Please tell me, how does vim4 android configure the camera to be rear-mounted?
thank you!
Please tell me, how does vim4 android configure the camera to be rear-mounted?
thank you!
@Lexus The code should default to the rear camera. If you want to change the front and rear cameras, try the following modifications:
packages/apps/Camera2$ git diff
diff --git a/res/values/strings.xml b/res/values/strings.xml
index ac939893d..992705e4c 100644
--- a/res/values/strings.xml
+++ b/res/values/strings.xml
@@ -169,7 +169,7 @@
<!-- Settings screen, camera selection dialog title. Users can select a camera from the phone (front-facing or back-facing). [CHAR LIMIT=20] -->
<string name="pref_camera_id_title">Choose camera</string>
- <string name="pref_camera_id_default" translatable="false">0</string>
+ <string name="pref_camera_id_default" translatable="false">1</string>
Thank you very much!!!
Wow, I can’t open the app after verification according to your modification today!
logcat | grep "CAM"
02-05 02:59:34.779 3362 3362 V CAM_Profiler: [ 0.000ms][ui] GUARD: CameraApp onCreate() - START
02-05 02:59:34.779 3362 3362 V CAM_Profiler: [ 0.000ms][ui] GUARD: FirstRunDetector getTimeOfFirstRun - START
02-05 02:59:34.780 3362 3362 V CAM_Profiler: [ 1.132ms][ui] GUARD: FirstRunDetector getTimeOfFirstRun - [ 1.132ms] PreferenceManager.getDefaultSharedPreferences
02-05 02:59:34.781 3362 3362 V CAM_Profiler: [ 1.865ms][ui] GUARD: FirstRunDetector getTimeOfFirstRun - [ 0.732ms] preferences.getLong
02-05 02:59:34.781 3362 3362 V CAM_Profiler: [ 2.065ms][ui] GUARD: FirstRunDetector getTimeOfFirstRun - STOP
02-05 02:59:34.781 3362 3362 V CAM_Profiler: [ 3.410ms][ui] GUARD: CameraApp onCreate() - [ 3.410ms] initializeTimeOfFirstRun
02-05 02:59:34.781 3362 3362 V CAM_Profiler: [ 3.704ms][ui] GUARD: CameraApp onCreate() - [ 0.295ms] UsageStatistics.initialize
02-05 02:59:34.782 3362 3362 V CAM_Profiler: [ 4.597ms][ui] GUARD: CameraApp onCreate() - [ 0.893ms] clearNotifications
02-05 02:59:34.783 3362 3362 V CAM_Profiler: [ 4.597ms][ui] GUARD: CameraApp onCreate() - STOP
02-05 02:59:34.800 3362 3362 V CAM_QuickActivity: START onCreate: Activity =
02-05 02:59:34.801 3362 3362 V CAM_Profiler: [ 0.000ms][ui] GUARD: CameraActivity.onCreateTasks - START
02-05 02:59:34.802 3362 3362 D CAM_LocationManager: Using LegacyLocationProvider
02-05 02:59:34.811 3362 3362 D CAM_MemoryManagerImpl: Max native memory: 268 MB
02-05 02:59:34.814 3362 3362 I CAM_OneCamFtrCnfgCrtr: CaptureModule? true
02-05 02:59:34.824 3362 3362 V CAM_Profiler: [ 22.815ms][ui] GUARD: CameraActivity.onCreateTasks - [ 8.632ms] Glide.setup
02-05 02:59:34.825 3362 3362 D CAM_Camera2OneCamMgr: Getting First BACK Camera
02-05 02:59:34.827 443 443 W ServiceManager: Permission failure: android.permission.CAMERA_OPEN_CLOSE_LISTENER from uid=10052 pid=3362
02-05 02:59:34.829 3362 3362 W CAM_Camera2OneCamMgr: No back-facing camera found.
02-05 02:59:34.829 3362 3362 W CAM_Camera2OneCamMgr: No external camera found.
