How does vim4 android configure the camera to be rear-mounted?


VIM4:/ # dumpsys

== Service global info: ==

Number of camera devices: 1
Number of normal camera devices: 1
Number of public camera devices visible to API1: 1
    Device 0 maps to "0"
Active Camera Clients:
(Camera ID: 0, Cost: 0, PID: 4761, Score: 0, State: 2User Id: 0, Client Package Name:, Conflicting Client Devices: {})
Allowed user IDs: 0

== Camera service events log (most recent at top): ==
  01-14 06:29:44 : CONNECT device 0 client for package (PID 4761)
  01-14 06:29:41 : DISCONNECT device 0 client for package (PID 4761)
  01-14 06:29:41 : CONNECT device 0 client for package (PID 4761)
  12-28 10:06:26 : USER_SWITCH previous allowed user IDs: <None>, current allowed user IDs: 0
  01-01 12:00:18 : ADD device 0, reason: (Device added)
  01-01 12:00:18 : ADD device 0, reason: (Device added)

== Camera device 0 dynamic info: ==
  Camera1 API shim is using parameters:
        CameraParameters::dump: mMap.size = 56
        antibanding: auto
        antibanding-values: off,auto
        auto-exposure-lock: false
        auto-exposure-lock-supported: true
        auto-whitebalance-lock: false
        auto-whitebalance-lock-supported: true
        effect: none
        effect-values: none
        exposure-compensation: 0
        exposure-compensation-step: 0.333333
        focal-length: -1
        focus-areas: (0,0,0,0,0)
        focus-distances: Infinity,Infinity,Infinity
        focus-mode: fixed
        focus-mode-values: fixed
        horizontal-view-angle: -1
        jpeg-quality: 90
        jpeg-thumbnail-height: 72
        jpeg-thumbnail-quality: 90
        jpeg-thumbnail-size-values: 0x0,128x72,160x120,320x240
        jpeg-thumbnail-width: 128
        max-exposure-compensation: 6
        max-num-detected-faces-hw: 8
        max-num-detected-faces-sw: 0
        max-num-focus-areas: 0
        max-num-metering-areas: 0
        metering-areas: (0,0,0,0,0)
        min-exposure-compensation: -6
        picture-format: jpeg
        picture-format-values: jpeg
        picture-size: 1920x1080
        picture-size-values: 1920x1080,1280x720,1024x768,640x480,352x288,320x240
        preferred-preview-size-for-video: 1920x1080
        preview-format: yuv420sp
        preview-format-values: yuv420p,yuv420sp
        preview-fps-range: 5000,30000
        preview-fps-range-values: (5000,15000),(15000,15000),(5000,20000),(20000,20000),(5000,25000),(25000,25000),(5000,30000),(30000,30000)
        preview-frame-rate: 30
        preview-frame-rate-values: 15,20,25,30
        preview-size: 1920x1080
        preview-size-values: 1920x1080,1280x800,1280x720,1024x768,800x600,848x480,640x480,640x360,352x288,320x240,176x144,160x120
        recording-hint: false
        rotation: 0
        scene-mode: auto
        scene-mode-values: auto,
        smooth-zoom-supported: false
        vertical-view-angle: -1
        video-frame-format: android-opaque
        video-size: 1920x1080
        video-size-values: 1920x1080,1280x800,1280x720,1024x768,800x600,848x480,640x480,640x360,352x288,320x240,176x144,160x120
        video-snapshot-supported: true
        video-stabilization: false
        video-stabilization-supported: false
        whitebalance: auto
        whitebalance-values: auto,incandescent,fluorescent,daylight,shade
        zoom-supported: false
  Device 0 is open. Client instance dump:
    Client priority score: 0 state: 2
    Client PID: 4761
    Client package:
  CameraDeviceClient[0] (0xea9c08b0) dump:
    Current client UID 10048
      Request ID counter: 1
      No input stream configured.
      Current output stream/surface IDs:
        Stream 1 Surface 0
        Stream 0 Surface 0
    Latest received frame:
      Dumping camera metadata array: 73 / 73 entries, 304 / 304 bytes of extra data.
