What is this test program?

if you do not know, then I repeat, there are already tools for diagnosing Khadas boards

Its weird i have a box called N5X max and it has a sweeper icon at the top if i click it to many times quickly to close apps still running in the background it will open.

It happened on the Khadas board the same way, i clicked the square on the bottom too bar to close background running programs and it popped up

I dont know which board or version of android im still trying to figure out why the stock android 316 is faster then the 317 it doesnt make any sense

Yes, but which one are you exactly talking about ?

Perhaps that version of the image, has a something different in itā€¦
canā€™t say what it is exactly, did you check the kernel version,
are they the same ?

also check that the governor is set to the same one, perhaps 200316 is set to performanceā€¦
You can use a app called kernel editor to set the governorā€¦

depending on your problem

can you give an example ?

I didnt know it was a big deal, it just popped up on one of the versions as i was using Krescue and when it did i took a screen shot with my phone an dmoved on i didnt even think to look at what version i was on.

There is a setting on the side called ā€œstatus barā€ the bottom status bar has these buttons like an old tape deck, arrow left, round dot and square dot i double clicked the square button at the bottom status bar thats when it popped up. try it

How do you close out background running programs?

click the square buttonā€¦
then the hamburger button to stop all of themā€¦

I can, please tell me your problem, there are enough tools as well as solutions. Although itā€™s strange for me to hear this from a person who himself gives recommendations on how to fix problems

Terry posted where the file is, do you have that file?

sorry buddy, sometimes even the guy with the solutions gets stuck with a problem, especially you know me, I am quite clumsy with the hardware, my VIM3 is somehow coping up with the stress I give itā€¦

Where is that? why would it be different? Maybe they felt 316 was running to hot and backed it down before 317?

can Terry help you with this?

what unusual things are you talking about

Kernel editor is a app you can download, from the play storeā€¦

you can see how the kernels work in Aida64, unless of course he means this

yes, exactly, but we can just go to the about device in the settings to find more info about the kernel versionā€¦

we are having great discussions lately!

for editing ā€œKernel Adiutorā€

yes, in that case aida64 is a better app, can you provide link ?
I was not able to get it on my VIM3 for some reasonā€¦