02-05 02:59:34.829 3362 3362 D CAM_Camera2OneCamMgr: Getting First FRONT Camera
02-05 02:59:34.831 3362 3362 V CAM_Profiler: [ 29.310ms][ui] GUARD: CameraActivity.onCreateTasks - [ 6.495ms] OneCameraManager.get
02-05 02:59:34.837 443 443 W ServiceManager: Permission failure: android.permission.SYSTEM_CAMERA from uid=10052 pid=3362
02-05 02:59:34.840 443 443 W ServiceManager: Permission failure: android.permission.SYSTEM_CAMERA from uid=10052 pid=3362
02-05 02:59:34.842 3362 3362 V CAM_Profiler: [ 40.627ms][ui] GUARD: CameraActivity.onCreateTasks - [ 2.237ms] computePictureSizes
02-05 02:59:34.862 3362 3362 W CAM_Log : Tag RoundedThumbnailView is 1 chars longer than limit.
02-05 02:59:34.922 3362 3362 I CAM_Profiler: [120.511ms][ui] GUARD: CameraActivity.onCreateTasks - [76.129ms] setContentView()
02-05 02:59:34.936 3362 3362 V CAM_Profiler: [134.453ms][ui] GUARD: CameraActivity.onCreateTasks - [13.942ms] Configure Camera UI
02-05 02:59:34.946 3362 3362 V CAM_CameraController: Closing camera
02-05 02:59:34.947 3362 3387 W CAM2PORT_AndCamAgntImp: Releasing camera without any camera opened.
02-05 02:59:34.947 3362 3362 V CAM_ModulesInfo: EnableCaptureModule = true
02-05 02:59:34.948 3362 3362 V CAM_Profiler: [ 0.000ms][ui] GUARD: new CaptureModule - START
02-05 02:59:34.949 3362 3362 V CAM_Profiler: [ 1.359ms][ui] GUARD: new CaptureModule - STOP
02-05 02:59:34.949 3362 3362 V CAM_SettingsManager: listeners: []
02-05 02:59:34.953 3362 3362 V CAM_SettingsManager: listeners: [,]
02-05 02:59:34.953 3362 3362 V CAM_SettingsManager: listeners: [,,]
02-05 02:59:34.954 3362 3362 V CAM_Profiler: [152.609ms][ui] GUARD: CameraActivity.onCreateTasks - [ 4.480ms] Init Current Module UI
02-05 02:59:34.954 3362 3362 V CAM_Profiler: [ 0.000ms][ui] GUARD: CaptureModule.init - START
02-05 02:59:34.954 3362 3362 D CAM_CaptureModule: init UseAutotransformUiLayout = false
02-05 02:59:34.956 3362 3362 D CAM_Camera2OneCamMgr: Getting First BACK Camera
02-05 02:59:34.957 3362 3362 W CAM_Camera2OneCamMgr: No back-facing camera found.
02-05 02:59:34.957 3362 3362 W CAM_Camera2OneCamMgr: No external camera found.