        Version: 1, Flags: 00000000
        android.colorCorrection.mode (00000): byte[1]
          [FAST ]
        android.colorCorrection.transform (00001): rational[9]
          [(1 / 1) (0 / 1) ]
          [(0 / 1) (0 / 1) ]
          [(1 / 1) (0 / 1) ]
          [(0 / 1) (0 / 1) ]
          [(1 / 1) ]
        android.colorCorrection.aberrationMode (00003): byte[1]
          [OFF ]
        android.control.aeAntibandingMode (10000): byte[1]
          [AUTO ]
        android.control.aeExposureCompensation (10001): int32[1]
          [0 ]
        android.control.aeLock (10002): byte[1]
          [OFF ]
        android.control.aeMode (10003): byte[1]
          [ON ]
        android.control.aeRegions (10004): int32[5]
          [0 0 0 0 ]
          [0 ]
        android.control.aeTargetFpsRange (10005): int32[2]
          [30 30 ]
        android.control.aePrecaptureTrigger (10006): byte[1]
          [IDLE ]
        android.control.afMode (10007): byte[1]
          [AUTO ]
        android.control.afRegions (10008): int32[5]
          [0 0 0 0 ]
          [0 ]
        android.control.afTrigger (10009): byte[1]
          [IDLE ]
        android.control.awbLock (1000a): byte[1]
          [OFF ]
        android.control.awbMode (1000b): byte[1]
          [AUTO ]
        android.control.captureIntent (1000d): byte[1]
          [PREVIEW ]
        android.control.effectMode (1000e): byte[1]
          [OFF ]
        android.control.mode (1000f): byte[1]
          [USE_SCENE_MODE ]
        android.control.sceneMode (10010): byte[1]
          [FACE_PRIORITY ]
        android.control.videoStabilizationMode (10011): byte[1]
          [OFF ]
        android.control.aeState (1001f): byte[1]
          [CONVERGED ]
        android.control.afState (10020): byte[1]
          [INACTIVE ]
        android.control.afTriggerId (10021): int32[1]
          [0 ]
        android.control.awbState (10022): byte[1]
          [CONVERGED ]
        android.demosaic.mode (20000): byte[1]
          [FAST ]
        android.edge.mode (30000): byte[1]
          [FAST ]
        android.edge.strength (30001): byte[1]
          [5 ]
        android.flash.firingPower (40000): byte[1]
          [10 ]
        android.flash.firingTime (40001): int64[1]
          [0 ]
        android.flash.mode (40002): byte[1]
          [OFF ]
        android.flash.state (40005): byte[1]
          [UNAVAILABLE ]
        android.hotPixel.mode (60000): byte[1]
          [FAST ]
        android.jpeg.gpsCoordinates (70000): double[3]
          [0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 ]
        android.jpeg.gpsProcessingMethod (70001): byte[32]
          [78 111 110 101 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 ]
          [0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 ]
        android.jpeg.gpsTimestamp (70002): int64[1]
          [0 ]
        android.jpeg.orientation (70003): int32[1]
          [0 ]
        android.jpeg.quality (70004): byte[1]
          [80 ]
        android.jpeg.thumbnailQuality (70005): byte[1]
          [80 ]
        android.jpeg.thumbnailSize (70006): int32[2]
          [320 240 ]
        android.lens.aperture (80000): float[1]
          [2.79999995 ]
        android.lens.filterDensity (80001): float[1]
          [0.00000000 ]
        android.lens.focalLength (80002): float[1]
          [-1.00000000 ]
        android.lens.focusDistance (80003): float[1]
          [0.00000000 ]
        android.lens.opticalStabilizationMode (80004): byte[1]
          [OFF ]
        android.noiseReduction.mode (a0000): byte[1]
          [OFF ]
        android.noiseReduction.strength (a0001): byte[1]
