Gapps and SU on SOC?

Do VIM has gapps and root on source?

Yes, will write a article with details and publish at Khadas Docs.

I donā€™t see it.
Khadas Docs

Please give the link )))

Hi, Davemf:

Following guidance is write by our other colleague, as he is not quite good at English, so we havenā€™t publish it on Khdas Docs yet, but we will finish that asap.

So for your reference first:

How to root use SYSTEM install

The article will describe more about how to root use SYSTEM install on android6.0

Most pepole know the famous SuperSu, now letā€™s step by step to config the root file

NOTICE: Make sure the selinux has been disabled

At first, we need to download the SuperSu file from their official website

Second, extract the file

$ mkdir root
$ unzip -d root/

The path root included the below list path:

arm arm64 armv7 common META-INF mips mips64 x64 x86

We will use the path armv7 and common

Why did we use the armv7 and not the arm64 ?

You can check the system property file build.prop , the value ro.product.cpu.abi is armeabi-v7a

Now you can look for the file META-INF/com/google/android/update-binary

You can see the instructions:

# ----- "SYSTEM" INSTALL -----
# "System" install puts all the files needed in /system and does not need
# any boot image modifications. Default install method pre-Android-6.0
# (excluding Samsung-5.1).
# Even on Android-6.0+, the script attempts to detect if the current
# firmware is compatible with a system-only installation (see the
# "detect_systemless_required" function), and will prefer that
# (unless the SYSTEMLESS variable is set) if so. This will catch the
# case of several custom ROMs that users like to use custom boot images
# with - SuperSU will not need to patch these. It can also catch some
# locked bootloader cases that do allow security policy updates.
# To install SuperSU properly, aside from cleaning old versions and
# other superuser-type apps from the system, the following files need to
# be installed:
# API   source                        target                              chmod   chcon                       required
# 7-19  common/Superuser.apk          /system/app/Superuser.apk           0644    u:object_r:system_file:s0   gui
# 20+   common/Superuser.apk          /system/app/SuperSU/SuperSU.apk     0644    u:object_r:system_file:s0   gui
# 17+   common/    /system/etc/     0755    *1                          required
# 17+                                 /system/bin/     (symlink to /system/etc/...)        required
# *1: same as /system/bin/toolbox: u:object_r:system_file:s0 if API < 20, u:object_r:toolbox_exec:s0 if API >= 20
# 7+    ARCH/su *2                    /system/xbin/su                     *3      u:object_r:system_file:s0   required
# 7+                                  /system/bin/.ext/.su                *3      u:object_r:system_file:s0   gui
# 17+                                 /system/xbin/daemonsu               0755    u:object_r:system_file:s0   required
# 17-21                               /system/xbin/sugote                 0755    u:object_r:zygote_exec:s0   required
# *2: su.pie for 17+ x86(_32) only
# *3: 06755 if API < 18, 0755 if API >= 18
# 19+   ARCH/supolicy                 /system/xbin/supolicy               0755    u:object_r:system_file:s0   required
# 19+   ARCH/              /system/lib(64)/         0644    u:object_r:system_file:s0   required
# 17-21 /system/bin/sh or mksh *4     /system/xbin/sugote-mksh            0755    u:object_r:system_file:s0   required
# *4: which one (or both) are available depends on API
# 21+   /system/bin/app_process32 *5  /system/bin/app_process32_original  0755    u:object_r:zygote_exec:s0   required
# 21+   /system/bin/app_process64 *5  /system/bin/app_process64_original  0755    u:object_r:zygote_exec:s0   required
# 21+   /system/bin/app_processXX *5  /system/bin/app_process_init        0755    u:object_r:system_file:s0   required
# 21+                                 /system/bin/app_process             (symlink to /system/xbin/daemonsu)  required
# 21+                             *5  /system/bin/app_process32           (symlink to /system/xbin/daemonsu)  required
# 21+                             *5  /system/bin/app_process64           (symlink to /system/xbin/daemonsu)  required
# *5: Only do this for the relevant bits. On a 64 bits system, leave the 32 bits files alone, or dynamic linker errors
#     will prevent the system from fully working in subtle ways. The bits of the su binary must also match!
# 17+   common/99SuperSUDaemon *6     /system/etc/init.d/99SuperSUDaemon  0755    u:object_r:system_file:s0   optional
# *6: only place this file if /system/etc/init.d is present
# 17+   'echo 1 >' or 'touch' *7      /system/etc/.installed_su_daemon    0644    u:object_r:system_file:s0   optional
# *7: the file just needs to exist or some recoveries will nag you. Even with it there, it may still happen.