02-05 02:59:34.957 3362 3362 D CAM_Camera2OneCamMgr: Getting First FRONT Camera
02-05 03:02:47.413 3989 3989 V CAM_Profiler: [ 0.000ms][ui] GUARD: CameraApp onCreate() - START
02-05 03:02:47.413 3989 3989 V CAM_Profiler: [ 0.000ms][ui] GUARD: FirstRunDetector getTimeOfFirstRun - START
02-05 03:02:47.414 3989 3989 V CAM_Profiler: [ 0.797ms][ui] GUARD: FirstRunDetector getTimeOfFirstRun - [ 0.797ms] PreferenceManager.getDefaultSharedPreferences
02-05 03:02:47.415 3989 3989 V CAM_Profiler: [ 1.690ms][ui] GUARD: FirstRunDetector getTimeOfFirstRun - [ 0.893ms] preferences.getLong
02-05 03:02:47.415 3989 3989 V CAM_Profiler: [ 1.833ms][ui] GUARD: FirstRunDetector getTimeOfFirstRun - STOP
02-05 03:02:47.415 3989 3989 V CAM_Profiler: [ 2.748ms][ui] GUARD: CameraApp onCreate() - [ 2.748ms] initializeTimeOfFirstRun
02-05 03:02:47.415 3989 3989 V CAM_Profiler: [ 2.952ms][ui] GUARD: CameraApp onCreate() - [ 0.204ms] UsageStatistics.initialize
02-05 03:02:47.416 3989 3989 V CAM_Profiler: [ 3.558ms][ui] GUARD: CameraApp onCreate() - [ 0.606ms] clearNotifications
02-05 03:02:47.416 3989 3989 V CAM_Profiler: [ 3.558ms][ui] GUARD: CameraApp onCreate() - STOP
02-05 03:02:47.427 3989 3989 V CAM_QuickActivity: START onCreate: Activity =
02-05 03:02:47.429 3989 3989 V CAM_Profiler: [ 0.000ms][ui] GUARD: CameraActivity.onCreateTasks - START
02-05 03:02:47.429 3989 3989 D CAM_LocationManager: Using LegacyLocationProvider
02-05 03:02:47.433 3989 3989 D CAM_MemoryManagerImpl: Max native memory: 268 MB
02-05 03:02:47.435 3989 3989 I CAM_OneCamFtrCnfgCrtr: CaptureModule? true
02-05 03:02:47.440 3989 3989 V CAM_Profiler: [ 11.873ms][ui] GUARD: CameraActivity.onCreateTasks - [ 4.169ms] Glide.setup
02-05 03:02:47.441 3989 3989 D CAM_Camera2OneCamMgr: Getting First BACK Camera
02-05 03:02:47.442 443 443 W ServiceManager: Permission failure: android.permission.CAMERA_OPEN_CLOSE_LISTENER from uid=10052 pid=3989
02-05 03:02:47.443 3989 3989 W CAM_Camera2OneCamMgr: No back-facing camera found.
02-05 03:02:47.444 3989 3989 W CAM_Camera2OneCamMgr: No external camera found.
02-05 03:02:47.444 3989 3989 D CAM_Camera2OneCamMgr: Getting First FRONT Camera
02-05 03:02:47.445 3989 3989 V CAM_Profiler: [ 16.386ms][ui] GUARD: CameraActivity.onCreateTasks - [ 4.513ms] OneCameraManager.get
02-05 03:02:47.450 443 443 W ServiceManager: Permission failure: android.permission.SYSTEM_CAMERA from uid=10052 pid=3989
02-05 03:02:47.450 443 443 W ServiceManager: Permission failure: android.permission.SYSTEM_CAMERA from uid=10052 pid=3989
02-05 03:02:47.453 443 443 W ServiceManager: Permission failure: android.permission.SYSTEM_CAMERA from uid=10052 pid=3989
02-05 03:02:47.453 443 443 W ServiceManager: Permission failure: android.permission.SYSTEM_CAMERA from uid=10052 pid=3989
02-05 03:02:47.453 443 1022 W ServiceManager: Permission failure: android.permission.SYSTEM_CAMERA from uid=10052 pid=3989
02-05 03:02:47.453 443 1022 W ServiceManager: Permission failure: android.permission.SYSTEM_CAMERA from uid=10052 pid=3989
02-05 03:02:47.456 3989 3989 V CAM_Profiler: [ 27.211ms][ui] GUARD: CameraActivity.onCreateTasks - [ 3.531ms] computePictureSizes
02-05 03:02:47.472 3989 3989 W CAM_Log : Tag RoundedThumbnailView is 1 chars longer than limit.
02-05 03:02:47.525 3989 3989 I CAM_Profiler: [ 96.100ms][ui] GUARD: CameraActivity.onCreateTasks - [67.720ms] setContentView()
02-05 03:02:47.536 3989 3989 V CAM_Profiler: [106.976ms][ui] GUARD: CameraActivity.onCreateTasks - [10.876ms] Configure Camera UI
02-05 03:02:47.542 3989 3989 V CAM_CameraController: Closing camera
02-05 03:02:47.544 3989 4014 W CAM2PORT_AndCamAgntImp: Releasing camera without any camera opened.
