Build vim2 firmware including root support

It’s too complicated for me I haven’t got a clue how to do this I tried but it didn’t work it just opened android os nougat on the vim2 I’m going to wait for the new power supply and cable hopefully this will sort the problem out.

If you have the image burned to the card, with the VIM 2 powered off, insert the card in to the VIM 2’s card slot, then try this…

Power on VIM2.
Long press the Power key without releasing it.
Short press the ‘Reset’ key and release it.
Count to 10 seconds and release the ‘Power’ key to enter into upgrade mode.

See if Krescue boots.
Is this the Krescue image you used with Etcher to burn the card?

Yes that’s the image I download I followed the instructions that got from tsangyoujun khadas team but it didn’t work tell you the truth it’s quite complicated to do.

Do you do this connected to my Mac so I download Krescue image then burn it to the sd card using Etcher then when I’ve done this do the same as using the burning tool when I long press power key short press reset key does Krescue image show on my Mac then what do I do then because I’ve never done this before you see.

The Mac is only used to make the card. After that the card is inserted in to the VIM 2’s card slot, the Mac is not involved. In fact, the VIM 2 should not be connected to the Mac when attempting to boot Krescue.
Following the steps I listed above should result in the VIM 2 booting Krescue, this will be seen on a monitor connected to the VIM 2 HDMI output.
Krescue is unlikely to solve your reboot issue, though it might be beneficial diagnostically.
Also beneficial as a diagnostic is using UART to get a kernel log, but that requires a serial to usb adapter and learning some steps.

When I receive the power supply and cable if this doesn’t work I’m thinking of buying vim3 pro is this better then vim2 Max 4g 64gb

With the VIM 3 Pro you will have 32GB of storage instead of the 64GB on your VIM 2. However, storage can be expanded on the VIM3 via SD card, USB, or PCIe NVMe drive. The latter requires the New or Original M2X Expansion board to mount an SSD.
Both have 4GB of RAM.
The CPU in the VIM 3, the A311D, has some evolutionary advantages over the S912 on the VIM 2. The VIM 3 has a PCIe socket and USB 3.0, vs the USB 2.0 on the VIM 2.
The VIM 3 can be powered with a PD type power supply like the Khadas 24W supply, this offers the VIM 3 greater voltage and power, can really help with connected peripherals.
There are many reasons the VIM 3 would be a, beyond suitable, replacement for your VIM 2. However, I am still hoping the new power supply and cable will have your VIM 2 running well.

I noticed there is two vim3 basic / pro and vim3L what’s best out of these two, the vim3 can you get android os image rooted for the pro.

@MacThomas62 the firmware is rooted by default :slightly_smiling_face:

The VIM3 is generally more powerful than the VIM3L. The VIM3 has a more powerful SoC(CPU) with more cores. They are otherwise very similar devices. The VIM3 offers greater RAM and eMMC Storage options. The VIM3L offers an HTPC kit.
Compare VIM3 to VIM3L specs(excerpt from here)…

Comparison between VIM3 Basic and Pro models can be seen here.

@MacThomas62 if you are doing multimedia playback, the VIM3L should be good enough :slightly_smiling_face:
I won’t suggest the VIM3 unless you want to some heavier work in a like linux desktop etc.

RDFTKV what vim series have you got and have you had problems with restarting or rebooting if you haven’t had any problems with yours and is Superceleron has he done any new roms for the vim2 or is going to do anymore I’m really hoping the new power supply and cable that I’ve ordered is going sort this problem out.

I have VIM1(earlier version), VIM2(earlier version), and VIM3, but I do not have the VIM3L.
I change firmware often, but have experienced no reboot issues that were not power related, on any of them.
If I recall, your VIM2 ran for a long time without reboot issues. If I recall correctly, now it has reboot issues on any firmware. Let’s wait and see what happens when the new parts arrive. :slightly_smiling_face:

How old is your power supply and cable for the vim’s.

What’s the vim3 like have you got the basic or the pro and would you say it’s better than the vim2 Max.

I have power supplies from relatively new to more than five years old. For the VIM2, I originally used a Samsung QC charger that defaulted to 5 volts at 3 amps. That supply still works but has been reassigned. The VIM2 and VIM1 both run from the Khadas 10W supplies. My VIM3 and Edges run from the Khadas 24W PD power supplies. The 24W supplies do not work on older VIM1 or VIM2. My cables date back to the original VIM1’s release.

I have the Pro, given the choice, I will always select the greater RAM option. The VIM3 is fast and a feature-rich SBC. Has many OS options and offers SSD storage via NVMe. The SoC in the VIM3 will probably receive more development from AMLogic than will the S912(VIM2), of course I speculate. I can offer little more than that. Have a look at the specs and features from my post above to determine which is best suited to your needs.

As media consumption seems to be your primary use for the device, one of the other Khadas forum members could better answer your question on VIM2 vs VIM3, for instance @Electr1 suggested the VIM3L is a good media consuming device.
Me personally, if selecting today, VIM3 would be my choice. But as I said, still hoping your VIM2 has a future.

Keep in mind, I usually run one of the Linux OS on the VIM3 and do not use it much for media consumption.
I am an oddball(this will draw little debate :grin:), I prefer Rockchip SoCs(Edges) for media consumption. I just prefer the picture quality on the Rockchip SoCs. My opinion is purely subjective, I have not tested it with equipment. :smile:

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Hello, there is news regarding the 905x3 processor - A critical vulnerability has been found in the BootROM (boot loader that cannot be changed) of Amlogic S905x3 processors, allowing unsigned code to run in SecureWorld mode:

RDFTKV How can I find the problem with my vim2 then I can send it to you or khadas then you can tell us what’s causing this problem I’ve been having.

Is my vim2 got a log file so I can find out what’s causing the restarting or rebooting I’m getting with my vim2 or is there a way of knowing where the error is coming from.

you can try using a uart debugger, or use logcat app…