Armbian + KODI (Ubuntu\Debian) for SD & USB & eMMC

You need to following below steps to boot Armbian_5.37_S9xxx_Ubuntu_xenial_4.9.40_mate Rom.

1) Flash VIM_Oreo_Preview_V171229 Rom into your VIM

2) Insert your TF card with Armbian Rom

3) Long press power key and don’t release

4) Connect your VIM Type-C port with DC adapter

5) Release power key after 10s


Don’t insert the TF card with Armbian Rom while the VIM device enter into android system. Because the system will change the property of ext4 file on TF card. To solve this problem, instead of the droidvold executables with adb command.

//The IP_ADDR is the IP address of your VIM
# adb connect IP_ADDR
# adb root
# adb connect IP_ADDR
# adb remount
# adb connect IP_ADDR
# adb push droidvold /vendor/bin/
# adb shell sync
# adb shell reboot

Good luck for you!:grinning:

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