02-05 03:02:47.544 3989 3989 V CAM_ModulesInfo: EnableCaptureModule = true
02-05 03:02:47.545 3989 3989 V CAM_Profiler: [ 0.000ms][ui] GUARD: new CaptureModule - START
02-05 03:02:47.546 3989 3989 V CAM_Profiler: [ 1.660ms][ui] GUARD: new CaptureModule - STOP
02-05 03:02:47.547 3989 3989 V CAM_SettingsManager: listeners: []
02-05 03:02:47.550 3989 3989 V CAM_SettingsManager: listeners: [,]
02-05 03:02:47.551 3989 3989 V CAM_SettingsManager: listeners: [,,]
02-05 03:02:47.551 3989 3989 V CAM_Profiler: [122.710ms][ui] GUARD: CameraActivity.onCreateTasks - [ 4.687ms] Init Current Module UI
02-05 03:02:47.551 3989 3989 V CAM_Profiler: [ 0.000ms][ui] GUARD: CaptureModule.init - START
02-05 03:02:47.551 3989 3989 D CAM_CaptureModule: init UseAutotransformUiLayout = false
02-05 03:02:47.552 3989 3989 D CAM_Camera2OneCamMgr: Getting First BACK Camera
02-05 03:02:47.553 3989 3989 W CAM_Camera2OneCamMgr: No back-facing camera found.
02-05 03:02:47.554 3989 3989 W CAM_Camera2OneCamMgr: No external camera found.
02-05 03:02:47.554 3989 3989 D CAM_Camera2OneCamMgr: Getting First FRONT Camera
I’m a usb camera!
nice day!!!
@Lexus Then restore the above changes. Then try to modify it as follows.
common$ git diff
diff --git a/drivers/media/usb/uvc/uvc_v4l2.c b/drivers/media/usb/uvc/uvc_v4l2.c
index 7d60dd3b0bd8..4811e6ea45ff 100644
--- a/drivers/media/usb/uvc/uvc_v4l2.c
+++ b/drivers/media/usb/uvc/uvc_v4l2.c
@@ -616,6 +616,8 @@ static int uvc_ioctl_querycap(struct file *file, void *fh,
strscpy(cap->driver, "uvcvideo", sizeof(cap->driver));
strscpy(cap->card, vdev->name, sizeof(cap->card));
+ strcpy(cap->card,"back");//front
+ printk("======uvc_ioctl_querycap======");
usb_make_path(stream->dev->udev, cap->bus_info, sizeof(cap->bus_info));
cap->capabilities = V4L2_CAP_DEVICE_CAPS | V4L2_CAP_STREAMING
| chain->caps;
It has been changed, but how do I know that the upper layer has configured it as front or rear?
dmesg | grep "uvc_ioctl_querycap"
[ 4.917737] ======uvc_ioctl_querycap======
[ 4.930710] ======uvc_ioctl_querycap======
[ 8.460550] ======uvc_ioctl_querycap======
[ 8.461282] ======uvc_ioctl_querycap======
[ 15.440853] ======uvc_ioctl_querycap======
[ 15.442885] ======uvc_ioctl_querycap======
@goenjoy ,hi
I checked the hal layer and plugged in my usb camera. The default selection of the printing system is:
else {
// Default facing external using for cts
mFacingBack = 0;
I tried to configure the system property ro.vendor.camera_ Usb. faceback=true, the result cannot be opened:
/*lens facing related camera feature*/
/*camera feature setting in /device/amlogic/xxx/ files*/
/*in cdd , usb camera is external facing*/
uint8_t lensFacing = ANDROID_LENS_FACING_BACK;
switch (mSensorType) {
property_get("ro.vendor.camera_usb.faceback", property, NULL);
if (strstr(property, "true")) {
mFacingBack = 1;
} else if (strstr(property, "false")) {
mFacingBack = 0;
} else {
// Default facing external using for cts
mFacingBack = 0;
property_get("ro.vendor.camera_mipi.faceback", property, NULL);
if (strstr(property, "true")) {
mFacingBack = 1;
} else if (strstr(property, "false")) {
mFacingBack = 0;
} else {
// Default facing front
mFacingBack = 0;
@Lexus The answer to the code you showed has been given. It is estimated that you only need to add an attribute. You can verify it according to the following code:
device/khadas$ git diff
diff --git a/kvim4/ b/kvim4/
@@ -513,4 +514,6 @@ PRODUCT_PACKAGES += \
android.hardware.gnss@1.0-impl \
+ ro.vendor.camera_usb.faceback=true
#add end
I tried to add this attribute, but I couldn’t open the camera.
