix 1.5.1 Debian GNU/Linux 11 (bullseye) Linux 5.4.180
Please describe your issue below:
Hi everyone, I’m using my Khadas VIM1S to work with Home Assistant and I want to use more space, so I insert a sd memory and try to use it but when I try to do it Home Assitant show my an error or warning and denay me the operation
Post a console log of your issue below:
'DataDisk.migrate_disk' blocked from execution, ho Home Assistant OS available
I’m not sure what do you mean, I uploaded Home Assistant until I can’t because I haven’t got enough space. I also uploaded my Khadas board from oowow menu but i still have the problem.
Thank you for your help. I loaded that image to the card with Rufus, insert in the VIM1S but HA doesn’t load, I only get an screen asking me for and user and password. I tried to log with user: khadas and password khadas and it doesn’t work. I attach a capture.
For the first bootup, you need to setup the password yourself:
Welcome to Armbian!
Documentation: https://docs.armbian.com | Community support: https://forum.armbian.com
IP address:,
Create root password: ******
Repeat root password: ******
Creating a new user account. Press <Ctrl-C> to abort
Please provide a username (eg. your first name): khadas
Create user (khadas) password: ******
Repeat user (khadas) password: ******
Please provide your real name: Khadas
Dear Khadas, your account khadas has been created and is sudo enabled.
Please use this account for your daily work from now on.
BTW, for HA, you don’t need to login, just open the browser and access: http://X.X.X.X:8123.
$ sudo fdisk /dev/mmcblk1
Welcome to fdisk (util-linux 2.38.1).
Changes will remain in memory only, until you decide to write them.
Be careful before using the write command.
Command (m for help): o
Created a new DOS (MBR) disklabel with disk identifier 0x628d6005.
Command (m for help): n
Partition type
p primary (0 primary, 0 extended, 4 free)
e extended (container for logical partitions)
Select (default p): p
Partition number (1-4, default 1): 1
First sector (2048-62410751, default 2048):
Last sector, +/-sectors or +/-size{K,M,G,T,P} (2048-62410751, default 62410751):
Created a new partition 1 of type 'Linux' and of size 29.8 GiB.
Command (m for help): w
The partition table has been altered.
Calling ioctl() to re-read partition table.
Syncing disks.
Hmm, I shared the instructions on the assumption that you have flashed the HA image to emmc using OOWOW. The sdcard was not in use for me on a fresh emmc install done from oowow . I wonder what is different in your case.
Can you share some more details about your setup? Like whether you have installed it on sdcard or on emmc?