Which tty is the uart_C from Android 14 for Kvim3

Which system do you use? Android, Ubuntu, OOWOW or others?

Android 14

Which version of system do you use? Please provide the version of the system here:

Android 14 build according the khasdas vim release doc

Please describe your issue below:

I want to use the pin 15/16 for the UART_C and determine which is the UART_A

The old forum post: I want to use uart in Android - #5 by Terry
says it should be the ttySX, but no ttySX at all, also I checked the post : VIM3/3L UART [Khadas Docs]

only the ttyAMLx exists:

console:/ # ls /dev/tty*                                                       
/dev/tty  /dev/ttyAML0  /dev/ttyAML6  /dev/ttyAML7  /dev/ttynull

Which one is the UART_c and UART_a? What is physical uart for the ttyAML0 ?

Hi @TonyHo ,

Please use our long-term supported version.
Download code:
Compile image:

Android 14 is the trial version, and some features may not work properly.