There was no camera associated with it.
Must go lensFacing=ANDROID_ LENS_ FACING_ EXTERNAL; ??
Then you can try to modify and verify it.
property_get("ro.vendor.camera_usb.faceback", property, NULL);
if (strstr(property, "true")) {
mFacingBack = 1;
} else if (strstr(property, "false")) {
mFacingBack = 0;
} else {
// Default facing external using for cts
- mFacingBack = 0;
+ mFacingBack = 1;
device/khadas$ git diff
diff --git a/kvim4/ b/kvim4/
@@ -513,4 +514,6 @@ PRODUCT_PACKAGES += \
android.hardware.gnss@1.0-impl \
+ ro.vendor.camera_usb.faceback=true
#add end
property_get("ro.vendor.camera_usb.faceback", property, NULL);
if (strstr(property, "true")) {
mFacingBack = 1;
} else if (strstr(property, "false")) {
mFacingBack = 0;
} else {
// Default facing external using for cts
mFacingBack = 0;
hi @goenjoy ,
According to the modifications given, I have set mFaceingBack=1;
However, I use the camera with qq apk to preview. The default rear opening is black. I click the mode to switch to the front to open it.
This is my dump, display or front shot:
== Service global info: ==
Number of camera devices: 1
Number of normal camera devices: 1
Number of public camera devices visible to API1: 1
Device 0 maps to "0"
Active Camera Clients:
Allowed user IDs: 0
== Camera service events log (most recent at top): ==
01-14 08:57:57 : ADD device 0, reason: (Device added)
01-14 08:56:58 : REMOVE device 0, reason: (Device status changed from 1 to 0)
01-14 08:56:57 : USER_SWITCH previous allowed user IDs: <None>, current allowed user IDs: 0
01-14 08:56:54 : ADD device 0, reason: (Device added)
01-14 08:56:51 : REMOVE device 0, reason: (Device status changed from 1 to 0)
01-14 08:56:50 : ADD device 0, reason: (Device added)
== Camera device 0 dynamic info: ==
Device 0 is closed, no client instance
== Camera Provider HAL legacy/0 (v2.5, remote) static info: 1 devices: ==
== Camera HAL device device@3.3/legacy/0 (v3.3) static information: ==
Resource cost: 0
Conflicting devices: None
API1 info:
Has a flash unit: false
Facing: Front
Orientation: 0
API2 camera characteristics:
Dumping camera metadata array: 85 / 85 entries, 2104 / 2104 bytes of extra data.
