EDGE-V bug thread [ANDROID PIE]

Execute this command and see:

rk3399:/ # ls -l /dev/block/nvme*
brw------- 1 root root 259,   0 2019-07-03 03:49 /dev/block/nvme0n1
brw------- 1 root root 259,   1 2019-07-03 03:49 /dev/block/nvme0n1p1


kernel is creating nvme node but not able to see ssd storage on file explorer or storage section in android setting. I am able to mount it from console using block node.
do we need to make entry in fstab for auto mount?

rk3399:/ # blkid /dev/block/nvme0n1p1
/dev/block/nvme0n1p1: LABEL="NO_NAME" UUID="BE71-0B13" TYPE="vfat" 
rk3399:/ # mkdir /data/media/0/nvme
rk3399:/ # busybox mount /dev/block/nvme0n1p1 /data/media/0/nvme

1 2 3

Please check if there is a script that can be added or boot files modified on boot so it mounts automatically. I can then add it to my ROM.

If I use a USB 2.0 HUB(tried 3 different ones) on right USB port on Khadas Edge V then after a while a connected USB 3.0 Toshiba 1TB hard-drive seems to get stuck and not detected by file managers anymore, not sure if it’s a software or power issue.

I use the same hard-drive on Rockchip RK3229, RK3328 with USB HUBS and the hard-drive stays powered on and working correctly.

I can’t use the top left USB port as the hard-drive or USB keyboard dongle can’t fit in it if the case is on and the USB C power cable is connected in the bottom left USB C port.

Confirm that the corresponding USB 2.0 and USB 3.0 are correct?

Continuing the discussion from EDGE-V bug thread [ANDROID PIE]:

I use the left USB 3.0 (blue) port as in the picture, next to the ethernet port.

I use this hard-drive, 1TB, model no: DTB310, 5V-1.0A power

If I plug it in directly, the light turns blue meaning it is in USB 3 mode.
If plugged into a USB 2.0 Hub then it has a white light, meaning it is in USB 2.0 mode.
I try to use different USB 2.0 hubs with 3 ports each so I can plug in the hard-drive, a Mele F10 airmouse dongle and use 3rd port for a flash-drive or gamepad.

But after a while the hard-drive turns off and then file managers can’t access it anymore even if I unplug the USB Hub and plug it in again. Then I have to unplug the USB C power cable completely and turn on again.

It might be a USB 3 driver problem or maybe not enough power.
I haven’t tried a USB 3.0 HUB yet since I don’t have one.

I use the old remote, not this Pro version, but mine has the same size USB dongle.
The dongle is too big to fit into the left USB 2.0 (Black port), so that is why I want to connect it to the (Blue) port together with a hard-drive with a USB Hub.

Seems the new Mele airmouses have a smaller dongle and might fit, but it’s expensive to buy similar device again.

Latest USB 3 code

Khadas code

Maybe some of the latest commits for USB 3 and USB 2 code can help to improve things I hope?

You can grab a serial LOG, and I’ll feed it back to Rockchip analysis.

Any update devs? I’ve noticed a newer version of PIE (Edge_Pie_V190701) Last I checked, burn-tool has not been updated. Are we able to flash PIE to the Edge-V yet?

Burn-tool have been updated, and others have already started experiencing pie firmware.

goenjoyKhadas Staff

Burn-tool have been updated, and others have already started experiencing pie firmware.

I have just tried to flash the latest PIE firmware to the Edge-V and still have the same error message;

ubuntu@ubuntu:~/utils$ burn-tool -v rk -i ‘/home/ubuntu/Desktop/Edge_Pie_V190701/update.img’
Try to burn Rockchip image…
Burn to eMMC…
Rockchip Android image (or linux image compatible with AndroidTool one image burning) found!
Try to burn Rockchip image…
Loading firmware…
Support Type:RK330C FW Ver:9.0.00 FW Time:2019-07-01 17:20:24
Loader ver:1.19 Loader Time:2019-06-27 17:47:04
Download Firmware Fail

I ran git-pull to check burn-tool was updated. It already was, therefore burn-tool didnt appear to have any updates to me…

Please will you get this issue fixed and test it before you roll it out,especially before you indicate that it is working when it isn’t. The situation is getting a bit ridiculous now, your QC team should catch things like this very easily. The problem is going from NOUGAT to PIE, I’ve posted about this before…

Just a few things noticed all in good time…
Boarder Right edge on ES File

Around 3Dmark

Graphics go a bit weird also in 3D mark

Running my supper cooler to keep it KOOL:sunglasses:

50c~ with out fan pretty solid

Looking good

1 Like

So you burned it on linux. Sorry, we haven’t verified that Linux downloads Android 9.0 firmware yet. I verified that there was a problem tonight and I gave it back to rockchip. It is estimated that the download tool needs to be updated.

Hi Goenjoy,

I am able to mount SSD with command but my requirement is to mount automatically when it boots so do we need to make any entry in fstab for the same?

I don’t have this function for the time being. I’ll study it when I have time. But you can also implement it, mainly by executing those commands on boot.

In addition, if you want to mount in the file manager root directory, you need to modify the file manager code.

Hi Goenjoy

Thanks for update. I will implement it, just want to conform that from default SDK this provision is there or not.

unzip Linux_Upgrade_Tool_v1.47.zip
cd Linux_Upgrade_Tool_v1.47
sudo chmod a+x upgrade_tool
sudo ./upgrade_tool ef update.img
sudo ./upgrade_tool uf update.img

ef Representation erasure.
uf Representative upgrade.


Thanks, I’ll try that.

Hello again,

I can confirm that the newer burn_tool version has allowed m to install PIE now.

However, PIE has all of the bugs that I have outlined in the NOUGAT bug thread and the PIE bug thread. Also there are more.

  1. I can no longer click and drag icons/widgets on the home screen to place them where I want. This is critical to user experience.

  2. Kodi 18.3 will not load. This is 50% of the use-case of an Android box for me.

3.There is an annoying low battery power icon, top right.

This build is even more useless than the NOUGAT build. The screen rotation bug still persists despite this being pointed out a good while ago. I have to wipe everything to try out a new build, only to find it’s more useless and contains more bugs than the one I replaced. $199 for the EDGE-V and it’s completely useless to me, still.

I’m tired with this product and bug hunting for you for free, only to have you ignore and fail to fix the bugs in good time. I’m contacting support via email to return this EDGE-V now.

Have you tried my custom Pie firmware?

All the bugs you mention were already fixed a week ago.