Armbian + KODI (Ubuntu\Debian) for SD & USB & eMMC


I’m getting an error now. Could I please get some help with it?

I do a git pull from your repo on github, and then I compile with this command:


… and I am getting this error:

Building board/khadas/kvim2/bl21.bin
/home/jojapoppa/armbianbuild/cache/sources/u-boot-amlogics905x/Nougat-Ubuntu/Makefile:925: recipe for target ‘bl21.bin’ failed
Makefile:147: recipe for target ‘sub-make’ failed

Thank you!

What image are you trying to collect ?

Oh hi! Thanks for the reply. Actually, I’m not trying to collect an image, but am trying to figure out how to compile from source… just for fun.

What I found is that the conf appears to be missing for kvim2_config (it’s referenced in the boards/amlogic-s905x.conf).

I’ve tried using a different BOOTSOURCE and BOOTBRANCH in sources/amlogics905x.conf; but to no avail, as they all appear to generate similar errors.


The build system requires proper configuration, which is performed when certain menu items are selected in the GUI. At each step of the menu, the system creates the desired configuration piece for the correct Assembly. Without this, the build system will not work.

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Playing with Armbian_5.41.1_S9xxx_Ubuntu_xenial_4.17.0-rc3-next-20180430_server.img with a VIM2.
I cannot get Bluetooth to work: more specifically cannot get a controller available.

I guess the onboard Bluetooth is not surprising, although it does pretty well with

Plugging in a BT-USB dongle seems to be doomed as there is no btusb in the /lib/modules tree.

Any comments on what may be possible welcome.

I added an alternative link to download images from “Mega”!j9QSDQSQ!6WpasOlbZYIInfw6yo4phQ

Unfortunately I can’t edit the first post of the topic, so post here.

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I just downloaded and installed this on my Vorke Z6 and it works. Thanks for your efforts. Would it be difficult to change the build to use OpenPHT instead of Kodi? I mostly use Plex and would love to have OpenPHT running on boot on the S912 but I cant find an image anywhere (that works). Thanks for your time.

Have you tried these options ?

Unfortunately I tried that and Viesens S912 image does not work, it hangs on the splash screen. I verified it was not just me on the LE and Plex forums. Thanks though.

Have you tried adding the correct dtb file instead of the existing one ?

Yes, it boots fine, even the SMB share works and I can access the update folder and logs but Im guessing there is an issue with the screen/GUI because it does not get past the OpenPHT screen.

Others on the LE forum reported the same so its definitely the image.

Perhaps not all settings for s912 were used during the Assembly. There are two solutions. Or fix the current build with kernel “3.14”. Either wait for the basic kernel with support for the free version of HW and exit at its base Libreelec, with subsequent Assembly OpenPHT based on it.

Thanks. Hopefully one of those things will happen, Veisen does not seem to be working on it any more :frowning:

In the coming days, I plan to go on vacation :slight_smile:
where there is no Internet. So if you have any questions for me, you’d better ask them now.

Have a nice vacation.:wink:


Sounds like you are headed back to paradise. Enjoy your well-deserved vacation. :sunglasses:

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Nice vocation :rofl: :rofl:

Image update kernel 4.18 (catalog 5.44).


Updated images kernel 3.14 and 4.18.

Add dtb for p281 (S905W).

Please note that installation in eMMC, a system with kernel 4.18, is possible only when using u-boot-2018 and formatting the eMMC in normal disk mode.


Hi dukla2000:

I come across the problem same as yours.
How do you work out the problem, can you share the details?
where can I find kvim2-update?