          [5 ]
        android.noiseReduction.availableNoiseReductionModes (a0002): byte[1]
          [0 ]
        android.request.frameCount (c0000): int32[1]
          [427 ] (c0001): int32[1]
          [0 ]
        android.request.metadataMode (c0003): byte[1]
          [FULL ]
        android.request.type (c0005): byte[1]
          [CAPTURE ]
        android.request.pipelineDepth (c0009): byte[1]
          [3 ]
        android.scaler.cropRegion (d0000): int32[4]
          [0 0 1920 1080 ]
        android.scaler.croppingType (d000d): byte[1]
          [CENTER_ONLY ]
        android.sensor.exposureTime (e0000): int64[1]
          [34584572 ]
        android.sensor.frameDuration (e0001): int64[1]
          [33333333 ]
        android.sensor.sensitivity (e0002): int32[1]
          [100 ]
        android.sensor.timestamp (e0010): int64[1]
          [394178141712 ]
        android.sensor.testPatternMode (e0018): int32[1]
          [OFF ]
        android.sensor.availableTestPatternModes (e0019): int32[1]
          [0 ]
        android.sensor.rollingShutterSkew (e001a): int64[1]
          [0 ]
        android.shading.mode (100000): byte[1]
          [FAST ]
        android.statistics.faceDetectMode (110000): byte[1]
          [FULL ]
        android.statistics.histogramMode (110001): byte[1]
          [OFF ]
        android.statistics.sharpnessMapMode (110002): byte[1]
          [OFF ]
        android.statistics.hotPixelMapMode (110003): byte[1]
          [OFF ]
        android.statistics.sceneFlicker (11000e): byte[1]
          [NONE ]
        android.statistics.lensShadingMapMode (110010): byte[1]
          [OFF ]
        android.tonemap.curveBlue (130000): float[4]
          [0.00000000 0.00000000 1.00000000 1.00000000 ]
        android.tonemap.curveGreen (130001): float[4]
          [0.00000000 0.00000000 1.00000000 1.00000000 ]
        android.tonemap.curveRed (130002): float[4]
          [0.00000000 0.00000000 1.00000000 1.00000000 ]
        android.tonemap.mode (130003): byte[1]
          [FAST ]
        android.control.zoomRatio (1002f): float[1]
          [1.00000000 ]
  Device dump:
    Device status: ACTIVE
    Stream configuration:
    Operation mode: NORMAL (0)
      No input stream.
    Stream[0]: Output
      Consumer name: ImageReader-1920x1080f100m15-4761-0
      State: 4
      Dims: 1920 x 1080, format 0x21, dataspace 0x8c20000
      Max size: 8000000
      Combined usage: 131075, max HAL buffers: 4
      Frames produced: 0, last timestamp: 0 ns
      Total buffers: 19, currently dequeued: 0
    Stream[1]: Output
      Consumer name: SurfaceTexture-0-4761-0
      State: 4
      Dims: 1920 x 1080, format 0x11, dataspace 0x0
      Max size: 0
      Combined usage: 131328, max HAL buffers: 4
      Frames produced: 428, last timestamp: 394178141712 ns
      Total buffers: 6, currently dequeued: 2
      DequeueBuffer latency histogram: (430) samples
        5     10     15     20     25     30     35     40     45    inf (max ms)
     99.30   0.47   0.23   0.00   0.00   0.00   0.00   0.00   0.00   0.00 (%)
    Camera3 Buffer Manager:
      Total stream sets: 0
    In-flight requests:
      Frame 428 |  Timestamp: 394235878129, metadata arrived: false, buffers left: 1
      Frame 429 |  Timestamp: 0, metadata arrived: false, buffers left: 1
    ProcessCaptureRequest latency histogram: (429) samples
       40     80    120    160    200    240    280    320    360    inf (max ms)
     8.16   62.47   23.78   3.26   0.93   1.40   0.00   0.00   0.00   0.00 (%)
    Last request sent:
      Dumping camera metadata array: 70 / 70 entries, 296 / 296 bytes of extra data.
