Would I be able to run StartOS on VIM3?

Which Khadas SBC do you use?

Vim3 Pro

Which system do you use? Android, Ubuntu, OOWOW or others?

Running OOWOW from SD

Which version of system do you use? Khadas official images, self built images, or others?

I want to start using VIM3 to run Start9 (Start9 · GitHub)

Please describe your issue below:

Start9 OS offers an aarch64 image. Would I be able to run this on a VIM3 Pro?

I looked over the git page and did not see what I needed to see. So, it appears they are not open sourcing the entire build process. They have an image for the Pi so they are close. All you can do is try. Pretty sure the PI4 build will not boot on the VIM3.

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Hello @haste it seems they do not provide raw rootfs to run on aarch64 targets, only rpi specific instructions. However, you could try building the RPI image from their examples: https://github.com/Start9Labs/start-os/tree/master/build#build-raspberry-pi-image
And rip the rootfs from it.


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This would be the first time for me to do this. So how would I ‘rip the rootfs’ from a new build that I make? Is there a manual for this? It would be my first time. I’m not an expert.

@haste you can mount the rpi disk image and copy the contents of files and other components of the image into your own new image and with the required uboot, dtb, kernel, and flash the image to the vim3.

I will look into this over next week to provide some solution regarding this for you.

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I would definitely be interested in trying this out, but I’ve never made my own image before, so not even sure where to start.

But if you could help me along or even create an image to try then I’m willing to give it a go and install it to see if it works. Thanks.

Hello @haste, I have taken a look at the start-os project but it does not provide any way to create generic arm64 image, they only provide installer iso and rpi image which may not be suitable for VIM3.

Do you know if they provide generic arm64 img file ?


They responded to me that the aarch64.iso is the generic arm64 image.

I quote them:

.iso is a standard (and the most popular), modern format for distributing software, such as Linux distros.

.img is a standard originally created for floppy disks, and while still in use and functional, it is fairly dated.

You can convert the .iso to a .img if you really want to.

Better just to let this go for now. I’ve decided to install Ubuntu on emmc and run Umbrel Node on it. It’s syncing the blockchain at this moment.