Why does emmc-install cause boot loop?

Which system do you use? Android, Ubuntu, OOWOW or others?

Ubuntu 24 kernal 6.9 gnome image on an sd card then run ‘emmc-install’ causes boot loop like most of the other install methods.

Which version of system do you use? Please provide the version of the system here:

ubuntu 24 image downloaded from teh Khadas Vim3 download page.

Please describe your issue below:

There are basically no ways to put a solid OS on this Vim3. Is the Vim3 still supported?

Post a console log of your issue below:

This boot loop also basically blocks any booting from any other SD card. This means that the kresuce sd card I then insert to resover doesn’t load either.

I Found a reset method by burning the one image that I have found to work onto the emmc through the win burn tool. That image is Ubuntu24 kernal 5.15 gnome. Only then will the SD card be recognized again.

Does anyone else find these type of bugs in the OS loading? I’ve been unable to get this board going. I really just wanted to play with python and yolo on the NPU and now I’m days deep in debugging docs and OS installs. I should probably just return this to stop wasting time and buy something with a reliable install method or just get an AI accelerator with linux drivers.

The docs suggest Vim3 is no longer supported. If it isn’t then I want a refund and wonder why these are still being sold.

Can anyone fill me in on what the deal is\ with Khadas and their support?

We will check this issue.

If you want to use the NPU, we suggest you to use the image with 5.15 kernel, the 6.x kernel image is just for experience and some function are missing.

The VIM3 is still under support.

I have found one single OS and method to get this thing running and that was through the burn tool with Ubuntu 24 5.15 gnome. So maybe I’ll just stick to that.

My problem there is that the remote-desktop options are missing. I installed gnome-remote-desktop and the options then appeared, but it doesn’t work. I also tried xrdp and it worked every 5th time to connect but left sessions open in a way that the xRDP can’t connect because the session is going and at the same time, the direct login on the login screen directly on the Vim3 wouldn’t allow login either because a sessions was open. It asks then if I want to ‘force close’ the current session but the button doesn’t work. More or less, there is no way to use RDP with Ubuntu24 5.15 gnome OS for Vim3.

Do you have ufw enable?

If so:

sudo ufw allow 3389/tcp

Just to make sure everything is installed

sudo apt install gnome-remote-desktop xrdp
sudo systemctl enable xrdp && sudo systemctl start xrdp