Was playing with my Khadas VIM2 to install TeslaMate and for some reason it wont boot anymore. when boot it showing initramfs. ./proc/partition showing mmblk0p1-6 and boot0/1 and other one don’t recall the name rpmf i think. how I make it bootable again?
I did use Kresecure and took a dump of the emmc, but don’t know how to open that file in regual ubuntu, as I was trying to get my files.
Unpack this image file by zstd
After u can use losetup and mount image file partitions
Another simple way connect your bord to host machine via usbotg cable and start krescue from SD
After all emmc partitions will be exported as simple USB disks without any manipulation’s
I have decompressed it and used losetup and it didn’t work as it says I/o error when mount. Also krescue didn’t show them also tried mount mmcblk2 and mmcblkboot1 but no luck. I just have scripts in khadas home folder need them deadly
how, I recall kernel updated then it stop booting. I have the image in zstd file, in virtual machine with Ubuntu. how I can fix the partition table of the image?
no, I used fenix, also I don’t know if I have the old one, can you please share how I can restore in general or directed me to some website. Many Many thanks