Version: 1, Flags: 00000000 (90005): float[1]
[0.00000000 ] (90004): float[1]
[0.00000000 ] (90002): float[1]
[-1.00000000 ] (90000): float[1]
[2.79999995 ] (90001): float[1]
[0.00000000 ] (90003): byte[1]
[0 ] (90006): int32[2]
[1 1 ]
android.lens.facing (80005): byte[1]
[EXTERNAL ] (90007): byte[1]
android.sensor.availableTestPatternModes (e0019): int32[1]
[0 ]
android.sensor.testPatternMode (e0018): int32[1]
[OFF ] (f0003): int64[2]
[1000 30000000000 ] (f0004): int64[1]
[30000000000 ] (f0001): int32[2]
[100 1600 ] (f0002): byte[1]
[RGGB ] (f0005): float[2]
[3.20000005 2.40000010 ] (f0007): int32[1]
[4000 ]
android.sensor.blackLevelPattern (e000c): int32[4]
[1000 1000 1000 1000 ] (f0008): byte[1]
android.sensor.orientation (e000e): int32[1]
[0 ]
android.sensor.rollingShutterSkew (e001a): int64[1]
[0 ] (50000): byte[1]
android.flash.state (40005): byte[1]
[UNAVAILABLE ] (50001): int64[1]
[0 ]
android.noiseReduction.availableNoiseReductionModes (a0002): byte[1]
[0 ]
android.tonemap.availableToneMapModes (130005): byte[2]
[1 2 ]
android.tonemap.maxCurvePoints (130004): int32[1]
[128 ]
android.scaler.croppingType (d000d): byte[1]
android.scaler.availableFormats (d0001): int32[5]
[YCbCr_420_888 ]
android.scaler.availableRawMinDurations (d0007): int64[1]
[33331760 ]
android.scaler.availableStreamConfigurations (d000a): int32[56]
[34 1920 1080 OUTPUT ]
[34 1280 720 OUTPUT ]
[34 720 576 OUTPUT ]
[34 640 480 OUTPUT ]
[34 320 240 OUTPUT ]
[35 1920 1080 OUTPUT ]
[35 1280 720 OUTPUT ]
[35 720 576 OUTPUT ]
[35 640 480 OUTPUT ]
[35 320 240 OUTPUT ]
[33 1920 1080 OUTPUT ]
[33 1280 720 OUTPUT ]
[33 640 480 OUTPUT ]
[33 320 240 OUTPUT ] (f0000): int32[4]
[0 0 1920 1080 ] (f0006): int32[2]
[1920 1080 ]
android.scaler.availableMinFrameDurations (d000b): int64[56]
[33 320 ]
[240 33333333 ]
[33 640 ]
[480 33333333 ]
[33 1280 ]
[720 33333333 ]
[33 1920 ]
[1080 33333333 ]
[35 320 ]
[240 33333333 ]
[35 640 ]
[480 33333333 ]
[35 720 ]
[576 33333333 ]
[35 1280 ]
[720 33333333 ]
[35 1920 ]
[1080 33333333 ]
[34 320 ]
[240 33333333 ]
[34 640 ]
[480 33333333 ]
[34 720 ]
[576 33333333 ]
[34 1280 ]
[720 33333333 ]
[34 1920 ]
[1080 33333333 ]
android.scaler.availableStallDurations (d000c): int64[56]
[33 320 ]
[240 33333333 ]
[33 640 ]
[480 33333333 ]
[33 1280 ]
[720 33333333 ]
[33 1920 ]
[1080 33333333 ]
[35 320 ]
[240 0 ]
[35 640 ]
[480 0 ]
[35 720 ]
[576 0 ]
[35 1280 ]
[720 0 ]
[35 1920 ]
[1080 0 ]
[34 320 ]
[240 0 ]
[34 640 ]
[480 0 ]
[34 720 ]
[576 0 ]
[34 1280 ]
[720 0 ]
[34 1920 ]
[1080 0 ]
android.scaler.availableProcessedMinDurations (d0005): int64[1]
[33331760 ]
android.scaler.availableJpegMinDurations (d0002): int64[1]
[33331760 ]
android.jpeg.availableThumbnailSizes (70007): int32[8]
[0 0 128 72 ]
[160 120 320 240 ]
android.jpeg.maxSize (70008): int32[1]
[8000000 ] (120000): byte[3]
[0 1 2 ] (120002): int32[1]
[8 ] (120001): int32[1]
[64 ] (120003): int32[1]
[1000 ] (120005): int32[2]
[64 64 ] (120004): int32[1]
[1000 ]
android.statistics.hotPixelMapMode (110003): byte[1]
[OFF ]
android.statistics.sceneFlicker (11000e): byte[1]
android.statistics.lensShadingMapMode (110010): byte[1]
[OFF ]
android.control.sceneMode (10010): byte[1]
android.control.availableSceneModes (10019): byte[1]
[1 ]
android.control.availableEffects (10018): byte[1]
[0 ]
android.control.maxRegions (1001c): int32[3]
[0 0 0 ]
android.control.aeAvailableModes (10013): byte[2]
[0 1 ]
android.control.aeAvailableTargetFpsRanges (10014): int32[16]
