EDGE-V bug thread [ANDROID PIE]

First of all, I’m sorry. This 9.0 is the first version of firmware, there are inevitably a variety of problems, but we will follow up various BUGs and solve it. However, it is impossible for us to build & release ROMs frequently, and we will accumulate enough time to update firmware.


Thank you for the latest PIE build. Some progress at last.

As feedback, the following bugs now still exist;

  • Strange contrast change every time the mouse pointer touches the top or bottom of the screen edge.

  • Battery icon visible, top right.

  • Unable to long-press to select, remove or drag-drop icons & widgets from within Nova Launcher.

  • Strange grey block visible, bottom right of the screen after open/close Brave Browser.


Thank you for your feedback. We will follow up your BUG.

Battery icon visible, top right.=》This should be normal, even without batteries, external power supply, Android system will think that there is a virtual battery.

=>I didn’t find this problem.

=>This should be normal, even without batteries, external power supply, Android system will think that there is a virtual battery.

=>I tested other 9.0 platforms and had this problem.

=>Solved, the next firmware will be updated.

there are no future settings for the fan.

on all the pies that I tested, there are always some bugs.

either the edge reboots, without asking anything.

either the image freezes and we can do nothing, except by debranching it.

or she comes back to the desk, while watching a channel or movie.

thank you

Yes, fan settings will be nice for users with a fan.
Hope Khadas will test it.

Maybe also a setting for the LED
to make it flicker with activity or make it static, always on without moving?

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Thanks for feedback, the next firmware will be updated.

Not very clear. What BUG is it?

Thank you for your feedback. the next firmware will be fix it.

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