i have sierra em7455 LTE 4G module in my hand. How can I get this to work.
for Wim 3 pro and m2x
Well for Android…
First, it needs to be compatible with Android, and you need the drivers…
if you can ensure both of those, you can follow these steps…
you need to rename your driver package to this… libquectel-ril.so
android 9.0 ril version available. In this case, what operating system should I install on my khadas?
your VIM3 should already have Android 9 pie pre-installed…
you can get the version with the number…
I do recommend you to update your Firmware to v200624…
Isn’t there a hardware finder tool in android like in windows? A software that installs drivers and required files.
That’s Windows, and this is Android…
Windows is a PC operating system which is meant to have more hardware changes and software modifications compared to the other devices running android
and Android is meant to run on phones, tablets, and embedded devices where there is minimal hardware changes… so there isn’t a need to incorporate such a thing… you might find Linux a bit more easier to use with that, where it is more of a desktop class operating system…
you are right. So can I solve this problem with ubuntu 20.04? So I’ll just install ubuntu! Does Ubuntu recognize this 4g module?
Second, is vim3pro best in its category?
sorry bad english
what is your application ? your software depends on your application, don’t compromise on your needs…
I wouldn’t say best in class rather, VIM3 is the highest CPU and compute performance…
in terms of best in class, or all rounder… it would go to the Edge boards in my opinion.
lots of things play a role here, like software availability, reliability, and Computational speed, Hardware acceleration capabilities etc.
the RK3399 is an old chip, quite rather boring to say, but those aspects are what keep people coming back to it…