3rd-Party Ubuntu ROM for Khadas VIM

Clarification. The function to load the dtb data from the internal memory there is in all recent images. The principle of operation of this function. At the start image, the system checks for file “dtb.img” in the root of the first partition of the carrier. If there is no such file, the system tries to load the dtb data from the internal memory. By default, after recording of the image of such a file in the root of the no. So the system is trying to use the dtb data that exists in the current firmware. If you try to run the system (without the file “dtb.img” in the root of the first partition), the system doesn’t start, you need to manually copy the correct dtb file from the directory /dtb to the root and rename it to “dtb.img”. Kernel in images are frequently updated and changed, accordingly change the options\variables dtb files (included in the kit image in the directory dtb). Therefore, the data that is in the internal memory often does not correspond to the parameters of the kernel, so the system cannot be started without manually copying the correct file.