        Version: 1, Flags: 00000001
        android.colorCorrection.mode (00000): byte[1]
          [FAST ]
        android.colorCorrection.transform (00001): rational[9]
          [(1 / 1) (0 / 1) ]
          [(0 / 1) (0 / 1) ]
          [(1 / 1) (0 / 1) ]
          [(0 / 1) (0 / 1) ]
          [(1 / 1) ]
        android.colorCorrection.aberrationMode (00003): byte[1]
          [OFF ]
        android.control.aeAntibandingMode (10000): byte[1]
          [AUTO ]
        android.control.aeExposureCompensation (10001): int32[1]
          [0 ]
        android.control.aeLock (10002): byte[1]
          [OFF ]
        android.control.aeMode (10003): byte[1]
          [ON ]
        android.control.aeRegions (10004): int32[5]
          [0 0 0 0 ]
          [0 ]
        android.control.aeTargetFpsRange (10005): int32[2]
          [30 30 ]
        android.control.aePrecaptureTrigger (10006): byte[1]
          [IDLE ]
        android.control.afMode (10007): byte[1]
          [AUTO ]
        android.control.afRegions (10008): int32[5]
          [0 0 0 0 ]
          [0 ]
        android.control.afTrigger (10009): byte[1]
          [IDLE ]
        android.control.awbLock (1000a): byte[1]
          [OFF ]
        android.control.awbMode (1000b): byte[1]
          [AUTO ]
        android.control.captureIntent (1000d): byte[1]
          [PREVIEW ]
        android.control.effectMode (1000e): byte[1]
          [OFF ]
        android.control.mode (1000f): byte[1]
          [USE_SCENE_MODE ]
        android.control.sceneMode (10010): byte[1]
          [FACE_PRIORITY ]
        android.control.videoStabilizationMode (10011): byte[1]
          [OFF ]
        android.control.aeState (1001f): byte[1]
          [CONVERGED ]
        android.control.afState (10020): byte[1]
          [INACTIVE ]
        android.control.afTriggerId (10021): int32[1]
          [0 ]
        android.control.awbState (10022): byte[1]
          [INACTIVE ]
        android.demosaic.mode (20000): byte[1]
          [FAST ]
        android.edge.mode (30000): byte[1]
          [FAST ]
        android.edge.strength (30001): byte[1]
          [5 ]
        android.flash.firingPower (40000): byte[1]
          [10 ]
        android.flash.firingTime (40001): int64[1]
          [0 ]
        android.flash.mode (40002): byte[1]
          [OFF ]
        android.flash.state (40005): byte[1]
          [UNAVAILABLE ]
        android.hotPixel.mode (60000): byte[1]
          [FAST ]
        android.jpeg.gpsCoordinates (70000): double[3]
          [0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000 ]
        android.jpeg.gpsProcessingMethod (70001): byte[32]
          [78 111 110 101 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 ]
          [0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 ]
        android.jpeg.gpsTimestamp (70002): int64[1]
          [0 ]
        android.jpeg.orientation (70003): int32[1]
          [0 ]
        android.jpeg.quality (70004): byte[1]
          [80 ]
        android.jpeg.thumbnailQuality (70005): byte[1]
          [80 ]
        android.jpeg.thumbnailSize (70006): int32[2]
          [320 240 ]
        android.lens.aperture (80000): float[1]
          [2.79999995 ]
        android.lens.filterDensity (80001): float[1]
          [0.00000000 ]
        android.lens.focalLength (80002): float[1]
          [-1.00000000 ]
        android.lens.focusDistance (80003): float[1]
          [0.00000000 ]
        android.lens.opticalStabilizationMode (80004): byte[1]
          [OFF ]
        android.noiseReduction.mode (a0000): byte[1]
          [OFF ]
        android.noiseReduction.strength (a0001): byte[1]
          [5 ]
        android.noiseReduction.availableNoiseReductionModes (a0002): byte[1]
          [0 ]
        android.request.frameCount (c0000): int32[1]
          [0 ] (c0001): int32[1]
          [0 ]
        android.request.metadataMode (c0003): byte[1]
          [FULL ]
        android.request.type (c0005): byte[1]
          [CAPTURE ]
        android.scaler.cropRegion (d0000): int32[4]
          [0 0 1920 1080 ]
        android.scaler.croppingType (d000d): byte[1]
          [CENTER_ONLY ]
        android.sensor.exposureTime (e0000): int64[1]
          [10000000 ]
        android.sensor.frameDuration (e0001): int64[1]
          [33333333 ]
        android.sensor.sensitivity (e0002): int32[1]
          [100 ]
        android.sensor.testPatternMode (e0018): int32[1]
          [OFF ]
        android.sensor.availableTestPatternModes (e0019): int32[1]
          [0 ]
        android.sensor.rollingShutterSkew (e001a): int64[1]
          [0 ]
        android.shading.mode (100000): byte[1]
          [FAST ]
        android.statistics.faceDetectMode (110000): byte[1]
          [FULL ]
        android.statistics.histogramMode (110001): byte[1]
          [OFF ]
        android.statistics.sharpnessMapMode (110002): byte[1]
          [OFF ]
        android.statistics.hotPixelMapMode (110003): byte[1]
          [OFF ]
        android.statistics.sceneFlicker (11000e): byte[1]
          [NONE ]
        android.statistics.lensShadingMapMode (110010): byte[1]
          [OFF ]
        android.tonemap.curveBlue (130000): float[4]
          [0.00000000 0.00000000 1.00000000 1.00000000 ]
        android.tonemap.curveGreen (130001): float[4]
          [0.00000000 0.00000000 1.00000000 1.00000000 ]
        android.tonemap.curveRed (130002): float[4]
          [0.00000000 0.00000000 1.00000000 1.00000000 ]
        android.tonemap.mode (130003): byte[1]
          [FAST ]
     Tag monitoring disabled (enable with -m <name1,..,nameN>)
     HAL device dump:
== Camera Provider HAL legacy/0 (v2.5, remote) static info: 1 devices: ==
== Camera HAL device device@3.3/legacy/0 (v3.3) static information: ==
  Resource cost: 0
  Conflicting devices: None
  API1 info:
    Has a flash unit: false
    Facing: Back
    Orientation: 0
  API2 camera characteristics:
    Dumping camera metadata array: 85 / 85 entries, 3384 / 3384 bytes of extra data.
      Version: 1, Flags: 00000000 (90005): float[1]
        [0.00000000 ] (90004): float[1]
        [0.00000000 ] (90002): float[1]
        [-1.00000000 ] (90000): float[1]
        [2.79999995 ] (90001): float[1]
        [0.00000000 ] (90003): byte[1]
        [0 ] (90006): int32[2]
        [1 1 ]
      android.lens.facing (80005): byte[1]
        [BACK ] (90007): byte[1]
      android.sensor.availableTestPatternModes (e0019): int32[1]
        [0 ]
      android.sensor.testPatternMode (e0018): int32[1]
        [OFF ] (f0003): int64[2]
        [1000 30000000000 ] (f0004): int64[1]
        [30000000000 ] (f0001): int32[2]
        [100 1600 ] (f0002): byte[1]
        [RGGB ] (f0005): float[2]
        [3.20000005 2.40000010 ] (f0007): int32[1]
        [4000 ]
      android.sensor.blackLevelPattern (e000c): int32[4]
        [1000 1000 1000 1000 ] (f0008): byte[1]
        [UNKNOWN ]
      android.sensor.orientation (e000e): int32[1]
        [0 ]
      android.sensor.rollingShutterSkew (e001a): int64[1]
        [0 ] (50000): byte[1]
        [FALSE ]
      android.flash.state (40005): byte[1]
        [UNAVAILABLE ] (50001): int64[1]
        [0 ]
      android.noiseReduction.availableNoiseReductionModes (a0002): byte[1]
        [0 ]
      android.tonemap.availableToneMapModes (130005): byte[2]
        [1 2 ]
      android.tonemap.maxCurvePoints (130004): int32[1]
        [128 ]
      android.scaler.croppingType (d000d): byte[1]
        [CENTER_ONLY ]
      android.scaler.availableFormats (d0001): int32[5]
        [YCbCr_420_888 ]
      android.scaler.availableRawMinDurations (d0007): int64[1]
        [0 ]
      android.scaler.availableStreamConfigurations (d000a): int32[120]
        [34 1920 1080 OUTPUT ]
        [34 1280 800 OUTPUT ]
        [34 1280 720 OUTPUT ]
        [34 1024 768 OUTPUT ]
        [34 800 600 OUTPUT ]
        [34 848 480 OUTPUT ]
        [34 640 480 OUTPUT ]
        [34 640 360 OUTPUT ]
        [34 352 288 OUTPUT ]
        [34 320 240 OUTPUT ]
        [34 176 144 OUTPUT ]
        [34 160 120 OUTPUT ]
        [35 1920 1080 OUTPUT ]
        [35 1280 800 OUTPUT ]
        [35 1280 720 OUTPUT ]
        [35 1024 768 OUTPUT ]
        [35 800 600 OUTPUT ]
        [35 848 480 OUTPUT ]
        [35 640 480 OUTPUT ]
        [35 640 360 OUTPUT ]
        [35 352 288 OUTPUT ]
        [35 320 240 OUTPUT ]
        [35 176 144 OUTPUT ]
        [35 160 120 OUTPUT ]
        [33 1920 1080 OUTPUT ]
        [33 1280 720 OUTPUT ]
        [33 1024 768 OUTPUT ]
        [33 640 480 OUTPUT ]
        [33 352 288 OUTPUT ]
        [33 320 240 OUTPUT ] (f0000): int32[4]
        [0 0 1920 1080 ] (f0006): int32[2]
        [1920 1080 ]
      android.scaler.availableMinFrameDurations (d000b): int64[120]
        [33 320 ]
        [240 33333333 ]
        [33 352 ]
        [288 33333333 ]
        [33 640 ]
        [480 33333333 ]
        [33 1024 ]
        [768 33333333 ]
        [33 1280 ]
        [720 33333333 ]
        [33 1920 ]
        [1080 33333333 ]
        [35 160 ]
        [120 33333333 ]
        [35 176 ]
        [144 33333333 ]
        [35 320 ]
        [240 33333333 ]
        [35 352 ]
        [288 33333333 ]
        [35 640 ]
        [360 33333333 ]
        [35 640 ]
        [480 33333333 ]
        [35 848 ]
        [480 33333333 ]
        [35 800 ]
        [600 33333333 ]
        [35 1024 ]
        [768 33333333 ]
        [35 1280 ]
        [720 33333333 ]
        [35 1280 ]
        [800 33333333 ]
        [35 1920 ]
        [1080 33333333 ]
        [34 160 ]
        [120 33333333 ]
        [34 176 ]
        [144 33333333 ]
        [34 320 ]
        [240 33333333 ]
        [34 352 ]
        [288 33333333 ]
        [34 640 ]
        [360 33333333 ]
        [34 640 ]
        [480 33333333 ]
        [34 848 ]
        [480 33333333 ]
        [34 800 ]
        [600 33333333 ]
        [34 1024 ]
        [768 33333333 ]
        [34 1280 ]
        [720 33333333 ]
        [34 1280 ]
        [800 33333333 ]
        [34 1920 ]
        [1080 33333333 ]
      android.scaler.availableStallDurations (d000c): int64[120]
        [33 320 ]
        [240 33333333 ]
        [33 352 ]
        [288 33333333 ]
        [33 640 ]
        [480 33333333 ]
        [33 1024 ]
        [768 33333333 ]
        [33 1280 ]
        [720 33333333 ]
        [33 1920 ]
        [1080 33333333 ]
        [35 160 ]
        [120 0 ]
        [35 176 ]
        [144 0 ]
        [35 320 ]
        [240 0 ]
        [35 352 ]
        [288 0 ]
        [35 640 ]
        [360 0 ]
        [35 640 ]
        [480 0 ]
        [35 848 ]
        [480 0 ]
        [35 800 ]
        [600 0 ]
        [35 1024 ]
        [768 0 ]
        [35 1280 ]
