Krescue - take full control of your VIM device! easy way to install ANY OS! + back/restore your system

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What is the minimum SD card to use for Krescue?

I have some 1 gig cards i was going to use to keep a back up but i wonder if i make an image of the eMMc i might need larger then 1 gig?

Say i make a back up of Vim3L 2/16 will i need a minimum of 16gig card for that board? Or is the Krescue image small and doesnt need very much space? will 1gig hole Krescue and a large eMMc image?

I know Krescue puts eMMc image file on same disk as Krescue but a different partition?

maybe it will depend on the number of copies still

better pay attention to read / write speed sd

I guess i can just go ahead and try now with the 1gig SD card and see if its big enough to hold the image on one of my boards.

For some reason i figured Krescu was just a small program that loads to ram and then you could pull the SD card and insert a larger SD card to save the image, but maybe a 1 gig card is ok then put the image on USB?

My problem is Krescue ruins the SD card till you fix it with the SD card formatter, i want to avoid going threw all this over and over as i need to use the SD card for other things. I wont use a 1 gig for anything but Krecue if it holds the eMMc image and the Krescue program

I think Krescue does simultaneous compression while taking the backup,
I believe At least 50% capacity of the device being backed is required, just to be safe,
eg. If the board Has 16 GB eMMC, atleast 8 GB is required

i constantly overwrite the same sd for my own purposes, it’s not that long

Do you have a Windows PC ?
You can go to Create and Format Disk partions and delete all the memory partitions, then do a simple drive format,

No need of special software for it :wink:

Size of file depends on what user data and apps are on the eMMC at the time of backup. Some I have taken from my VIM2-64GB were ~1.2GB, another was ~1.7GB. I extracted one of the resulting files (VIM2.1594645770.62537072640-bytes.emmc.img.zst), it produced a file of 52GB.
So substantial compression is taking place.

Most small(1-4GB) cards are class 4, incredibly slow. Having small cards means the same areas of the card are always written to, this can result in short-lived cards. I recommend using only Class 10 or faster for Krescue, and I would let 16GB be my minimum size, but 8GB will probably do.

Yes, hyphop said the card can be pulled after Krescue is loaded. It may(speculation) require formating and placing Dump and Downloads folders on the extra card. You should try to see if you can insert a different card to store backups. Good idea if it works, could keep all your SBC backups in one place. :slightly_smiling_face:

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Well i tried the SD card pull method but i then have issues with the TV showing video once i plug the HDMI cable back in.

See these SBC boards have tight fitting plug ins and in order to remove the SD card you have to uplug the… well you know the problem

Plugging back in the HDMI i get a searching for video, no video found error on the tv

SO i got my second VIM1 today, now i get to try this Krescu for real. First im gona install all the junk on the new VIM1 then do the dumpie dump and see if i can make a mirror image to the older VIM1

please clarify, did you get another vim1 or changed it?

I got another to fix the first and have more more more!

So i test the dump from eMMC and then write to using the dump image

I dont know how big the image was but i used the 1G SD card which i dont think its even 1 gig

It seems that the Krescue will just comress the file as needed for the space available?

SO now on the Card i have labled Vim1 Kresue i have: Krescue and VIM1 stock rom 316 pie 9 image

If you can find an HDMI cable with a smaller headshell, you can remove/insert card without removing HDMI cable. Also you can get an SD card slot extender as seen here.


Probably has more to do with your VIM’s storage size. What is your VIM’s storage size. Looks like you came in just under the wire.

16GIg, why does it say “unpacked 14.5G”?

On the VIM2 I have 64GB, but as a Krescue backup, it showed as 52GB(or close). Most types of storage do not show there described size. Even with hard disks that happens, same way Windows will usually reflect a smaller size than the stated size of the drive. I saw this explained before, but don’t recall why. It is normal.

That is due to the reason of manufacturers stating:
1 hardware gigabyte:
1GB = 1000000000 bytes
when by actual 1 software gigabyte:
1GB = 1,073,741,824 bytes

1 Software gigabyte is also called a “Gibibytes

wherever they got that name, the must of got that dastard Idea, the scale only grows exponentially,
If you had a “500 GB” SSD you will be actually getting “463 GB” in a computer :confused:

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That’s it. I knew I had read it somewhere.

Just check the back of any storage disk you bought recently SD cards, Pendrives, Hard drives, they have it in that “tiny little” font…

Yes, the fine print. Fine print is ageist. :laughing:

You can’t even sue them for this stuff because technically 1 giga is 1 billion, they don’t need to give anything more than that…