7 inch capacitive touch panel

give me some 12 hrs…

@Archangel1235 please share the files that need to be changed I will build it for @hlebanet

Hello! I’m facing with a problem of running virtual keyboard with this image. I’m trying to start onboard or florence but getting the same error:



How can I run some of known virtual keyboards with vim1? Thanks

The image is with xfce desktop

Please use sudo onboard or sudo florence
it is being rejected as it does have the required privileges to start the app

I’m under root via ssh.


try connecting a keyboard and mouse and directly try to open it not through ssh

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Yes , that how it works. Thanks. Sorry for stupid question

yes, it turns out so simple

You can create a cron job or something to make it start on startup

There is nothing stupid in asking questions, it is one of the ways of learning something :slight_smile:

moreover, a forum exists for this

try this

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no, the images are different, since the hardware is different, in any case, more information is on docs.khadas in the firmware section for the vim you need, or some of the users can offer you their own assembly, optimized

@Archangel1235 please give the instructions for this soon, it will be easier for others to get it, rather than asking you all the time :slight_smile:

in any case, questions will arise, since many do not want to spend time searching the forum

for compiling just copy this file into fenix/linux/arch/arm64/configs


make clean && make

Yes! Electr1 is goddem right! =)

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Thanks! _________ =)

Just a note. There are some universal VIM firmware in the Krescue images.

he wants a firmware where touch works

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