        [720 0 ]
        [35 1280 ]
        [800 0 ]
        [35 1920 ]
        [1080 0 ]
        [34 160 ]
        [120 0 ]
        [34 176 ]
        [144 0 ]
        [34 320 ]
        [240 0 ]
        [34 352 ]
        [288 0 ]
        [34 640 ]
        [360 0 ]
        [34 640 ]
        [480 0 ]
        [34 848 ]
        [480 0 ]
        [34 800 ]
        [600 0 ]
        [34 1024 ]
        [768 0 ]
        [34 1280 ]
        [720 0 ]
        [34 1280 ]
        [800 0 ]
        [34 1920 ]
        [1080 0 ]
      android.scaler.availableProcessedMinDurations (d0005): int64[1]
        [0 ]
      android.scaler.availableJpegMinDurations (d0002): int64[1]
        [0 ]
      android.jpeg.availableThumbnailSizes (70007): int32[8]
        [0 0 128 72 ]
        [160 120 320 240 ]
      android.jpeg.maxSize (70008): int32[1]
        [8000000 ] (120000): byte[3]
        [0 1 2 ] (120002): int32[1]
        [8 ] (120001): int32[1]
        [64 ] (120003): int32[1]
        [1000 ] (120005): int32[2]
        [64 64 ] (120004): int32[1]
        [1000 ]
      android.statistics.hotPixelMapMode (110003): byte[1]
        [OFF ]
      android.statistics.sceneFlicker (11000e): byte[1]
        [NONE ]
      android.statistics.lensShadingMapMode (110010): byte[1]
        [OFF ]
      android.control.sceneMode (10010): byte[1]
        [FACE_PRIORITY ]
      android.control.availableSceneModes (10019): byte[1]
        [1 ]
      android.control.availableEffects (10018): byte[1]
        [0 ]
      android.control.maxRegions (1001c): int32[3]
        [0 0 0 ]
      android.control.aeAvailableModes (10013): byte[2]
        [0 1 ]
      android.control.aeAvailableTargetFpsRanges (10014): int32[16]
        [5 15 15 15 ]
        [5 20 20 20 ]
        [5 25 25 25 ]
        [5 30 30 30 ]
      android.control.awbAvailableModes (1001b): byte[6]
        [0 1 2 3 5 8 ]
      android.control.afState (10020): byte[1]
        [INACTIVE ]
      android.control.afAvailableModes (10017): byte[1]
        [0 ]
      android.control.aeAvailableAntibandingModes (10012): byte[2]
        [0 3 ]
      android.control.aeExposureCompensation (10001): int32[1]
        [0 ]
      android.control.aeCompensationStep (10016): rational[1]
        [(1 / 3) ]
      android.control.aeCompensationRange (10015): int32[2]
        [-6 6 ]
      android.scaler.availableMaxDigitalZoom (d0004): float[1]
        [1.00000000 ]
      android.control.availableVideoStabilizationModes (1001a): byte[1]
        [0 ]
      android.control.aeState (1001f): byte[1]
        [CONVERGED ]
      android.control.awbState (10022): byte[1]
        [INACTIVE ] (150000): byte[1]
        [EXTERNAL ]
      android.sync.maxLatency (170001): int32[1]
        [UNKNOWN ]
      android.request.pipelineDepth (c0009): byte[1]
        [1 ]
      android.request.pipelineMaxDepth (c000a): byte[1]
        [4 ]
      android.request.availableCapabilities (c000c): byte[1]
      android.request.partialResultCount (c000b): int32[1]
        [1 ]
      android.request.maxNumOutputStreams (c0006): int32[3]
        [0 2 1 ]
      android.colorCorrection.aberrationMode (00003): byte[1]
        [OFF ]
      android.colorCorrection.availableAberrationModes (00004): byte[1]
        [0 ]
      android.request.availableCharacteristicsKeys (c000f): int32[38]
        [4 65554 65555 65556 ]
        [65557 65558 65559 65560 ]
        [65561 65562 65563 327680 ]
        [1376256 458759 524293 589826 ]
        [655362 786444 786443 786442 ]
        [851972 851981 917529 983040 ]
        [983045 983046 983048 917518 ]
