a good reason for me to buy the Khadas Vim (besides the ability to decode H265, which it does very well under LibreELEC) was the built-in IR receiver and the GPIOs.
Now I must experience that this is not so simple. The usual RPi methods (“dtoverlay=…” in /flash/config.txt, there is not even an overlay folder) do not seem to apply, and I could not find any hint, neither in this forum nor in the documentation, how to activate the IR receiver under LibreELEC.
The same is for the GPIOs. Khadas presents a pinout, well, but no instructions whatsoever how to communicate with the pins. I simply need to flash an external LED, but this seems to be impossible. Khadas advertises the Vim by directly comparing it with the RPi, having not only GPIOs but also a built-in IR receiver, but what is my profit from it if there is no way to use it?
Hi, nukevim:
The IR receiver is default activate on the ROMs both our official and Balbes150’s release, the ROM support the official IR remote controller, check the Accessories for Khadas VIM for information.
Do you mean that you want to add a support with 3rd-party IR remote?
Hi Gouwa, thanks for the fast reply, I meanwhile figured out the same. Yes, I have a custom IR control. It was my mistake (even though it could be better documented) not to store the configuration file translating the IR signal pulses to button presses at the right place. It has to be in /storage/.config/lircd.conf. Now the IR control works.
Regarding the GPIOs, I have no solution yet. I simply would like to flash an LED via terminal commands. With the RPi this can be done with commands like echo 1 > /sys/class/gpio/gpio10/value
For the Vim, I do not see any way how to do it…
Of course. TV Box and SD boot/run Linux box.
But generally speaking and put simply, I have had more fun on the Vim than I have had on others in the last few months.
Due much to the Vim’s vesatility and the support of Team Khadas and the community.