[5 15 15 15 ]
[5 20 20 20 ]
[5 25 25 25 ]
[5 30 30 30 ]
android.control.awbAvailableModes (1001b): byte[6]
[0 1 2 3 5 8 ]
android.control.afState (10020): byte[1]
android.control.afAvailableModes (10017): byte[1]
[0 ]
android.control.aeAvailableAntibandingModes (10012): byte[2]
[0 3 ]
android.control.aeExposureCompensation (10001): int32[1]
[0 ]
android.control.aeCompensationStep (10016): rational[1]
[(1 / 3) ]
android.control.aeCompensationRange (10015): int32[2]
[-6 6 ]
android.scaler.availableMaxDigitalZoom (d0004): float[1]
[1.00000000 ]
android.control.availableVideoStabilizationModes (1001a): byte[1]
[0 ]
android.control.aeState (1001f): byte[1]
android.control.awbState (10022): byte[1]
[INACTIVE ] (150000): byte[1]
android.sync.maxLatency (170001): int32[1]
android.request.pipelineDepth (c0009): byte[1]
[1 ]
android.request.pipelineMaxDepth (c000a): byte[1]
[4 ]
android.request.availableCapabilities (c000c): byte[1]
android.request.partialResultCount (c000b): int32[1]
[1 ]
android.request.maxNumOutputStreams (c0006): int32[3]
[0 2 1 ]
android.colorCorrection.aberrationMode (00003): byte[1]
[OFF ]
android.colorCorrection.availableAberrationModes (00004): byte[1]
[0 ]
android.request.availableCharacteristicsKeys (c000f): int32[38]
[4 65554 65555 65556 ]
[65557 65558 65559 65560 ]
[65561 65562 65563 327680 ]
[1376256 458759 524293 589826 ]
[655362 786444 786443 786442 ]
[851972 851981 917529 983040 ]
[983045 983046 983048 917518 ]
[1179648 1179650 1507329 65572 ]
[65573 65574 1048578 1179655 ]
[983050 65582 ]
android.request.availableRequestKeys (c000d): int32[61]
[4 65554 65555 65556 ]
[65557 65558 65559 65560 ]
[65561 65562 65563 327680 ]
[1376256 458759 524293 589826 ]
[655362 786444 786443 786442 ]
[851972 851981 917529 983040 ]
[983045 983046 983048 917518 ]
[1179648 1179650 1507329 65539 ]
[65543 65547 65551 65553 ]
[1114112 3 655360 65536 ]
[65537 65538 65539 65541 ]
[65543 65545 65546 65547 ]
[65549 65550 65551 65552 ]
[65553 262146 458755 458756 ]
[458757 458758 851968 1114112 ]
[65583 ]
android.request.availableResultKeys (c000e): int32[61]
[4 65554 65555 65556 ]
[65557 65558 65559 65560 ]
[65561 65562 65563 327680 ]
[1376256 458759 524293 589826 ]
[655362 786444 786443 786442 ]
[851972 851981 917529 983040 ]
[983045 983046 983048 917518 ]
[1179648 1179650 1507329 65539 ]
[65543 65547 65551 65553 ]
[1114112 3 655360 65536 ]
[65537 65538 65539 65541 ]
[65543 65545 65546 65547 ]
[65549 65550 65551 65552 ]
[65553 262146 458755 458756 ]
[458757 458758 851968 1114112 ]
[65583 ]
android.control.aeLockAvailable (10024): byte[1]
android.control.awbLockAvailable (10025): byte[1]
android.control.availableModes (10026): byte[3]
[1 2 0 ]
android.shading.availableModes (100002): byte[2]
[1 2 ] (120007): byte[1]
[0 ]
android.scaler.availableRotateAndCropModes (d0010): byte[1]
[0 ] (f000a): int32[4]
[0 0 1920 1080 ]
android.control.zoomRatioRange (1002e): float[2]
[1.00000000 1.00000000 ]
== Camera HAL device device@3.3/legacy/0 (v3.3) dumpState: ==
No active camera device session instance
== Vendor tags: ==
Dumping vendor tag descriptors for vendor with id 3854507339
Dumping configured vendor tag descriptors: 16 entries
0x80000000 (aperture) with type 2 (float) defined in section android.lens
0x80000001 (filterDensity) with type 2 (float) defined in section android.lens
0x80000002 (focalLength) with type 2 (float) defined in section android.lens
0x80000003 (focusDistance) with type 2 (float) defined in section android.lens
