Krescue - take full control of your VIM device! easy way to install ANY OS! + back/restore your system

Any update on an EDGE-V version of Krescue?



I managed to use krescue and installed volumio, to test.
i tried lakka too.
it’s really good, there is no risk to emmc by force.

as requested.

for edge v, that would be fine.


yeah i agree, its so fun chaging OSes whenever u want !! so sexy!! i luv it

still gona try to fix ubuntu not working for me… hmmm might be curopted download i donu but will report

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Is there a chance that krescue will soon be able to deploy a debian buster w/ kernel5.5 into a VIM1 (emmc) ?

is it that because my SD is 128gb. and is too big for linux or krescue to understand?

EDIT: this version VIMx.Ubuntu-xfce-bionic_Linux-4.9_arm64_V20190917.emmc.kresq worked for me . now i am booting to ubuntu .

but i hate the fact that i have to remove my SD everytime i have to boot into ubuntu. can that be solved when pressing cancel in the krescue menu?

Yes! we will do it for rockchip EDGE too!
but now its only for VIM123 amlogics soc

at this moment we have prepared - Debian 9 stretch for VIM1 VIM2 VIM3 VIM3L

PS: i think we can prepare Debian buster too :wink:


if u dont wont boot from inserted bootable SD card
u have 3 diff ways

  1. just clear and format SD card ( dd if=/dev/zero bs=1M count=8 of=/dev/mmcblk? .... )
  2. change uboot env ( not recommend for newbies )
  3. insert other non bootable SD card
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just now ! i have checked my VIM3L again - ubuntu installation by Krescue via online downloads ! works fine dont have any problems

PS :
crc sum for all images if u need checkup downloaded images!!!

PSS: if somebody have problems !!! plz - proved more logs (from UART console ) & other details


do you plan to document the krsq file format and upgrade fenix to generate directly those files ?

yes ! its a next steps !

  • documentation and format description
  • sample examples of usage for developers
  • fenix integration

some parts already shared


I’ve only recently tried Krescue on my Vim3L and here to say what a great little program.

I own a Vim1 , Vim3 and a Vim2 as well.

Now that i have Krescue on my SD Card working for the Vim3L

Can i use that same Krescue SD Card to use with my other Vims ??? .

yes u can!!! if emmc system properly configured !!!
but in some case u need write krescue for each model !!!

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big problem of centering on the tv screen.
redo an update of volumio, plugins do not work, youtube etc.
I tried an update via volumio, but it crashed.
is it possible to start on a clean emm on vim 2 max.
it takes an extremely long time to start.

VOLUMIO image just for test ! its not release !!!
UPDATE dont works !!!
plz wait release !!!


the keyboard doesn’t work. no remote. I tried several keyboards. none of them work. vim1

its Strange :wink: because - for me any USB keyboard - works for all VIMs boards;)
if u dont have remote or keyboard

or just prepare AUTOINSTALL KRESCUE SD card (README howto -> )


Good day! How do I run Krescue on vim1 v12?
Recorded an image of Krescue on sd, after turning on vim1, keep the power 10s, let go and get just a screensaver lit Khadas?

Hello!in my case, on vim2, vim3 when power is applied to Khadas, Krescue the first one is launched, without any manipulations, I assume that the algorithm is the same everywhere :slightly_smiling_face:

Hello, I had to use MASKROM to boot to Krescue on my early version VIM1. However, that was on an early version of Krescue, not sure of that is still the case.