I cannot find pinctrl for gpio mux selecting in kvim3_linux.dts

I want to change mux mode of gpio for

I need multiple GPIOs. So we want to modify dts to modify the mux mode of the gpio pin.
But I don’t know what part to fix in kvim3_linux.dts.
Can you tell me which part I need to modify for gpio mux selectging?

Which PINs you want to use?

I need PIN29, PIN30, PIN31, PIN32,PIN32, PIN33 of VIM3

But it not GPIO,

I cant write 1 to these GPIO with /sys/class/gpio/gpioxxx .

so i want to change mux seleting fot these gpios.



These PINs are default configured as I2S, if you want to use them as normal GPIOs, you can edit the dts to disable I2S in auge_sound node.

I deleted the auge_sound node with kvim3_linux.dtb and dtb.img and tried status =“disabled” in the auge_sound node.

I also modified kvim3_linux.dtb and also dtb.img. However, either way I can’t set it to gpio. its is not working as gpio.

Could you please tell me how to do it in more detail?

I have another question.
at VIM3 , there are two dtb file , one is dtb.img , another is kvim3_linux.dtb

Which file should I use?

Hello @Frank

Please help to check this issue.


index 5183c62b27df..f6401be41679 100644
--- a/arch/arm64/boot/dts/amlogic/kvim3_linux.dts
+++ b/arch/arm64/boot/dts/amlogic/kvim3_linux.dts
@@ -571,6 +571,7 @@
        auge_sound {
                compatible = "amlogic, g12a-sound-card";
                aml-audio-card,name = "AML-AUGESOUND";
+        status = "disabled";
                //aml-audio-card,aux-devs = <&amlogic_codec>;
                /*for audio effect ,eqdrc */
@@ -978,6 +979,7 @@
                 * 4: spdifout_b;
                samesource_sel = <3>;
+        status = "disabled";
        aml_tdmc: tdmc {


Okay. It work well.

Thanks you

I tried to use this solution.
However, we are not finding the file named kvim3_linux.dtb.
I used vim3 board and ubuntu version 20.04.
Thank you.

@Sunny Did you use the khadas-vims-4.9.y branch ?

Not yet…
When I first downloaded Ubuntu, I couldn’t find it, so I’m trying something with the “fenix” on the github.


khadas@Khadas:/boot/dtb$ ls
kvim2_linux.dtb kvim3_linux.dtb kvim3l_linux.dtb kvim_linux.dtb overlays

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There’s a typo…
I like kvim_linux.The dts file could not be found.
I’ve now posted a questionnaire about this.

Please help me.

@Sunny If you need to edit the dts file , you should clone fenix and compile first , it will download the linux repo in our github , then you can find the dts in linux dir

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I tried to compile a fenix, but it failed.

I don’t know what the error is.

Please, I need your help.

I installed this ubuntu version


You can show the error info in there

Thank you very much for your kindness.

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