        [1179648 1179650 1507329 65572 ]
        [65573 65574 1048578 1179655 ]
        [983050 65582 ]
      android.request.availableRequestKeys (c000d): int32[61]
        [4 65554 65555 65556 ]
        [65557 65558 65559 65560 ]
        [65561 65562 65563 327680 ]
        [1376256 458759 524293 589826 ]
        [655362 786444 786443 786442 ]
        [851972 851981 917529 983040 ]
        [983045 983046 983048 917518 ]
        [1179648 1179650 1507329 65539 ]
        [65543 65547 65551 65553 ]
        [1114112 3 655360 65536 ]
        [65537 65538 65539 65541 ]
        [65543 65545 65546 65547 ]
        [65549 65550 65551 65552 ]
        [65553 262146 458755 458756 ]
        [458757 458758 851968 1114112 ]
        [65583 ]
      android.request.availableResultKeys (c000e): int32[61]
        [4 65554 65555 65556 ]
        [65557 65558 65559 65560 ]
        [65561 65562 65563 327680 ]
        [1376256 458759 524293 589826 ]
        [655362 786444 786443 786442 ]
        [851972 851981 917529 983040 ]
        [983045 983046 983048 917518 ]
        [1179648 1179650 1507329 65539 ]
        [65543 65547 65551 65553 ]
        [1114112 3 655360 65536 ]
        [65537 65538 65539 65541 ]
        [65543 65545 65546 65547 ]
        [65549 65550 65551 65552 ]
        [65553 262146 458755 458756 ]
        [458757 458758 851968 1114112 ]
        [65583 ]
      android.control.aeLockAvailable (10024): byte[1]
        [TRUE ]
      android.control.awbLockAvailable (10025): byte[1]
        [TRUE ]
      android.control.availableModes (10026): byte[3]
        [1 2 0 ]
      android.shading.availableModes (100002): byte[2]
        [1 2 ] (120007): byte[1]
        [0 ]
      android.scaler.availableRotateAndCropModes (d0010): byte[1]
        [0 ] (f000a): int32[4]
        [0 0 1920 1080 ]
      android.control.zoomRatioRange (1002e): float[2]
        [1.00000000 1.00000000 ]
== Camera HAL device device@3.3/legacy/0 (v3.3) dumpState: ==
No active camera device session instance

== Vendor tags: ==

  Dumping vendor tag descriptors for vendor with id 3854507339
  Dumping configured vendor tag descriptors: 16 entries
    0x80000000 (aperture) with type 2 (float) defined in section android.lens
    0x80000001 (filterDensity) with type 2 (float) defined in section android.lens
    0x80000002 (focalLength) with type 2 (float) defined in section android.lens
    0x80000003 (focusDistance) with type 2 (float) defined in section android.lens
    0x80000004 (opticalStabilizationMode) with type 0 (byte) defined in section android.lens
    0x80000005 (facing) with type 0 (byte) defined in section android.lens
    0x80000006 (focusRange) with type 2 (float) defined in section android.lens
    0x80000007 (state) with type 0 (byte) defined in section android.lens
    0x80010000 (availableApertures) with type 2 (float) defined in section
    0x80010001 (availableFilterDensities) with type 2 (float) defined in section
    0x80010002 (availableFocalLengths) with type 2 (float) defined in section
    0x80010003 (availableOpticalStabilization) with type 0 (byte) defined in section
    0x80010004 (hyperfocalDistance) with type 2 (float) defined in section
    0x80010005 (minimumFocusDistance) with type 2 (float) defined in section
    0x80010006 (shadingMapSize) with type 1 (int32) defined in section
    0x80010007 (focusDistanceCalibration) with type 0 (byte) defined in section

== Camera error traces (0): ==
  No camera traces collected.
VIM4:/ #
1 Like

@goenjoy good!!!
I found the problem!!
Thank you!!!