Here we release the first version of Yocto SDK for VIM4/3/3L/1S/ with 5.15 kernel and Edge2 with 6.1 kernel, you can follow the documentation to download the SDK and build Yocto images.
NOTE: For VIM series Yocto image doesn’t have the desktop, you will see a black screen on HDMI display, so you need to ssh (ssh root@xx.xx.xx.xx) to it or use the serial debug console to access the terminal, execute weston-terminal on serial debug console to check the weston terminal.
You can add weston compositor and launch a weston terminal to your meta-layer. That is all we use, no need for a desktop. You can also add a Khadas branded background. It will also have an icon on the upper left for a shell terminal. So when it starts it will look good and you can still run stuff like firefox from weston. The .ini will have settings for the default terminal that has non-blank screen.
In the documentation VIM3/3L. I noticed that we should setup the compile configuration before compilation. I set up bitbake build environment by
source poky/oe-init-build-env
Then I modfied the machine mesong12b-kvim3-k5.15 in local.conf and added layers in bblayers.conf. It seems that I have some errors.
meta-meson/recipes-kernel/realtek/ EXTERNALSRC must be an absolute path | ETA: --:–:–
meta-meson/recipes-core/aml-hdcp/ EXTERNALSRC must be an absolute path
meta-meson/recipes-drm/aml-mediadrm/ EXTERNALSRC must be an absolute path
ERROR: ExpansionError during parsing /home/viziosense/VizioSense/projects/vims-yocto-sdk/sources/meta-meson/recipes-kernel/realtek/
May I miss some steps in set up. Can we have local.conf and bblayers.conf of the example image?
In addition, I think I should do git pull in .repo/repo/ before .repo/repo/repo sync -c command, otherwise I will have an error.
Hi @numbqq, the Yocto image (vim3) can be built successfully. I should set up a python 2 environment and use the script from meta-meson to initialize instead of poky.
source meta-meson/oe-init-build-env-meson
However, I have errors when add some gstreamer packages
ERROR: recovery-image-1.0-r0 do_image_cpio: The initramfs size 173835(K) exceeds INITRAMFS_MAXSIZE: 131072(K)
ERROR: recovery-image-1.0-r0 do_image_cpio: You can set INITRAMFS_MAXSIZE a larger value. Usually, it should
ERROR: recovery-image-1.0-r0 do_image_cpio: be less than 1/2 of ram size, or you may fail to boot it.
If I set up a larger INITRAMFS_MAXSIZE in local.conf. The image can be built but I have a uboot partition error when flash. Any idea on this?
Additionally, is the hardware decoder v4l2h264dec supported in this yocto, as it uses the same 5.15 kernel?
As shown in the image above, locate the partition_normal_linux.dtsi file and change the size of the recovery partition to 0x3C00000. This should resolve your issue.