VIM4 OpenMediaVault/OMV Installation

Which system do you use? Android, Ubuntu, OOWOW or others?

Debian 10 (Buster)

Which version of system do you use? Khadas official images, self built images, or others?


Please describe your issue below:

Just thought that I would describe how I was able to get OpenMediaVault (OMV) working and installed on the VIM4 and some of the pitfalls I ran into.


I was only able to get it functioning on the:
vim4-debian-10-server-linux-5.4-fenix-1.1.1-220924-develop-test-only.img.xz (official image) running OMV version 5.6.26.-1.

If anyone is able to figure out how to get OMV 6.x running on the VIM4 (would need a functioning Debian 11 Bullseye image) feel free to post a response.

  1. Installed via plugin script:
sudo wget -O - | sudo bash

GitHub Repo

  1. After the install script finished running I also had to modify the OMV ethernet.j2 file because for some reason the network interface MAC address was unretrievable by its config scripts. If the j2 file is not modified/fixed I found that the network interface’s DHCP will not function upon reboot. I had to remove lines:
        macaddress: {{ mac_address }}

File Location:

Then Re-Run:
sudo omv-salt deploy run systemd-networkd

OMV GitHub Issue

  1. Optional Part 1 In order to get WiFi AP working you also need to configure hostapd.
  • sudo cat /usr/share/doc/hostapd/examples/hostapd.conf | sudo tee /etc/hostapd.conf

  • Edit /etc/hostapd.conf to suit your WiFi requirements.

  • Uncomment and edit the DAEMON_CONF variable in /etc/default/hostapd and set it to DAEMON_CONF="/etc/hostapd.conf" and you should be ready to start hostapd or reboot.

  1. Optional Part 2 I also noticed a [A start job is running for wait for network to be configured] message from a OMV network interface was delaying booting up. So I modified the following file:
  • /etc/netplan/20-openmediavault-ip_wtio.yaml and added optional: true to the device that may not always be available.

  • Then do a sudo netplan apply and reboot.

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Hello @camixx

Thanks for your How-to guide. :wink: