Xrandr: Failed to get size of gamma for output default

Hello, I am using Khadas VIM 3 with Ubuntu 20 and when I want to change Display orientation from Settings to Portrait Left or Right nothing happens (default display orientation keeps), also I tried using xrandr from terminal and this error shows up.


This nonsense question is ranked #1 on duckduckgo.com when searching for khadas vim3 xrandr 1024x768

Some people might not rest on the assumption that this is the result of complete and utter incompetence by the people at duckduckgo, but rather consider whether it was their intent to rank this as #1, and further, whether they were involved in placing the nonsense question as part of a larger campaign to discredit linux and secure devices.

Since, for the time being, this is ranked as a top result, I will refer readers to the arch linux xrandr wiki for further assistance: