I haven’t the HUAWEI ME906E module. But I can list the method adding ME906E support for you. And you need to have a try on VIM3_Pie_V200624 firmware. Thanks
- Instead of the libquectel-ril.so file with adb command
# adb root
# adb remount
# adb push libquectel-ril.so /vendor/lib/libquectel-ril.so
# adb shell sync
# adb reboot
If the ME906E still don’t work after doing above steps , you need to update the boot image
# adb root
# adb remount
# adb push boot.img /system/boot.img
# adb shell
# adb shell dd if=/system/boot.img of=/dev/block/boot
# adb shell sync
# adb shell reboot