0x80000004 (opticalStabilizationMode) with type 0 (byte) defined in section android.lens
0x80000005 (facing) with type 0 (byte) defined in section android.lens
0x80000006 (focusRange) with type 2 (float) defined in section android.lens
0x80000007 (state) with type 0 (byte) defined in section android.lens
0x80010000 (availableApertures) with type 2 (float) defined in section
0x80010001 (availableFilterDensities) with type 2 (float) defined in section
0x80010002 (availableFocalLengths) with type 2 (float) defined in section
0x80010003 (availableOpticalStabilization) with type 0 (byte) defined in section
0x80010004 (hyperfocalDistance) with type 2 (float) defined in section
0x80010005 (minimumFocusDistance) with type 2 (float) defined in section
0x80010006 (shadingMapSize) with type 1 (int32) defined in section
0x80010007 (focusDistanceCalibration) with type 0 (byte) defined in section
== Camera error traces (0): ==
No camera traces collected.
I added the print, and I did run to ANDROID_ LENS_ FACING_ EXTERNAL branch selection.
logcat | grep "support ANDROID_LENS_FACIN"
01-14 09:34:02.965 381 484 E EmulatedCamera_FakeCamera3: support ANDROID_LENS_FACING_EXTERNAL!
@goenjoy ,hello
Excuse me, Excuse me, how can the configuration take effect to make the camera a rear camera?
@Lexus Because my code is the latest and has changed a lot of things. The latest version of the code was uploaded to github yesterday. I just verified with the vim4-android-11-64bit-v221228 version of firmware. When I plug in the USB camera and open it with the camera application that comes with the system, the default is the rear camera.
In addition, as I said before, the Android code itself opens the rear camera by default. I suspect you have reversed the front and rear.
property_get("ro.vendor.camera_usb.faceback", property, NULL);
if (strstr(property, "true")) {
mFacingBack = 1;
device/khadas$ git diff
diff --git a/kvim4/ b/kvim4/
@@ -513,4 +514,6 @@ PRODUCT_PACKAGES += \
android.hardware.gnss@1.0-impl \
+ ro.vendor.camera_usb.faceback=true
#add end
I just tested it and found that there is a problem with the system’s own apk to test the rear camera.
It is normal for me to test with qq apk camera.
== Service global info: ==
Number of camera devices: 1
Number of normal camera devices: 1
Number of public camera devices visible to API1: 1
Device 0 maps to "0"
Active Camera Clients:
Allowed user IDs: 0
== Camera service events log (most recent at top): ==
01-14 13:22:29 : ADD device 0, reason: (Device added)
01-14 11:41:20 : REMOVE device 0, reason: (Device status changed from 1 to 0)
01-14 11:41:19 : USER_SWITCH previous allowed user IDs: <None>, current allowed user IDs: 0
01-01 08:00:09 : ADD device 0, reason: (Device added)
01-01 08:00:06 : REMOVE device 0, reason: (Device status changed from 1 to 0)
01-01 08:00:06 : ADD device 0, reason: (Device added)
01-01 08:00:06 : ADD device 0, reason: (Device added)
== Camera device 0 dynamic info: ==
Device 0 is closed, no client instance
== Camera Provider HAL legacy/0 (v2.5, remote) static info: 1 devices: ==
== Camera HAL device device@3.3/legacy/0 (v3.3) static information: ==
Resource cost: 0
Conflicting devices: None
API1 info:
Has a flash unit: false
Facing: Back
Orientation: 0
API2 camera characteristics:
What does the system apk need to change to test the rear camera?
You can execute:
's message to me?
You can execute:
's message to me?
Let me see!!!