About the instructions,We need to organize directory again.

$ cd root
$ rm -rf arm arm64 mips mips64 x64 x86
$ mkdir SuperSU
$ mv common/
$ mv common/99SuperSUDaemon .
$ mv common/Superuser.apk SuperSu/SuperSU.apk
$ mv armv7/su .
$ mv armv7/ .
$ mv armv7/supolicy .
$ touch .installed_su_daemon
$ copy ~/project/khadas/mmallow/out/target/product/kvim/system/bin/sh sugote-mksh
$ rm -rf common armv7

After doing that, we need to create a file that copy some file to system and build the SuperSu application.

The contents of the file as below

                root/  \
                root/  \
                root/su:system/xbin/su \
                root/su:system/bin/.ext/.su \
                root/su:system/xbin/daemonsu \
                root/su:system/xbin/sugote \
                root/supolicy:system/xbin/supolicy \
                root/ \
                root/sugote-mksh:system/xbin/sugote-mksh \
                root/99SuperSUDaemon:system/etc/init.d/99SuperSUDaemon \

Finally, we need to create a file in the path SuperSU

LOCAL_PATH := $(call my-dir)
include $(CLEAR_VARS)

Ok. Nice!
Will wait for the gapps installation instructions.

Or we need TWRP for VIM, and then we will be able to install su and gapps themselvesā€¦

Where do I do it? On ~/project/khadas/mmallow/out/target/product/kvim/ or ~/

If you only root for vim,you can look the below steps:


  1. Make sure the selinux has been disabled

    check the file uboot/board/khadas/configs/kvim.h

    make sure the value of EnableSelinux is disabled and not enforcing

  2. Download the root file from github

$ cd <path-to-your-project>
$ cd vendor/amlogic
$ git clone "root"
  1. Enable Root by edit ā€˜device/khadas/kvim/kvim.mkā€™:


  1. Build your rom again
$ cd  <path-to-your-project>
$ make  installclean
$ make  -jN otapackage

Hi, terry!
Very nice, thanks!!!
Do you have the instruction for gapps?

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Iā€™m uploading the gapps to myself github.
Also I will describe the steps for build gapps later.


You can follow below steps to build gapps.


  1. Download the gapps file from github
$ cd <path-to-your-project>
$ cd vendor/amlogic
$ git clone
  1. Enable GAPPS by edit ā€˜device/khadas/kvim/kvim.mkā€™:
  1. Build your rom again
$ cd <path-to-your-project>
$ make  installclean
$ make  -jN otapackage

I did it and rebuild my update.img.
But supersu does not work.

What did I do wrong?

PS: gapps work is well.

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which version of android? nougat?

No, it is android M6

Can you tell me which I can view the below information ?

Please make sure the selinux has been disabled

shell@Vim:/ $ getenforce                                                       

I can check it after 7 hours.

But I disabled it in the file ā€œuboot/board/khadas/configs/kvim.hā€.

I checked it:
ā€œuboot/board/khadas/configs/kvim.hā€ file has ā€œEnableSelinux=disabled\0ā€\

u0_a56@Vim:/ $ getenforce

How fix it?

Hi, Davemf:
Can you check again that you have got the u-boot binary with Selinux disabled one been downloaded to the eMMC?

binary su file is in out/target/product/kvim/system/xbin after build.

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binary su file is in /system/xbin on khadas vim. But file of size 0!!!

You need to rebuild the u-boot when you modify the file ā€˜uboot/board/khadas/configs/kvim.hā€™

$ cd u-boot
$ make distclean
$ make kvim_defconfig
$ make -j8

About the file ā€˜out/target/product/kvim/system/xbinā€™

  1. You need to check the source 'vendor/amlogic/root
  2. Rebuild your project
$ make installclean -j8
$ make otapackage -j8