3rd-Party Ubuntu ROM for Khadas VIM

Seems a bit superfluous now, but here it is…

I used an image from here. Images available with and without DE.

Latest, I have not tried these.

HDD RAW image burner.


His other Linux variants(Arch Here). I have not tried any of these on the Vim. Note: Login Info for other variants. Other variants may require additional steps.

For Windows+Android:
Card Prep:
1.) Format an SD card to FAT32. 4GB minimum( I generally use 16 and 32 cards), Class 10 or better recommended. The faster the better.
2.) Download and extract the file, the extracted file will be an image. I use 7Zip for extraction.
3.) Burn the image to the SD card. I use HDD RAW(portable ver.). Programs like Rufus or Win32DiskImager, etc should also work. Caution with HDD RAW, make certain you select the SD card as the target, HDD RAW will write over anything, it does not care about your feelings on the matter. It does have a couple of confirm notices, but be careful anyway.

To Run with prepared card: A few things take place, it does not just boot to Linux first go round.
1.) With the Vim running Android, insert the prepared card in to the Vim’s SD slot or use a USB card reader.
Note: I like to use a card reader with activity LED, so I can see something is happening. The first boot can take a few minutes and the flashing LED is reassuring. :slight_smile:
2.) At Android/Settings/About Device/System/updates.
From the Update and Backup App, under the UpdateLocale section, click Select, select aml_autoscript.zip, click update.
Note: Leave “Wipe Data” and “Wipe Media” unchecked/unticked. To be clear, do not use those options
-The Vim will reboot, it will do so a couple of times.
-Eventually you will see the initial login.
Initial login credentials, User: root Password: 1234
You will be asked to select a new password, do so. You will be asked to create a new User and P/W, do so.
-The box will reboot, this boot will be a bit slow, but ultimately should bring you to the desktop.

Once at the desktop, install gparted(sudo apt-get install gparted). Use it to resize the Ext partition on dev/sda to fill the card’s available space. Ext will be on /dev/sda.
Note: Correction. Please see balbes150’s post for DTB explination.

I don’t think I left anything out. The steps sound far more complicated than they are. Do it once, and you probably won’t need this guide the second time.
Still, I am not without error(understatement), so if you have any trouble or I have messed up, let me know.