I tried to follow the instructions twice - I didn’t succeed.
Maybe I need to edit /boot/extlinux/extlinux.conf
But I do not know what to edit there.
After a reboot, u-boot cannot start Alt-linux on eMMC.
I have achieved a working version like this:
I left boot and the kernel from Khadas Ubuntu, and replaced rootfs with Alt-Linux (alt-p9-mate-20210612-aarch64.tar. xz)
I tried to follow the instructions twice - I didn’t succeed.
Maybe I need to edit /boot/extlinux/extlinux.conf
But I do not know what to edit there.
After a reboot, u-boot cannot start Alt-linux on eMMC.
plz check all steps again (i have test it 2 times - works fine )
just copy-paste
I’m dreaming about ssh.
You’re probably using a serial console, I don’t have that luxury. Only ssh over the network.
Or I need to tweak the ssh settings.
Currently ssh only works on localhost.
I downloaded your script, supplemented it with options for building different Alt-Linux images, made sure that it works perfectly and will use it in my work.
Thank you very much. You’ve been very helpful.
The latest krescue update fixed this issue. now I can use ssh over the network.
Thank you very much.
The longer I talk to you, the more I like you.
Well done.
The happiness was short-lived.
A new version has been released and the task has become more complicated.
Instead of tar, img is now - not simple, it with two partitions and it is not clear how to install it.
I have also tried the manual steps to install alt-linux to my vim3 via Krescue Shell… everything went well but the device does not boot. Kernel starts to load but it again goes to khadas logo. I have mainline uboot on spi as well as emmc…
Can you please help how i can manually install alt-linux? currently the online scripts of Krescue by hyphop are also not working due to a tar.xz/img.xz mix-up…
khadas vim 3 is not easy, I spent half a year of my life on it, but I never succeeded in it.
Here on the profile forum my attempts are described: https://forum.altlinux.org/index.php?topic=45123.75
Not the worst option where I managed to achieve normal results is to install the root system from alt linux and the kernel and drivers from the newest armbian linux.
The Guru believes that when paying for his services, he could bring khadas a good result, but I ran out of patience, the system is extremely unstable and often hangs at the most inopportune time.
I put this device in the back drawer and switched to working with other devices, the same raspberry, though dumber, but it works stably. I will get a new board rk3566 soon, I hope it will be no worse than raspberries. I am khadas on pause.
the last time it froze, when I compiled my program in Qt C++ in one window, and launched the postqresql console in another window - and that’s it, khadas hung. Although before that, it worked for three days under a synthetic tasks of 90% of the cpu/gpu.
That’s it, the end.
I gave up, khadas won
Артем, вы всё это время мне очень помогали и я приобрел хороший опыт по настройке ARM устройств.
Я благодарен вам за это, возможно мне просто не повезло с конкретной платой, она виснет на любой системе, даже на вашей Ubuntu.
Если сравнивать, то вторая железка, которую я купил и сейчас на ней работаю - это малина с 8 Гб памяти, она работает на Alt Linux 24/7 уже несколько месяцев, да она существенно слабее, чем khadas vim3, зато без сюрпризов.
Не судите меня строго, мне нужна стабильность.
Good afternoon, I would like to install Alt Regular Gnome on Khadas Edge 2, but I can’t find any clear instructions on where I should start, most of the instructions are written for very experienced users. After six months of fiddling with various images supplied with owoow, I wanted to install a third-party distribution on Edge 2. The first thing that buys is this large community and constantly fresh packages from Sizyphys. I would like to install it on the internal storage of the board so that I can use it constantly. Thank you