I’ve tried to apply current .config.h from the main line (5.4) to khadas-linux-6.4.y but flags in 5.4 .config a bit different with khadas-linux-6.4.y.
Where I should get .config with suitable with VIM4 flags ?
Thanks for your answer.
Mostly I understand current state but want to clarify for my self one aspect.
As I understand I can’t just download the latest kernel and build it for VIM4 because you usually add some specific code to a standard kernel to support VIM4 devices. I’m I right ?
And [khadas/linux at khadas-linux-6.4.y] (GitHub - khadas/linux at khadas-linux-6.4.y) it’s another branch that don’t work/not suitable with VIM4, their u-boot and etc. Isn’t it ?
Great. Right now fell into place. Thanks a lot for your answer.
Can I be joined to the beta release for the new kernel ? I have some problems with gathering specific PMU and want to belive that a new kernel can fix it easelly.
What’s the current development state of the new kernel for the Vim4? Can we expect it before the end of the year? Talking about requested features, for sure I (and I think lots of others) want working Panfrost drivers!